Fruits & Vegetables

Watermelon’s Myriad Health Benefits

Easiest tips to keep you fit.

Sweet, juicy watermelon is actually packed with some of the most important antioxidants in nature. Watermelon is an excellent source of Vitamin C and Vitamin A, notably through its concentration of beta-carotene. Pink watermelon is also a source of the potent carotenoid antioxidant, lycopene.


These powerful antioxidants travel through the body neutralising free radicals, that can cause a great deal of damage. They oxidise cholesterol, making it stick to blood vessel walls, leading to heart attack or stroke.

A cup of watermelon provides 24.3 per cent of the daily value for Vitamin C, and, through its beta-carotene, 11.1 per cent of the DV for Vitamin A.

Source: The Times Of India

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