News on Health & Science

Arthritis Can Be Managed With Diet and Exercise

exercise, yogaMany people with arthritis automatically reach for pain medication, but it is not always necessary to do so. There are other solutions that work just as well, or even better, for both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.For instance, a variety of supplements — including bromelain, essential fatty acids, and glucosamine — can be beneficial for arthritis. But the best supplement of all is proper food. Proper, nutritious food has yielded health effects that surpass any supplement.

Exercises, including activities that engage the full body, are also recommended for individuals with arthritis. This:

  • Helps joint mobility
  • Prevents loss of lean muscle tissue
  • Maintains strength
  • Reduces pain and stiffness
  • Mobilizes stiff or contracted joints

But perhaps most importantly, it helps people with arthritis stay independent.
