Exercise Yoga

Support Your Triangle

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The yoga basic can stand a tune-up with the help of a wall.


If you practice yoga on a regular basis, you’re probably familiar with the classic position called triangle pose. But it’s a good idea, every once in a while, to practice this pose with the back of your body against a flat wall, so you can check the position of your shoulders and hips for correct alignment.

Stand against a wall in a wide stance with your arms extending out to the side at shoulder level. Turn your left foot in slightly, and turn your right foot out, so that your right big toe points to the right.

Shift your pelvis to the left as you lean your torso to the right, resting your right hand on your shin, ankle or floor. Keep your shoulders and hips and top arm in contact with the wall throughout the entire pose. Feel your chest opening wide, with your hips in line with your shoulders. Breathe fully in this pose for 20 to 30 seconds. Return to the start position and repeat on the other side.

Source: Los Angeles Times

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How To Practise Yoga

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Yoga (asana)is an ancient eastern exercise that is valuable in today’s fast paced society. Yoga is more than a simple workout regime, but rather it is a holistic method of exercise that serves to rejuvenate the body. Weight loss, stress relief, and emotional stability are often experienced by dilligent practitioners.

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Yoga is very similar to stretching and is usually performed in a series of movements. The neck, the spine, and the legs are the three basic concentrations of movement in the performance of Yoga. Performed in this succession, they will render the practitioner fit and exhuberant. The neck twist is easily performed at any time during the day, by simply turning the head to either side, and relaxing the neck muscles. There may be a gentle cracking of the neck in this exercise. The neck should by no means be forced in this exercise, rather it should simply be left to fall in to position. This position should be held for a count of ten, before the head is switched to the other side. This exercise serves to bring blood flow to the brain, and ready the body for the important stretching of the spine.

click to see

There is an old sanskrit saying that “He who has a flexible spine, has a healthy life”. Indeed, the spine is important to the wellness of the individual, as it serves to relay messages from the brain to the body. There are two simple exercises, which will aid in the flexibility of the spine. The “cobra” is performed by laying flat upon the floor, and gradually pushing upwards with the hands, so that the back is upright, (or near upright), while the legs and pelvis are flat upon the ground. This is a suitable vertical stretch of the spine. The “cross over”, is performed by sitting upright, placing one leg over the other with the “over” leg bent at the knee, and twisting around away from the over leg, using the arm for torque. This is a suitable horizontal stretch. The leg stretch is performed by sitting upright, with legs out straight, and bending the waste, so as to strive towards touching your toes. There should be a slight burning sensation in the calves, and or hamstrings; you should adjust the length between the feet, so as to stretch various parts of the legs.

click to see the pictures….>.…(1)..…(2)..….

Practiced in this sequence, of neck, spine, and leg exercises, yoga should impart a wonderful feeling and a general improvement in overall health. Yoga, together with a healthy vegetable and whole grain based diet, should serve to improve anybodys’ quality of life.

Source:Yoga.Com: Jan.29. 2010

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News on Health & Science

Cell Phone on Hip May Weakens Your Bones

Research suggests that wearing a cell phone on your hip may weaken an area of your pelvis. Using an X-ray technique used in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with osteoporosis, researchers measured pelvic bone density in 150 men who regularly carried their cell phones attached to their belts.
…………………wearing a cell phone on your hip
The men carried their phones for an average of 15 hours each day; they had used cell phones for an average of six years.

The researchers found that bone mineral density was lowered on the side of the pelvis where the mobile phones were carried. The findings raise the possibility that bone density could be adversely affected by electromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones.

WebMD October 27, 2009
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery September 2009;20(5):1556-60

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Strengthen Core, Tighten Abs with Upper Body Twist

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Your core is your center and is considered the powerhouse of the body. It consists of all your torso muscles from your upper back to your pelvis. To keep it strong, do this simple yet challenging exercise to tighten your abs and strengthen your back and hip muscles. Be sure you only twist from your waist up. Your lower body should remain stationary throughout the exercise.
1. Hold a 5- to 8-pound dumbbell with both hands and sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Inhale and, on the exhale, tighten your abs, pressing your navel to your spine. Lean back slightly and extend your arms in front of your chest.


2. Slowly rotate your arms and upper torso to the right. Keep the dumbbell in front of your chest. Hold for three seconds, then rotate back to the center. Do three sets, rest for 10 seconds, and repeat on the other side

Sources: Los Angeles Times

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Balancing Builds Strength & Flexibility

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If you’re familiar with the classic yoga pose called “downward facing dog,” try this variation for more of a challenge. It develops flexibility in your legs while strengthening your core and upper-body muscles.


Step 1. Begin on your hands and knees, then curl your toes under and lift your hips to straighten your knees, pushing your heels toward the floor. Shift your weight to your left leg and raise your right leg off the floor. Keep your right foot flexed, with your toes and knee pointed down.

Step 2.  Focus on keeping your shoulders and hips facing the floor as you shift your upper-body weight to your right hand. Slowly raise your left arm off the floor while you use your core muscles to stabilize your shoulders and pelvis. Find your balance and hold for three complete breaths. Slowly lower your arm and leg, then switch sides and repeat the exercise on the other side.

Sources: Los Angeles Times

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