Ailmemts & Remedies


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Eczema is a skin condition characterized by inflammation of the outer skin layer called epidermis. This may be very uncomfortable and even embarrassing for people because it causes severe itching and red discoloration. It affects people of all ages, and it can occur on any part of the body.
Symptoms Of Eczema:
*Eaching,often intense and sometimes worsening in the evening and at night,

*acute lesions may be intensely itchy, small red raised bumps

*subacute lesions may be thicker, paler, scaly, red patches

*chronic lesions may be small, thick, round, scaly bumps, dry rough skin

*Often seen as a rash on the face, scalp, and backs of arms and fronts of legs in infants and young children

*often seen as a rash inside the elbows and wrists, backs of knees and ankles in older children and adults

*hand eczema is common in adults

*itching resulting in scratching often leads to secondary bleeding and worsening of the skin condition leading to raw, broken and bleeding patches of skin

*more easily prone to infections .

Natural Eczema Treatments:
Eczema is a syndrome of inflammatory skin reaction most often characterized by itching, redness, blister, or dryness. The skin inflammation is a sign of toxins inside your body. You see it on the skin because your skin is the largest and only visible organ of your body. Therefore, in the case of serious or chronic skin problems, treating from outside with cream becomes insufficient. The better approach is to detoxify your body by expelling the toxins from inside; preventing the problems from coming back.

*Detoxify your body system to control the inflammation of the skin, clear up your eczema by treating the root.

*Reduce itching, redness and crack associated with eczema.

*Improve your blood circulation to nourish your dry skin.

   * To avoid the aggravation of your eczema, you need to eliminate certain foods, which might generate toxins inside your body. These foods include alcohol, coffee, spicy food, dairy products, nuts, tropical fruit (mango, pineapple), seafood and red meats. And try to reduce your stress level by doing exercise; having enough sleep, etc.

   * Dead Sea Salt Bath Restore minerals to your skin. It can help heal damaged skin barrier caused by eczema or improper topical treatment.

*Grape Seed Extract:   Grape is the most potent preventive medicine you can take! Grapes have been used not only for eating and drinking, but have been also used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. A popular red wine is well known for protection against heart conditions, but very few people know that a substance called oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC) in grape seed is what provide excellent heart support.Not only OPC support eczema but also improves our immune system and the overall health. Its healing and preventive benefits are simply phenomenal. OPC has been found to be the most potent antioxidant every discovered. It is 20 times more potent than Vitamin C and 50 times more potent than Vitamin E. GSE yields a 95% concentration of OPC, the highest of any source.Here are the benefits that OPC can contribute to our health

*Protection against pollution and environmental toxins. GSE is nature’s most potent antioxidant and will help to reduce and prevent free radical damage.

   Fight skin diseases and other inflammatory conditions including eczema and psoriasis:

*Enhances the immune system and balance the breakdown of proteins. Helps to prevent autoimmune diseases.

*Protection against cardiovascular disease.

* Provide energy, improves joint flexibility and prostate function. Anti-aging properties:-

Fish Oil/ Omega-3: Fish-oil contains omega 3 fatty acids, which are essential to human health. Omega 3 has been found have anti-inflammatory properties and aid in preventing eczema, psoriasis, lupus, yeast infections, and other immune diseases and also best known for its magic against cholesterol and heart diseases.One experiment designed to test the efficacy of fish oil on psoriasis showed that people with inflammatory conditions whom were treated with omega-3 resulted in decrease of overall severity and scaling. Over 50% of patients have shown significant improvements. Not serious side effects were observed.

Echinacea:  This is a very common plant that grows in North America. It has been popular herbs for thousands of years, best know for stimulating the immune system, thus used in treating and preventing eczema, psoriasis, yeast infection, lupus, herpes, and other auto-immune diseases. A great deal of research shows that Echinacea increases the number of activity of key white blood cells and boost the activity of T-cells and the production of interferon.Echinacea can be also used externally for eczema treatment and other inflammatory skin conditions. A study where 4500 patients with inflammatory skin condition externally applied Echinacea Products amazingly resulted in 85% cure rate.When patients with rheumatoid arthritis took 15 drops of the fresh-pressed juice of Echinacea three times daily, they experienced a 21.8% drop in inflammation, without any side effects.

 Aloe Vera This plant, native to Africa, is one of the most popular and effective treat many skin diseases. The juice extracted from Aloe Vera plant is filled with nutrients; contains vitamin B (1, 2, and 6), minerals, 18 amino acids and others. Aloe Vera juice has antibiotic, healing, soothing, and penetrating properties and proven to be effective against various skin diseases such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, insect bites, wounds, burns, skin cancer, and also provides excellent support for our immune system.The problem today with Aloe Vera is that many skin care products contain this ingredient but many of them have been made by over-processing the Aloe Vera juice, thus they do not have the original benefit of the plant’s juice. Those products have somewhat degraded the reputation of the plant’s magic. But there is no denying about the amazing things that it can do for our skin and health.Although it’s difficult, look for Products that contain high quality and fresh Alovera Plant. Its most natural and original form is most recommended for eczema treatment.

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.This is purely for educational purpose.

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3 replies on “Eczema”

Many of the natural eczema topical treatments may be good, but think that maybe all irritation should be avoided. By using residue free Eczema products like Laundry detergents and soaps you can totally eliminate the largest sources of exposure to your sensitive skin. This may not seem like a natural eczema solution but given the alternative, being truly residue free verses residues from plants vitamins or extracts of some sort. Anyone will agree that 100% residue free is a better natural solution.
Also this type of irritation prevention can be enjoyed by everyone where with most natural creams or oral vitamins even diet regiments precaution is necessary when trying anything new.
Residue free detergents and shampoos exceed all hypoallergenic standards because there is nothing left to irritate sensitive skin.
These ideas are proven effective, learn more at

Omega-3 is the HOTTEST nutritional supplement in the world – because it works and the verdict on Omega-3 is now clearer than ever, it is the fatty acid that it is essential for keeping cells healthy.

Omega 3 has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties and aid in preventing eczema, psoriasis. One experiment designed to test the efficacy of fish oil on psoriasis showed that people with inflammatory conditions whom were treated with omega-3 resulted in decrease of overall severity and scaling.

It is essential and beneficial in both human and animal diets. Essential to the Human Body, necessary for both mental and physical health and is the primary component of healthy brain cells The brain is made of fat, especially the omega-3 fatty acid DHA, so obtaining sufficient omega-3 is crucial for cognitive functioning and mood.

In fact, omega-3 is used to treat people with elevated TG and who suffer from pancreatic disease that does not respond to drugs.

The fish oil is believed to reduce the stiffness and pain in the joints of rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. Also important for heart health. Omega-3 fatty acids are used in the body to make, repair, and maintain cell membranes. Omitting omega-3 is considered malpractice.

This essential fatty acid can only be acquired through nutritional intake, as our bodies do not produce it. Doctor’s minimal daily recommendation for Omega-3 is 1000 mg per day. The most effective omega-3 is from fatty fish from cold water.

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