Benefits of the Exercise.
1.This exercise makes the legs and lungs strong,spinal column strong and flexable
2. This exercise is very helpful for back pain due to sciatica.
3.This exercise ensures efficient functioning of the digestive systyem preventing constipation, reducing fat.
4.Effective for diabetic people and it helps to cure hernia aswell.
How to do the exercise:………..CLICK @ SEE
To perform this Exercise successfully, concentrate on every muscle being exercised, try to remain relaxed.
1.Lie face down with your forehead resting on the mat, your legs out behind you, the soles of your feet facing upward and your arms by your sides, palms downwards. Strech your neck, pushing your chin as far forward as possible, so that it rests on the mat. Brethe out slowly.
2.Breathe in, and leaning slightly on your left arm, contract the muscles in the small of your back and lift your left leg. It is important to keep your pelvis on the mat and not to twist it and to keep your left arm from shoulder to fingertips firmly on the mat. Keep your left leg straight as you lift it. Hold the position for a few seconds, then lower your leg as your breathe out. Repeat with the right leg.
5 replies on “The Locust (Yoga Exercise)”
I am suffering from serious sciatica. My brother, who is (I hate to say) a better athlete than I am keeps telling me to go to and use the exercises they offer. But this means purchasing a DVD and actually committing to the exercises given – which entail serious breathing techniques, to name just one obstacle…. Have you heard of this? Is it a good idea for someone who is hurt??
I am suffering from serious sciatica. My brother, who is (I hate to say) a better athlete than I am keeps telling me to go to and use the exercises they offer. But this means purchasing a DVD and actually committing to the exercises given – which entail serious breathing techniques, to name just one obstacle…. Have you heard of this? Is it a good idea for someone who is hurt??
Sorry to say I donot have much idea about the websight but as per my knowledge goes, if the pain is minor and due to sudden hurt, only rest is the best solution. If it lasts for more than two weeks, after taking total rest,you should consult a doctor first before doing any type of exercise.
[…] Yoga Exercise to help : 1.The Locust (Yoga Exercise) […]
I’m afraid that the ONLY solution for sciatica is rest. Under no circumstances should you do any exercise for 3 months. Bear in mind that sciatica is not dangerous. No one has ever become crippled from sciatica or died from it. It’s one of those conditions that are extremely annoying – for example, when you have sciatica, it’s hard to stand up without fidgeting your legs about constantly, and it’s hard to straighten and lift ONE of your legs (not both) when lying down. But don’t worry. It goes away eventually and, thereafter, it rarely comes back. However, DON’T do any exercises to get rid of it. All you will probanly do is make it worse.