It is not unusual to gain a few kilos during the college years. But with a controlled diet, there’s a way out.
College years can be great fun
Many students first experience a sense of real freedom during college. You can come and go as you please, eat and drink how you like, and go to as many parties as you can stand. But with this new freedom comes a peril — weight gain. Here’s a quick look at some effective ways to deal with this less-than-favourable aspect of college years.
Be careful with carbs
Chips, cereal, pasta, and bread can all be part of your diet, but if you rely too heavily on those foods they will catch up with you with a vengeance. Simple carbohydrates should be eaten in moderation; they bring plenty of extra calories and little or no nutritional benefit.
Keep an eye on your intake of bad carbs such as white bread, waffles, or white rice. Choose good carbs like brown rice and whole wheat bread whenever possible. Whole grains may take some getting used to, but in time, you may actually find you prefer them since they are heartier and more flavourful than their regular counterparts. They are a good source of fibre, as well. Try to eat some protein with carbs. So, you’ll stay fuller longer. This will also help prevent over-eating.
Add some greens in your plate
When you sit down to your meal ask yourself, “What would Mom do?†But it’ s a good way to put the voice of reason in your head. Would she have ever prepared you a meal comprising crackers and pepperoni eaten straight from the package? Let’s hope not. As goofy as it sounds, I still do this sometimes. My mom’s voice looms, What’s missing from that plate, young lady? I don’t see anything green!†If in doubt, I go with Mom’s omnipresent-advice.
So many choices, so little time
That pre-paid cafeteria card sure comes in handy… cheeseburgers, chili chicken fingers, french fries and more. With the wealth of comfort foods available, you’ll need a stronger resolve to make healthier choices.
One way to cope is to go veggies a few days a week and choose healthier options like an egg white omelet, a hearty salad, or mixed veggies with tofu.
Avoid colas
A can of soda here, a bottomless movie theatre silo there … nothing adds extra empty calories to your diet like those tall cups of sugar water. (Example? One can of soda provides 150 calories.
That could be as much as a tenth of your daily caloric needs!)
Keep a running tab of your daily soda fixes. You will probably be surprised at just how much you drink and, as a result, inspired to cut down where you can. (At my worst, I counted how many cans were in my recycling bin after one weekend and found I was drinking an average of 1,000 calories a day!)
Diet sodas, herbal tea and coffee (without added sugar), and no-cal flavoured waters are good alternatives to regular soda, but try to drink good, old-fashioned water as often as possible.
Add some fitness in your routine :
Try aerobic activities, which involve using the large muscles of your body in rhythmic, continuous motion, improve cardiovascular conditioning and help reduce body fat. Aerobic exercises include walking, jogging, bicycling, swimming and aerobics or exercise classes or videos.
Stretching exercises, which include slow, gentle movements that elongate your muscles, improve flexibility. You could try Yoga as well. If there is an gymnasium in your college, then enroll at the earliest. Just try sticking to these simple tips and stay fit in college.
Source: The Times Of India