Health & Fitness

Eliminate Your Joint Pain Safely And Effectively

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If you experience nagging pain in your shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips or knees—you know firsthand how it can ruin your life. Throbbing pain takes the joy out of doing things you love… robs you of a good night’s sleep… and ruins your days with constant discomfort.

Nearly 66 million Americans—about one in three adults—suffer from chronic joint pain whether it’s from poor diet, lack of exercise, obesity or just the plain wear and tear of aging. Whatever the reason—muscle soreness and stiff and aching joints can choke the pleasure out of life. And research from Yale University indicates that those suffering from joint pain and arthritis will double by the year 2030.

Solutions from the medical industry usually involve costly prescription drugs—many of which are now infamous for their miserable side effects. And some of those pain relievers have been proven dangerous. Recently, investigators found that the popular joint prescription medication Vioxx® triggered more than 100,000 heart attacks. And two similar pain-relief drugs—Bextra® and Celebrex®—are suspected of causing thousands more.

Supplements containing glucosamine, serrapeptase, bromelain and astaxanthin can help reduce your pain or may make it completely disappear. Imagine how good you would feel if you could reduce muscle stiffness and pain… cool the inflammation of your joints… decrease the nighttime soreness… relieve the creaking and cracking joints… and eliminate the everyday aches and pains.

So stop your suffering now and avoid the dangerous risks associated with prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Get the all-natural relief your joints are aching for with nutrients from Mother Nature’s pharmacy.

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Source: Better Health Research

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