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Botanical Name : Merrremia emarginata (Burm. f) Hallier f
Family : Convolvulacea
Genus : Merremia
Species : Merremia emarginata (Burm.f.) Hallier f.
Other Scientific Names:Merrremia gangetica ,Convolvulus reniformis Roxb. ,Evolvulus emarginatus Burm f,Ipomoea reniformis (Roxb.) Sweet,Lepistemon reniformis Hassk.
Common Names:Kupit-kupit (Ilk.),Kidney-leaf morning glory (Engl.)
Habitat : Weedy in fields, roadsides, grasslands, on clay to sandy soils, forest floors; 0-200 m. Guangdong, Hainan [India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand; Africa].
Herbs perennial, prostrate; axial parts sparsely hirtellous or glabrescent. Stems rooting at nodes, becoming tuberculate. Petiole 0.2-3.7 cm; leaf blade reniform to broadly ovate, 0.5-3.5 X 0.6-3.5 mm, glabrous or sparsely appressed pilose, base cordate, margin entire or coarsely crenate, apex obtuse to broadly rounded or slightly emarginate. Inflorescences subsessile, 1(-3)-flowered; bracts unequal, ovate to linear, pubescent, apex acute. Pedicel 2-4 mm. Sepals obovate to circular or subquadrate, ± pubescent abaxially, margin long ciliate; outer 2 sepals 2.5-3 mm, apex obtuse, hoodlike and distinctly mucronate; inner 3 sepals 3-6 mm, deeply emarginate. Corolla yellow, tubular-campanulate, 5-9 mm, midpetaline bands distinctly 5-veined, purplish tinged outside, inside pubescent basally; limb slightly 5-lobed. Filaments pubescent basally. Ovary glabrous. Capsule enclosed by persistent calyx, brown-black, ± globular, 5-6 mm, longitudinally grooved, glabrous, apiculate. Seeds grayish brown, ca. 2.5 mm, glabrous. 2n = 30.
Stems roots at the nodes, and are 10 to 80 cm in length. Leaves are small, kidney-shaped to somewhat heart-shaped, 6 to 15 mm long, often wider than long, and irregularly toothed. Flowers, one to three, occur in short stalks in the axils of leaves. Sepals are rounded, about 4 mm long, with few to many white, weak hairs. Corolla is yellow, nearly twice as long as the calyx. Capsule is rounded and about 5 mm in diameter.
Considered deobstruent, diuretic, alterative.
Edible Uses:
In India, leaves eaten as greens. Young leaves are fried with groundnut oil and other spices and used with bread, called “Roti” made from Sorghum flour. Leaves are also used in soups.
Medicinal Uses:
Parts used :Leaves, tops.
*In the Philippines, decoction of leaves and tops used as diuretic.
*Leaves used as alterative; used in rheumatism and neuralgia.
*Also used for coughs and headache.
*In India, leaf juice given for migraine; also used as ear drops to relieve abscesses and ulcers. Root is used to treat diseases of the eyes and gums.
Studies :-
• Antioxidant / a-Amylase Inhibition / Cytotoxicity: In a study of several extracts, the methanol showed better antioxidant activity in the DPPH radical scavenging method. The methanol and hexane extracts exhibited a-amylase inhibitory activity. An ethyl acetate extract showed cytotoxicity in brine shrimp lethality.
The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.