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Botanical Name :Sabatia angularis
Family: Gentianaceae
Genus: Sabatia
Species: S. angularis
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Gentianales
Common Names :Rosepink, Rose Pink, American centaury, Bitterbloom, Bitter floom, Square-stemmed Sabbatia)
Habitat :Sabatia angularis is native to the United States.Occurring over much of the eastern United States, rosepink is distributed from New York west to Illinois and eastern Kansas, ranging south to the Florida panhandle and Texas. It is considered rare in Kansas and New York, and is considered to be extirpated in Ontario (NatureServe 2007). Rocky open woods, glades, thickets, fields, prairies, roadsides.
It is a herbaceous flowering plant.
Stems – To +60cm tall, branching above, herbaceous, erect, glabrous, 4-angled, winged on angles, from thickened roots.
Leaves – Opposite, sessile, clasping, ovate, entire, acute, glabrous, decussate, reduced upward, to +4cm long, +3cm broad, with 3 conspicuous veins and 4 faint veins (best seen from below).
Inflorescence – Typically flat-topped cymes with many flowers, dichotomously branching. Each division of inflorescence subtended by small foliaceous bracts.
Flowers – Corolla tube greenish, 4mm long, glabrous, 5-lobed. Lobes spreading, pink or white, to 1.3cm long, +/-6mm broad, oblanceolate to spatulate, glabrous, greenish-yellow at very base. Stamens 5, alternating with corolla lobes, erect. Filaments to 5mm long, glabrous, yellowish. Anthers curling, 3mm long, brownish. Style 6mm long, glabrous, whitish to pale yellow. Stigma 2-lobed. Lobes curled, yellow. Ovary superior, unilocular. Placentation parietal. Calyx tube 1.5mm long(in flower), green, glabrous, 5-lobed. Lobes linear, 8-9mm long, 1mm broad, glabrous, ascending to erect, acute, entire. Calyx accrescent. Capsule to 8mm long, cylindric, glabrous, green, many seeded.
Flowering period – June – September.
Propagation : : Seed – best sown as soon as it is ripe in late summer or early autumn. Sow in a peaty soil in a moist shady border or sow in pots in a shady part of the cold frame and keep the soil moist by standing the pot in 2 – 3cm of water.
Cultivation : Rich soils in open woods, clearings, fields and prairies.
Medicinal Uses:
This herb, which should be gathered when in full bloom, is an active tonic, of the more stimulating class, with moderate and somewhat diffusive relaxing qualities, allied to the American gentian, but rather milder. Its chief power is exerted upon the stomach, gall-ducts, and spleen; and the general circulation and uterus feel it moderately. A warm infusion gently promotes the menstrual secretion, in cases of debility. Cold preparations increase appetite and digestion in weak and flaccid conditions of the stomach, and may be used for chronic dyspepsia and general debility. By maintaining the portal circulation somewhat vigorously, it proves of eminent service for the intermediate treatment of agues; and though not a nervine stimulant and antiperiodic as cinchona is, it is of decided value against intermittents where the cinchona preparations (and similar antiperiodics) prove too exciting to the nerve centers. In cases of this class, I have several times arrested ague paroxysms by the fluid extract of this plant alone, with suitable daily hepatics; yet it is not strong enough to meet the chills of deeply-prostrated or congested cases. It makes an excellent tonic addendum to such agents as fraxinus, angustura, or euonymus, in treating chronic biliousness with indigestion; and may be used to advantage with caulophyllum, convallaria, and similar uterine remedies, in chronic prolapsus, leucorrhea, hysteria, etc. Its sustaining influence is shown to excellent advantage in the treatment of night sweats, exhaustion from excessive purulent discharges, recovery from malignant scarlatina, and other prostrated conditions. Some use it for worms, as a tonic. Usually given by infusion, made by digesting an ounce of the herb in a pint of hot water; of which a fluid ounce may be given every two or three hours during the intermission of an ague, or half a fluid ounce every three hours as a tonic.
The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.
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