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Botanical Name : Draba verna
Family: Brassicaceae
Genus: Draba
Species: D. verna
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Brassicales
Synonyms: Draba praecox, Erophila spathulata, Erophila verna, Erophila vulgaris
Common Names:Shadflower, Nailwort, Vernal whitlow grass, Early witlow grass or Whitlow-grass
Habitat: Draba verna grows in the inland western U.S., most of Europe, including Britain, North Africa and temperate Asia.
It is a inconspicuous tiny, tiny plant with only basal foliage which is small (1 to 2 inches long), pubescent with star shaped hairs, and from green to purple in color.
Flowers occur in a raceme (typical of mustards), with each flower having 4 white petals. Flowers are small (1 to 3 mm across).Typically disappears before April.
……Seed pods are flattened, football shaped, about 3 mm long. These can be used to distinguish this plant from Arabidopsis and Shepherd’s purse.
Medicinal Uses:
The plant is used as a treatment for whitlows. According to Culpepper: A strong infusion of the whole plant, fresh gathered, is an excellent sweetener of the blood and juice, and good against scorbutic complaints in general Those who wish to use it all the year, should make a syrup of its juice in the Spring, or beat the leaves into a conserve with sugar, for the dried plant loses all its virtues, and is only to be had fresh for a short time in the spring.
Disclaimer:The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider
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