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Botanical Name : Matricaria inodora
Family: Asteraceae (Daisy Family)/Compositae
Class: Angiospermae (Angiosperms)
Subclass: Dicotyledonae (Dicotyledons)
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Asterales
Superorder: Asteridae (Daisy Superorder)
Tribe: Anthemideae
Genus: Matricaria (Mayweed)
Species: inodora (without a smell)
Synonym:Corn Feverfew.
Common Names :
• English: Scentless false mayweed, Barnyard daisy, False chamomile, Bachelor’s button
• German: Geruchlose Kamille
Habitat :Matricaria inodora is native to Europe.
(Most are very common in the temperate regions of Europe, Asia, and America, as well as in northern and southern Africa, and some are naturalised in Australia. M. occidentalis is native to North America; other species have been introduced there.)
Matricaria inodora is an annual,growing to a height of about 1 feet.Generally flowers during summer time . It is commonly met with in fields, by the wayside, and on waste patches of ground, and flowers throughout the summer. The name ‘Mayweed’ is misleading, as it will be found in flower right up to the autumn. It is spreading and bunching in its growth, generally about 1 foot in height, but varying a good deal. The leaves, as in all the members of this group, are feather-like in character, springing direct from the main stems without leaf-stalks. The flower-petals are white but the heads are borne singly at the ends of long terminal flower-stems, the centre florets deep yellow on very prominent convex disks and the outer florets having very conspicuous white rays, much larger in proportion to the disk than in most of the allied species. Though compared with several of its allies, it may almost be termed ‘scentless,’ the term is not strictly appropriate as it yields slightly sweet and pleasant, aromatic odour.
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Medicinal Uses:
Part Used: Whole herb.
Matricaria inodora has been used in traditional medicine to induce sleep, to treat consumption, and to deter insects.
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