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Botanical Name : Adoxa Moschatellina
Family: Adoxaceae
Genus: Adoxa
Species: A. moschatellina
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Dipsacales
Synonyms: Tuberous Moschatel. Musk Ranunculus.
Common Names :Moschatel, five-faced bishop, hollowroot, muskroot, townhall clock, tuberous crowfoot
Habitat :Adoxa Moschatellina grows throughout Europe, Asia, and North America, in hedgerows, cool forests, at low altitudes in the far north, to high altitudes in mountains in the south of its range.
Adoxa Moschatellina is an interesting little herbaceous plant, 4 to 6 inches high; stem four-angled; root-leaves long-stalked, ternate; leaflets triangular, lobed; cauline leaves or bracts two, smaller, with sheathing petioles; flowers arranged as if on five sides of a cube, small and pale green in colour; berry with one-seeded parchment-like chamber. Growing in hedgerows, local, but widely diffused, also in Asia and North America, even into the Arctic regions.
The flowers, and indeed the whole plant, has a musk-like scent, which it emits towards evening when the dew falls – this scent, however, disappears if the plant is bruised. It flowers in April and May.
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