Botanical Name : Eleusine coracana.
Family: Poaceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Poales
Genus: Eleusine
Species: E. coracana
*Cynodon coracanus Raspail
*Cynosurus coracanus L.
*Eleusine cerealis Salisb. nom. illeg.
*Eleusine dagussa Schimp.
*Eleusine luco Welw. nom. inval.
*Eleusine ovalis Ehrenb. ex Sweet nom. inval.
*Eleusine pilosa Gilli
*Eleusine reniformis Divak.
*Eleusine sphaerosperma Stokes nom. illeg.
*Eleusine stricta Roxb.
*Eleusine tocussa Fresen.
Common Name: Finger millet, Mandia , Marua , Murha
Habitat: Finger millet is native to the Ethiopian and Ugandan highlands. Interesting crop characteristics of finger millet are the ability to withstand cultivation at altitudes over 2000 m above sea level, its high drought tolerance, and the long storage time of the grains Main cultivation areas are Eastern and Southern African countries (Uganda, Kenya, Zaire, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Sudan, Tanzania, Nigeria and Mozambique) and Southern Asia (mainly India and Nepal)
Widely cultivated in tropical Asia and East Africa; cultivated on rainy slopes and upland areas of Himalayas up to 2,300 m elevation.
Finger millet is an annual grass; culms erect, laterally flattened, 60-120 cm tall or long, profusely tillering, in addition to branches sent out at the rounded nodes in succession, plants often lodged or prostrate; root system fibrous and remarkably strong, permeating soil thoroughly, inflorescence a whorl of 2-8 (normally 4-6), digitate, straight, or slightly curved spikes 12.5-15 cm long, about 1.3 cm broad; spikelets about 70, arranged alternately on rachis, each containing 4-7 seeds, varying from 1-2 mm in diameter; caryopsis nearly globose to somewhat flattened, smooth or tugose, reddish-brown to nearly white or black.
Flowers: Lodicules 2; cuneate; fleshy.
Fruits: Caryopsis with free soft pericarp; orbicular; isodiametric; biconvex; exposed between gaping lemma and palea at maturity; 1.5-2.5 mm long; dark brown; rugose.
Medicinal Uses:: Grains flour (ca. 25 gm) is made into paste, mixed with dried root bark (ca. 10 gm) of ‘Rakta-Chita-daru’ (Plumbago indica)
and adequate amount of water. The paste is applied for the treatment of cancerous wounds by the Santals. Grains (ca. 20 gm) are
boiled with the root decoction of ‘Petula’ (Croton roxburghii) and are given for stomach ulcer by the Lodhas. It is said that this
drug is given for 3-successive days. Grains (ca. l0 gm) crushed to powder, mixed with ‘Halud’ (rhizome of Curcuma longa) (ca. 5
gm), Chandan dust (Santalum album) (ca. 5 gm) and adequate amount of water is pounded to form a paste, which is applied on the
measles by the Mundas.
Edible Uses:
Ragi is the main food grain for many peoples, especially in dry areas of India and Sri Lanka. Grain is higher in protein, fat and minerals than rice, corn, or sorghum (Reed, 1976). It is usually converted into flour and made into cakes, Puddings, or porridge. When consumed as food it provides a sustaining diet, especially for people doing hard work. Straw makes valuable fodder for both working and milking animals. A fermented drink or beer is made from the grain. Grain may also be malted and a flour of the malted grain used as a nourishing food for infants and invalids. Ragi is considered an especially wholesome food for diabetics. Tribal people use the seeds as a raw material for the preparation of country liquor.
Other Uses:
Finger millet is used to make Fodder and Thaching & Paper making
Disclaimer : The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplement, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.