
American sole

Family: Achiridae
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Pleuronectiformes


Habitat & Description: American sole fish is a flatfish. It is found in temperate and tropical seas, with some species extending northward into the Arctic. Sizes range from about 100 mm (4 inches) to the large Atlantic halibut, which attains a length of more than 2 metres (nearly 7 feet) and a weight of about 325 kg (716 pounds). Most species are marine, but some spend all or part of their lives in fresh water. Flatfishes are found in depths up to 1,000 metres (3,300 feet), but most occur on the continental shelf in less than 200 metres (about 660 feet) of water.

Flatfishes lie on the bottom, generally covered by sand or mud, with only their eyes protruding. The eyes can be raised or lowered and moved independently. Flounders feed primarily on crustaceans, other bottom invertebrates, and small fish. When feeding they remain motionless until their prey ventures too close and then literally leap off the bottom in pursuit. Flatfishes in turn fall prey to a variety of large fish and cetaceans (such as whales and porpoises), but humans are the primary predator of many flatfishes.

The family includes about 35 species in seven genera. These are closely related to the soles (Soleidae), and have been classified as a subfamily of it, but achirids have a number of distinct characteristics.

Eyes are on the right side, and the eyed-side lower lip has a distinctive fleshy rim. The dorsal and anal fins are usually separate from the caudal fin. The pectoral fins are small or nonexistent. They are fairly small; only Achirus achirus is known to surpass 30 cm (1 ft) in length.

These fish, like other soles, have spineless fins. The dorsal fin typically extends along the fish’s entire body, from the tip of the head to the fused pectoral fin. The right side of the fish, where the eyes are located, may be olive green or brownish in color. These fish often have blotchy or irregular brown markings on an otherwise green body, and some species can control color changes in order to camouflage themselves. Narrow, vertical bands typically cross the right side of the American sole’s body, while the left or underside is often white or pale in color.


Edible Uses:This fish is edible, it has good protin & fat , but eating toomuch and regularly may not good.

*High Risk of Contamination
*Overfished and Unsustainable
*Low in Heart-Healthy Fats
*Much Better Options Available

American sole are not fished commercially, though many people consider them good to eat. They typically feed on small aquatic creatures, including worms, shrimp, and small fish. They can usually be kept as pets, if nourished on a live diet similar to that eaten by American soles in the wild.

Disclaimer : The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only.


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