Fruits & Vegetables

Imbe fruit

Botanical Name: Garcinia livingstonei
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Malpighiales
Family: Clusiaceae
Genus: Garcinia
Species: G. livingstonei

Common Names: Imbe fruit, African mangosteen, lowveld mangosteen, Livingstone’s garcinia or Imbe

Habitat: Imbe fruit is native to a broad area of tropical Africa, from Côte d’Ivoire east to Somalia, and south to South is widespread in the warmer parts of Africa, from just north of Durban as far as Somalia and Guinea. In southern Africa it spreads quite far up the Limpopo and Zambezi Valleys. In this range it encounters widely varying rainfall (from about 200 to 1000 mm a year) and soil types. However, the temperature is a unifying feature: winters (as far as they exist) are warm and summers are hot to very hot. These trees are notably sensitive to cold, though quite hardy to both drought and heavy rain.

Imbe fruit is an evergreen small tree, growing to 45 feet tall. The leaves are borne in opposite pairs or whorls of 3–4, each leaf blue-green, oval, 6–11 cm long and 3–5.5 cm broad. The flowers are produced in clusters on the stems.The flowers are produced in clusters on the stems.Trees flower in the late spring and the fruit ripen quickly, often maturing in mid-to-late-June. The fruit is a small, bright, orange, thin-skinned berry 1–4 cm diameter, with one single large seed; the small yield of edible fruit is pleasantly sweet, yet acidic, but also containing a latex that some people find unpleasan. The fruit is a small, bright orange, thin-skinned berry 1 inch in diameter, with one single large seed, the small yield of edible fruit is pleasantly sweet, yet acidic…….CLICK & SEE

Both a male and female plant are needed in order to obtain fruit, although both sexes can be grafted onto the same plant to achieve the same effect.

Edible Uses:The fruits are sometimes eaten raw. Besides fresh eating the pulp makes an excellent jelly or jam and can be used for fruit leathers, milkshakes and ice cream.
A traditional food plant in Africa, this little-known fruit has potential to improve nutrition, boost food security, foster rural development and support sustainable landcare.

Other Uses: It is mainly grown as an ornamental fruit, but is sometimes eaten. The juice is known for staining very badly. Mostly eaten fresh, it is also used in drinks. It can be grown in southern Florida.

It attracts many kinds of insects and the main reason behind it is that the flowers are full of nectar that pollinates them. Sought after by animals, the seeds of the fruits are then dispersed. The seeds of the fruit are enclosed in a hard coat, compatible to protecting the flimsy embryo on its journey during the digestive system of the animal that ate the produce

Disclaimer : The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplement, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.


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