Botanical Name :Citrus latifolia
Family: Rutaceae
Order: Sapindales
Genus: Citrus
Species:C. latifolia
Citrus aurantiifolia var. latifolia Yu. Tanaka
Common Names:Persian lime, Seedless lime, Bearss lime, Tahiti lime, Tahitian Lime, Persische Limette, Tahitilimette, lima da Persia
Name in Other Languages:
Chinese: Kuan ye lai mu
English: Tahiti lime, Seedless lime, Persian lime, Bearss lime
Finnish: Persian limetti
French: Lime de Perse, Lime de Tahiti, Limettier de Tahiti, Limettier, Limettier De Perse, limettier tahiti
German: Persische Limette, Tahitilimette, Tahiti-Limonelle, Tahiti-Limonellenbaum
Italian: Limetta di Tahiti
Japanese: Tahichi raimu
Portuguese: Limeira Bearss
Spanish: Lima común da Persia, Limero de Tahiti, Lima De Persia, Lima Tahiti
Vietnamese: Chanh Ba T?, Chanh không h?t, Chanh Tahiti
Habitat: Persian lime is native to Southern Iraq and Iran, although other varieties were developed in the U.S. and Florida.
Description: ……..CLICK & SEE
Persian lime is a moderately vigorous, unarmed (thorn less) shrub or small tree that grows about 4.5 to 6.0 m (15 to 20 ft.) tall with widespread, drooping branches. Young shoots are purplish. In contrast to many other citrus species, it is often thorn less or nearly so. The plant is found growing in tropical climates, subtropical with winter rain such as in the Mediterranean and semitropical with summer rainfall. It prefers well drained, sandy or calcareous soils but will not withstand water-logged soils or heavy clays. Leaves are unifoliolate, alternate, broad- lanceolate, medium green, glabrous, pellucid dotted, with acute apex and acute base, and slightly crenulate margin. Flowers are axillary, white, fragrant, solitary or in a few flowered clusters.
Flowers:……..CLICK & SEE
Flowers contain both the male and female organs of the plant; the male part produce pollen and the female part have the stigma or ovary.Flowers are followed by berry (hesperidium), oval, obovate, oblong or short-elliptical, usually rounded at the base that is 4 to 6.25 cm (1.5 to 2.5 in) wide and 5 to 7.25 cm (2 to 3 in) long, often with nippled or elongated ends, generally seedless or few-seeded.
Fruits:………CLICK & SEE
Fruits are initially vivid green to pale yellowish green and yellow when fully ripe. The fruit has thin, leathery skin dotted with oil glands. Pulp is pale greenish in 10 segments, tender and acid. The pollens are not viable. The fruit has a fragrant, spicy aroma and tart flavor, but the aroma and flavor are less intense than those of key lime. The advantages of the Persian lime in commercial agriculture compared to the key lime are the larger size, absence of seeds, hardiness, and absence of thorns on the bushes, and longer fruit shelf life that have combined to make it more widely cultivated. It is also widely available dried, as it is often used this way in Persian cooking. It is larger with less intense citrus aromatics than the key lime.
Persian limes were first grown on a large scale in Persia (now Iran) and southern Iraq.
The trees are propagated clonally, by grafting or air layering. Persian limes are commercialized primarily in six sizes, known as 110’s, 150’s, 175’s, 200’s, 230’s and 250’s. Large numbers of Persian limes are grown, processed, and exported every year primarily from Mexico to the American, European and Asian markets. In 2014, Brazil was major exporter of fresh limes to Europe (about 70%) with Mexico supplying most of the remainder.
Edible Uses:
Fruits are eaten to increase test of different food.
Traditional uses and benefits of Persian Lime:
*Leaves or an infusion of the crushed leaves may be applied to relieve headache.
*Lime juice, administered quickly, was found to be an effective antidote for the painful oral irritation and inflammation that result from biting into aroids such as Dieffenbachia spp., Xanthosoma spp., Philodendron spp., and their allies.
*Lime juice has also been applied to relieve the effects of stinging corals.
*Excessive exposure to the peel oil of the Tahiti lime may cause dermatitis.
*Fresh fruit is used as garnish for meats and drinks.
*Fruit is also processed into marmalade and candied peels.
*Fresh juice is used in beverages especially limeade, cordials, marinating fish and meats and seasoning many foods.
*Juice is frequently used as an alternative to vinegar in dressings and sauces.
*Frozen and canned juice is used in similar ways.
*Tahiti lime is a great accompaniment with avocado served in the form of wedges.
*It is utilized for enhancing lime juice and for most of the other purposes for which Mexican lime peel oil is employed.
*Flowers petals are edible.
*Juice is used as a substitute for vinegar.
Health Benefits:
Ayurvedic health benefits of Persian lime Juice:
*Indigestion & Acidity: A tsp of fresh lime juice mixed with a tsp of honey is a very effective home remedy for indigestion and burning in the chest due to acidity. Lime juice is also useful when there is excessive accumulation of saliva in the mouth.
*Hiccups: Take a tsp each of ginger juice, honey, lime juice and a pinch of pepper. Mix together and lick a tiny bit from a spoon.
*Earache: Dilute a few drops of fresh lime juice with equal quantity of water. Using 2 drops of this twice a day as ear drops is a very effective home remedy for earache.
*Constipation: Drinking a glass of fresh lime juice in warm water in the morning is a good home remedy for constipation.
*Colic or cramps in the abdomen: Mix a tsp of fresh ginger juice with a tsp of fresh lime juice and a pinch of rock salt and a little sugar. This mixture can be eaten by itself, or with a little warm water.
*Pimples: Grind a tsp of dried onion seeds with a little milk. Add half a tsp of fresh lime juice and apply it on the pimples. Leave overnight and wash off in the morning. This is a good home remedy for Acne.
*Anti- bacterial: A paste of fresh of tender leaves of lime with a pinch of turmeric makes an effective anti-bacterial face pack.
*Head Lice: To get rid of lice, mix garlic paste and fresh lime juice and apply at night to hair and wash off in the morning.
*Acidity of the skin: To a cup of unheated fresh milk, add a tsp of fresh lime juice and let it stand for a couple of hours. At bed time, wash your face well with water and pat dry. Apply the above mix and leave it on overnight and wash in the morning. Do this once a week for a few weeks. This ensures that the acidity of the skin is maintained at a healthy pH which dissuades bacterial growth.
*Bleeding piles: Halve a lime and apply rock salt powder on them. Keep this lime in your mouth and let the juice be taken in slowly. Lime juice has anti-hemorrhagic properties and rock salt which is rich in magnesium sulphate, checks bleeding, helps good bowel movements and slowly shrinks the pile masses.
*Swollen gums: A cup of diluted fresh lime juice mixed with a pinch of rock salt should be consumed. Lime rind can also be rubbed over the gums for relief.
Disclaimer : The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplement, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.