Botanical Name: Rubus caesius
Common Names:Youngberry, European dewberry, Dewberry, Common Dewberry, Blue bramble
Habitat:Youngberry is native to Europe and Asia from Ireland and Portugal as far east as Xinjiang Province in western China. It grows in amongst shrubs, in rough dry meadowland, forest margins, coppices, rocky broadleaf woods, waterside thickets, roadsides, mid-successional dunes, riverbanks, valleys, ravines, streams, inundated meadows, gardens and orchards.
Plant:…....CLICK & SEE
Youngberry is a small low-growing, deciduous shrub that normally grows about 2 m (6 ft. 7 in) tall with biennial stems which die after fruiting in their second year. It sends out long runners which root at the tip to form new plants. The plant prefers light, medium and heavy soils, slightly acidic to basic and well-drained soil. The stems are bluish-grey and sometimes prickly. Cane is 1.5 m tall and 0.5-2 m long, armed with irregular sized prickles, greenish-yellow to brown, and glabrous to glabrescent.
Leaf :…….CLICK & SEE
Alternate leaves are hairy above and below. They are stalked and the leaf blades are palmate in shape, either consisting of three oval leaflets with serrated margins and acute points or just being three-lobed
Flower:…...CLICK & SEE
Flowering season June to September
Flower Inflorescence is a loose cluster of several white flowers about 2.5 cm (1 in) in diameter. The calyx has five sepals and the corolla is composed of five spreading petals with finely toothed margins. There is a boss of stamens in the centre and there are several pistils.
Fruit:……….CLICK & SEE
Fruit Shape & Size: Aggregate of several black, fleshy drupes with a bluish waxy bloom
Fruit Color : Green when young turning to deep red and finally dark purple when ripe
Youngberry is a complex hybrid between three different species from the genus Rubus, the raspberries, blackberries, and dewberries of the rose family. The berries of the plant are eaten fresh or used to make juice, jam, and in recipes.
Edible Uses:
*Fruit can be consumed raw or cooked.
*A delicious flavor, it is considered to be superior to blackcurrants though the fruit is rather small and consists of just a few drupes.
*Fruit can be used for making jellies, preserves etc.
*The fresh or dried leaves are used as a tea substitute..
Health benefits :
Youngberry has low calorie and consist of vitamins A and C, some protein, magnesium, zinc, copper. Let’s check out some of the impressive benefits offered by Youngberry.
*Prevents Cancer
*Reduce High Blood Pressure
*Lower Bad Cholesterol
*Ward off Infections
*Maintain Healthy Skin
*Maintain Sharp Vision
*Slow Down Skin Aging
*Prevents Constipation
*Keep Excess Pounds at Bay
*Keep Gums and Teeth Strong
Traditional uses and benefits:
*The fruits are used to increase the appetite, and for digestive and respiratory tract health.
*Leaves and roots can be made into tea, extracts, or an infusion to treat stomach problems such as ulcers and gastritis, and kidney stones.
*Decoction obtained from the leaves, stems, and fruits, in addition to the ailments already mentioned, can promote women’s reproductive health during menopause and to treat cystitis, diabetes, bacterial infections such as pyeritis, skin fungal infections, and hair loss.
*Herbal remedies, including dewberry, are used for the treatment of hemorrhoid in Turkey.
*Honey produced from Rubus caesius is very effective in healing gastric disorders.
Other Uses:
*A purple to dull blue dye is obtained from the fruit.
*The species is cultivated for its edible berries, as an ornamental plant, and for honey production
Disclaimer : The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplement, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.