Binomial name: Gadus morhua
Family: Gadidae
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Gadiformes
Genus: Gadus
Species: G. morhua
Common Names: Haberdine, Cod or Codling
Habitat:The Atlantic cod ranges from Greenland to North Carolina.Atlantic cod prefer waters close to the ocean bottom. They are most commonly found relatively shallow waters less than 500 feet deep.
It is native to the western Atlantic Ocean, cod has a distribution north of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, and around both coasts of Greenland and the Labrador Sea; in the eastern Atlantic, it is found from the Bay of Biscay north to the Arctic Ocean, including the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, Sea of the Hebrides, areas around Iceland and the Barents Sea.
Atlantic Cod are greenish-brown to gray on their sides and back, with a lighter underside. They have a light line that runs along their side, called the lateral line. They have an obvious barbel, or whisker-like projection, from their chin, giving them a catfish-like appearance. They have three dorsal fins and two anal fins, all of which are prominent.
It is omnivorous and feeds on sand eels, haddock, whiting, squid, small cod, crabs, mussels, lobsters, mackerel, worms and molluscs. It is usually 51 inches long and roughly cylindrical in shape.
Detail Description:
*The large species could reach 220 pounds in weight.
*They are slow swimmers.
*Female could lay up to 5 million of eggs which hatch after 8 to 23 days.
*Larvae are 0.16 inches in length and transparent.
*Cods mature at the age of 3 to 4 years.
*Atlantic cod has the lifespan of 25 years in wild.
*It liver for 15 years on average.
*Atlantic cod is also known as “sacred cod”.
*For an adult cod, humans are the natural predators.
Female cod are sexually mature at 2-3 years, and spawn in winter and spring, releasing 3-9 million eggs along the ocean bottom. With this reproductive potential, it may seem that cod should be abundant forever, but the eggs are vulnerable to wind, waves and often become prey to other marine species.
Cod may live to over 20 years
Edible Uses:
Atlantic cod is very much edible. It possesses a mild flavor when it is cooked. It could weigh upto 55 to 77 pounds. It contains ample amounts of Vitamin B12, phosphorus, selenium and protein. It also contains potassium, niacin, Vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, molybdenum and omega-3 fatty acids.
How to Eat :
*The livers of cod are used to make oil which is a great source of Vitamin A, E, D and Omega-3 fatty acids.
*The soft liver of Cod could be canned or consumed.
*It is widely eaten in Spain, Portugal, Brazil and Italy.
*It is also salted, smoked and dried.
*Mix cod with sautéed onions, broth, garlic, vegetables and seasonings to make a fish soup.
*Cook cod with tomatoes, garlic, olives and Italian herb.
*Cod could be poached by covering it with water and adding lemon juice and parsley. Let it simmer till the flesh becomes flakey and opaque.
*A steamed cod could be served in a large and shallow bowl by the miso soup. It could be garnished with chopped scallions, shiitake mushrooms and daikon.
*Cod could be baked in an oven by covering it with chives, chervil, tarragon and lemon juice.
*It could be broiled, baked, poached, fried and braised.
*The tongues and cheeks of Cod are used as delicacies.
Nutritional Value:
In 85 grams, we could find 66.61 g of moisture, 71 calories, 17.36 g of protein, 0.21 g of total lipid fat and 1.13 g of ash. It also provides 34.72% of protein, 24.86% of phosphorus, 7.60% of sodium, 7.14% of magnesium, 6.72% of potassium, 3.36% of zinc, 1.78% of copper, 1.75% of iron, 1.40% of calcium, 0.60% of total lipid fat and 0.43% of manganese.
Health Benefits:
Atlantic cod is a healthful type of fish with many dietary benefits. It is high in protein and low in fat, which makes it an excellent protein source. Cod is also high in vitamins and minerals that are essential to bodily functioning.
The fish is loaded with ample nutrients and vitamins. It contains Vitamin B3, B6 and B12. Moreover, it contains protein, Vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids. It is also helpful for the diabetic heart disease or atherosclerosis patients. The daily intake of fish lowers the chances of heart attack and heart disease. Omega 3 fats and Selenium possess anti-inflammatory properties which help to lower inflammation that results in rheumatoid arthritis, asthma attacks, migraines and osteoarthritis.
It improves muscle strength as it contains high amount of protain which also Strengthens human immunity system. This Protein helps to assist the function of nervous system, hair, skin and bones.
Phosphorus has a vital role to facilitate digestion in human body. Niacin and riboflavin is essential for the metabolism of energy to emotional and neurological response systems. It helps to clear constipation, indigestion and diarrhea. It also eliminates toxins from the body. It repairs degeneration of cells and elemination of toxins from the body.
Disclaimer : The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplement, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.
Known Hazards:
Consuming cod in moderate amounts is safe and generally without adverse effects.
Cod, like most types of fish, contains mercury. Excessive mercury consumption can be toxic and may cause neurological and behavioral disorders. It may be particularly problematic in children.
Fish naturally contain mercury, partly from consuming other fish. It may be worth limiting the consumption of large fish, such as swordfish, tilefish, and king mackerel. It is important to note that albacore tuna has significantly more mercury than canned light tuna.
However, cod does not contain high amounts of mercury. So, moderate consumption of cod should not cause problems in most people.