Botanical Name:Bauhinia vahlii
Family: Fabaceae
Subfamily: Cercidoideae
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Fabales
Tribe: Bauhinieae
Genus: Phanera
Species: P. vahlii
*Phanera vahlii,
*Bauhinia racemosa Vahl
*Bauhinia vahlii Wight & Arn
Common Names: Malu Creeper, Adda Leaf, Pahur Camel’s Foot Creeper
Local Names of The Plant in India:
: Maloo Creeper, Bauhinia climber, Camel’s foot climber • Assamese: Kanchan lota, meramerai lota, Nak kati lewa • Bengali: Chihurlata • Dogri: Malungar • Gujarati: Mahulivel • Hindi: Malungar, Maljhan, Malayu, Mahul, Malu, Taur • Kannada: Bili kanchuvala, Hepparige, Kambihu • Konkani:Chimbeli • Malayalam:Arampuvalli • Marathi:Chambuli, Chamul, Maaul • Nepali:Bhorla • Oriya: Siyali • Punjabi: Maljan, Marwar • Sanskrit: Murva • Telugu: Adda tige, Addaku, Basaanapadadugu, Madapu tige, Mudupu aaku, Parkay tige, Parutakulu tigeSource
Habitat: Bauhinia vahlii is native to E. Asia – India, Nepal, Pakistan. It grows in climax monsoon-deciduous forests at elevations up to 1,500 metres
Bauhinia vahlii is a fast-growing climbing shrub up to 30 m long and 20 cm in diameter. It can grow into tops of the trees. The seeds are tonic and aphrodisiac and the leaves are demulcent and mucilaginous.
It is the largest creeper in India, and can grow up to 10-30 m long. The woody stem can get as thick as 20 cm. The spreading stout branches are covered with rusty fine hair. The stout tendrils are coiling and occur in pairs. Large leaves are 10-45 cm, 2-lobed with a broad cut. The white flowers, 2-3 cm across, turn yellow when old. The flowers are borne in rounded clusters. They have has 3 fertile stamens and 7 staminodes. Fruit is a flat woody pod with fine rusty hairs, 20-30 cm long. Maloo Creeper is found in the Himalayas, from Kashmir to Sikkim, up to altitudes of 1500 m. It is considered to be a formidable enemy of trees. Flowering: April-June.
Grows best in a sunny position. Prefers a fertile, well-drained but moisture-retentive soil.
The plant grows back quickly from the base when it is cut down, and has been known to produce new growth of 15 metres within 12 months.
This species has a symbiotic relationship with certain soil bacteria; these bacteria form nodules on the roots and fix atmospheric nitrogen. Some of this nitrogen is utilized by the growing plant but some can also be used by other plants growing nearb.
Propagation: Through Seed –
Edible Uses:
The seeds are eaten raw or fried[287. Cooked as a pulse.
Medicinal Uses:
The seeds are tonic and aphrodisiac. The leaves are demulcent and mucilaginous.
Other Uses:
Agroforestry Uses: The plant is considered to be a formidable enemy of trees in India, where it has been known to completely smother the tree into which it has grown for support. It is of use on rocky or disturbed and bare slopes, where its can quickly clothe the ground and its large leaves protect the soil from erosion.
A good quality fibre is obtained from the inner bark. It can be made into very strong ropes. It is used for sewing straw mats with the fresh bark. It can be cut in all seasons; the outer bark is stripped off and thrown away, the inner coating being used for ropes, as wanted, by being previously soaked in water and twisted when wet. Before being used, the bark is boiled and beaten with mallets, which renders it soft and pliable for being made into ropes and string for charpoys.
The stems are used for matting, basketry and wickerwork. The leaves are utilized for thatching and making umbrellas.
The large flat leaves are sewn together and used as plates, cups, rough tablecloths, umbrellas, cloaks, and rain capes.
A gum exudes copiously from the tree. Of little value. The bark contains up to 17% tannins. The tannin cannot be extracted easily, but is of very good quality
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