Botanical Name: Daphne oleoides
Family: Thymelaeaceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Malvales
Genus: Daphne
Species: D. oleoides
Synonyms: D. buxifolia. Sibth.&Smith. D. glandulosa. D. jasminea. non Sibth.&Smith. D. lucida.
Common Name: Olive-leaved daphne
Habitat: Daphne oleoides is native to the southern Europe, northern Africa, and Asia Minor. It is often found on calcareous rocks and rocky slopes at altitudes of 1700 to 2300 m. on dry open slopes in Kashmir,
Daphne oleoides is a dwarf evergreen shrub ofvariable habit, usually under 60cm tall, forming low hummocks. Leaves are almost stalkless, squareish and bristle-tipped, glossy above and downy below when young. It is in flower from May to June. Flowers are white, cream or yellowish, sometimes pink tipped, borne in terminal clusters in late spring and early summer, scented. Fruits are orange-red. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Bees, flies, Lepidoptera (Moths & Butterflies)
Prefers a cool lime-free well-drained friable soil. Plants are usually calcicole and require an acid soil. Survives in any well-fed and well-drained soil in sun or part shade according to one report which also says that it is a reliable plant in most parts of the country. This species is not very hardy outside the mildest areas of Britain, tolerating temperatures down to about -5°c. Plants are resentful of root disturbance and should be planted into their permanent positions as soon as possible. The flowers have a clove-like perfume.
Edible Uses:
There is a report that the fruit is eaten, but this report then goes on to say that they cause nausea and vomiting. There is also a report that they can be distilled to make an alcoholic drink.
Medicinal Uses:
The roots are purgative. An infusion of the bark and leaves are used in the treatment of cutaneous affections. The leaves are also used in the treatment of gonorrhoea and are applied to abscesses.
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