Botanical Name: Forsythia viridissima
Family: Oleaceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Lamiales
Tribe: Forsythieae
Genus: Forsythia
Common Names: Golden Bells, Greenstem forsythia, Forsythia
Habitat: Forsythia viridissima is native to E. Asia – China. It grows on ravines, margin of woods near river valleys and streamsides.
A deciduous or partially evergreen shrub 5 to 8 ft high, with stiff, erect, somewhat four-angled branches with a greenish colouration even in the second year; pith lamellate. Leaves lance-shaped, 3 to 6 in. long, 3?4 to 11?2 in. wide, tapering at both ends, but more slenderly towards the pointed apex, toothed in the upper half or quite entire; stalk 1?4 to 1?2 in. long. It is in flower in April. Flowers bright yellow, 11?4 in. across, the four corolla-lobed narrow-oblong, 1?2 in. long. Calyx-lobes ovate, about half to three-quarters as long as the corolla-tube. Fruits broadly ovoid, beaked. The seeds ripen from August to November.
An easily grown plant, it succeeds in all soil types but prefers a rich soil. Succeeds in limey soils. Grows well in heavy clay soils. It prefers a sunny position but succeeds in semi shade though it is apt to get leggy if grown in the shade of trees. Succeeds against a north-facing wall. Plants are hardy to about -25°c. Plants are medium to fast growing. Flowers are produced on wood that is more than one year old. Any pruning is best done immediately after the plant has finished flowering. There are some named varieties, selected for their ornamental value. This species is notably susceptible to honey fungus[200]. Special Features: Attractive foliage, Not North American native, Blooms are very showy. In garden design, as well as the above-ground architecture of a plant, root structure considerations help in choosing plants that work together for their optimal soil requirements including nutrients and water. The root pattern is fleshy. Thick or swollen – fibrous or tap root.
Medicinal Uses:
The fruit is antibacterial, antifungal, antispasmdic and emmenagogue. It is used in Korea to treat carbuncles, mastitis, inflammation, suppuration, lymphadenitis and suppressed menstruation.
Known Hazards: Leaves contain the glycoside Phillyrin, its potency is unknown.
Other Uses : Landscape Uses: Border, Erosion control, Ground cover, Massing.
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