
Coley fish

Binomial name: Pollachius virens
Family: Gadidae
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Gadiformes
Genus: Pollachius
Species: P. virens

Common Name : Coley

Other names: Boston blue (separate from bluefish), Coalfish/coley, and Saithe in the UK, the young fish are called podleys in Scotland and northern England.

Habitat: Coley fish is found in Loch Etive, North Sea. It is common in the northern parts of the Northern Atlantic, including the Bay of Biscay and Palmas Altas Campus. Adults can typically live up to 16–20 years and grow to 100–120 cm but individuals up to 130 cm (51 in) and weigh up to 32 kg (71 lb) have been caught. Juveniles tend to be found close to shore, particularly in rocky areas, and tend to move out into deeper waters as they grow. The current IGFA All-Tackle World Record is 22.7 kg (50 lb) which was caught at Saltstraumen in Norway

This species can be separated from P. pollachius by looking at the relative lengths of the upper and lower jaws. P. pollachius has a longer underslung lower jaw while P. virens has approximately equal upper and lower jaw lengths. This gives a very different profile to the head. In general, P. pollachius is a brown or golden colour with a dark back while P. virens is bright silver with a very dark green back. P. virens generally appears to have relatively smaller eyes. The lateral line of P. pollachius has a noticeable kink over the pectoral fins while that of P. virens is straighter.

The flesh of coalfish (P. virens) is darkly coloured (hence the common name) while that of P. pollachius is similar to other members of the cod family. This dark colour in the fresh uncooked flesh may have led to the undeserved reputation of this fish as poor for eating.


A Coley belongs to the same family as cod and haddock, although it’s considered inferior. Generally speaking, coley is a good choice, as stocks are currently healthy and most are harvested sustainably.

Coley is one of the least expensive fish in the cod family and is a great sustainable substitute for cod or haddock in many recipes. Coley has a distinctive coal-coloured skin with a thick white line running laterally along its body; the belly fades to pale silv

Food Uses:
Coalfish is edible and has commercial value, although it is considerably less valuable than premium whitefish such as cod and haddock. To achieve a salmon-like orange color, it can be salted and smoked. In Germany, the fish is commonly sold as Seelachs (literally ‘sea salmon’), although it is not closely related to any salmon.

While a great deal of saithe consumed in Europe are caught in British waters, it is not a popular fish with consumers there. Most of the British saithe catch is thus exported to France, where it is widely eaten.

It is delicious, healthy, and much cheaper alternative to cod. Coley stocks are thought to be in good shape around the UK and fish are caught using low by-catch nets. Coley is one of the top choices for sustainable British fish. Hake: Hake has a similar light flesh to cod, but is much more flavourful.

Disclaimer : The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only.



Capelin Fish

Binomial name: Mallotus villosus
Family: Osmeridae
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Osmeriformes
Genus: Mallotus
Species: M. villosus

Common Names: Capelin or Caplin

Capelin have a circumpolar distribution throughout the arctic and subarctic regions of the world. In the northwestern Atlantic, they range from western Greenland and Hudson Bay in the north to Maine in the south and are most abundant around Newfoundland. Since the early 1990s, they have been observed in greater numbers in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence and on the Scotian Shelf. In the eastern Atlantic, they are found from the Barents Sea to the coast of Norway, as well as in Icelandic coastal waters. In the Pacific, their range stretches from the Juan de Fuca Strait north along Alaska and across the Bering Sea to Siberia. From there, their range extends south, around Japan and toward Korea. Some stocks of capelin spend the bulk of their lives offshore, moving inshore only to spawn on beaches, while other stocks live their entire lives offshore, spawning on the bottom in deep water such as in the Barents Sea, in Icelandic waters, and on the Southeast Shoal of the Grand Bank.

Capelin are small, slender fish that closely resemble smelt. They have a pointed snout with a slightly protruding lower jaw, a large dorsal fin and a small adipose fin behind it. They are silvery under their lateral line and green or olive-green above it, and their underside is silvery-white. During the spawning season, capelin exhibit sexual dimorphism, which means the head and back of males become darker; their pectoral, pelvic and anal fins are well-developed compared to females; and males have ‘spawning ridges’ consisting of a row of elongated scales just above the lateral line on either side of the body. Mature capelin are generally between 13 and 20 centimetres long, with the largest male found in Newfoundland waters at 25 centimetres long. Mature capelin can weigh as much as 40 and 45 grams, and rarely live longer than five years.


Food Uses:
Caplin fish is eaten in varius ways.Fried or rosted caplin is very tasty.

Possible health benefits of eating caplin;

  1. A rich source of high-quality protein
  2. A good source of selenium, a mineral that acts as a powerful antioxidant in your body

3.Omega-3 fats are polyunsaturated fats with many powerful health benefits.

4.Because capelin is a small forage fish, it tends to be much lower in mercury than larger fish like mackerel and swordfish.

Other Uses:
Commercially, capelin is used for fish meal and oil industry products, but is also appreciated as food. The flesh is agreeable in flavor, resembling herring. Capelin roe (masago) is considered a high-value product.

Known Hazards: Since it is a seafood , those who are allergic to fish and shellfish should avoid it.

Disclaimer : The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only.



Cobia Fish

Binomial name: Rachycentron canadum
Family: Rachycentridae
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Carangiformes
Genus: Rachycentron
Species: R. canadum

*Gasterosteus canadus Linnaeus, 1766
*Elacate canada (Linnaeus, 1766)
*Scomber niger Bloch, 1793
*Apolectus niger (Bloch, 1793)
*Elacate nigra (Bloch, 1793)
*Naucrates niger (Bloch, 1793)
*Centronotus gardenii Lacepède, 1801
*Centronotus spinosus Mitchill, 1815
*Rachycentron typus Kaup, 1826
*Elacate motta Cuvier, 1829
*Elacate bivittata Cuvier, 1832
*Elacate atlantica Cuvier, 1832

Common Names: Cobia Black kingfish, Black salmon, Ling, Lemonfish, Crabeater, Prodigal son and Black bonito.

Cobia is found in warm-temperate to tropical waters of the West and East Atlantic Ocean, throughout the Caribbean, and in the Indian Ocean off the coast of India, Australia, and off the Pacific coast of Japan.

This fish is normally solitary except for annual spawning aggregations, and it sometimes congregates at reefs, wrecks, harbours, buoys, and other structural oases. It is pelagic, but it may enter estuaries and mangroves in search of prey.

Cobia fish attaining a maximum length of 2 m (78 in) and maximum weight of 78 kg (172 lb), It has an elongated, fusiform (spindle-shaped) body and a broad, flattened head. The eyes are small and the lower jaw projects slightly past the upper. Fibrous villiform teeth line the jaws, the tongue, and the roof of the mouth. The body of the fish is smooth with small scales. It is dark brown in color, grading to white on the belly with two darker brown horizontal bands on the flanks. The stripes are more prominent during spawning, when they darken and the background color lightens.

The large pectoral fins are normally carried horizontally, perhaps helping the fish attain the profile of a shark. The first dorsal fin has six to nine independent, short, stout, sharp spines. The family name Rachycentridae, from the Greek words rhachis (“spine”) and kentron (“sting”), was inspired by these dorsal spines. The mature cobia has a forked, slightly lunated tail, which is usually dark brown. The fish lacks a swim bladder. The juvenile cobia is patterned with conspicuous bands of black and white and has a rounded tail. The largest cobia taken on rod and reel came from Shark Bay, Australia, and weighed 60 kg (135 lb).


Food Uses:
Cobia Fish has successfully made its way to the worldwide market and oftentimes served in sushi and sashimi platters, fish buffet service, and retail packages but very few people know about how this sweet flavored, versatile and succulent fish are produced and cultured to perfection. The following information about cobia fish may give us an idea why this savory fish has captured the distinctive palate of fish lovers and health advocates.

The Ten Nutritional Benefits Of Cobia Fish:

1.-Good source of Omega 3.

2.-Provides the Recommended dietary allowance and saturated fat.

3.-Low fat Protein source (about 19 gms per serving).

4.-High riboflavin and Vitamin B6 nutrients.

5.-Low cholesterol content.






Raw cobia meat is light tan. Cooked, it turns snowy white. The sweet, richly flavored meat is firm with a nice flake. The oil content is similar to that of coho salmon, making for moist flesh.

Saturated Fat:,,0.12 g
Cholesterol:….40 mg
Sodium:……..135 mg
Protein:……..19 g

Disclaimer : The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only.




Binomical Name: Stromateidae
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Clade: Percomorpha
Order: Scombriformes
Suborder: Stromateoidei

Common Names: Butterfish,

Habitat : . Butterfishes is native to New Zealand. It is also avaible in coastal waters off the Americas, western Africa and in the Indo-Pacific.

Butterfish is thin, deep-bodied, more or less oval and silvery fishes of the family Stromateidae. They are found in warm and temperate seas and are characterized by a small mouth, forked tail, and a single dorsal fin. Like the related rudderfishes (Centrolophidae) and man-of-war fishes (Nomeidae), they also have peculiar, toothed outpocketings in the esophagus. (The Centrolophidae and Nomeidae have sometimes been included in Stromateidae.)

The Colors of the fish is Leaden bluish above, pale on the sides, with numerous irregular dark spots which fade after death. The belly is silvery.
And the Shapes is about 12 inches long; the general run are about 6 to 9 inches long.

Certain butterfishes, such as the dollarfish (Poronotus triacanthus), are noted for taking shelter when young among the tentacles of jellyfishes. The dollarfish and several other species of butterfishes are commonly used as food. Among these are the harvest fish (Peprilus alepidotus), an Atlantic species that usually grows to about 20 cm (8 inches) long; the Pacific pompano (Peprilus simillimus), a silvery Californian fish; and Pampus argenteus, a black-spotted, Oriental fish.


The rock gunnel, family Pholidae, is sometimes also called a butterfish (see gunnel).

Food Uses:
Major nutrients

Vitamin B-12 (25.42%)
Selenium (21.27%)
Isoleucine (15.25%)
Lysine (15.19%)
Tryptophan (14.09%)

Nutritional Value:
Apart from their wonderful taste, butterfish is a good source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Consuming 32 gram of butterfish offers 0.61 µg of Vitamin B-12, 11.7 µg of Selenium, 5.53 g of Protein, 77 mg of Phosphorus, 1.44 mg of Vitamin B3, 0.096 mg of Vitamin B6, 2.57 g of Total Fat, 0.24 mg of Vitamin B5 and 0.048 mg of Vitamin B2. Moreover many Amino acids 0.062 g of Tryptophan, 0.243 g of Threonine, 0.255 g of Isoleucine, 0.45 g of Leucine, 0.508 g of Lysine, 0.164 g of Methionine are also found in 32 gram of butterfish.

Known Hazards:
One should never eat more than 6 ounces in a meal, because butterfish can cause the sickness known as keriorrhea. Keriorrhea turns your stool orange and is caused by ingesting the indigestible waxy esters that butterfish contain. Eating the fish closer to the tail reduces this risk.

Disclaimer : The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only.



Bombay duck

Binomial name: Harpadon nehereus
Family: Synodontidae
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Aulopiformes
Genus: Harpadon
Species: H. nehereus

Common Names: Bombay duck, Bummalo, Bombil, and Boomla

The Bombay duck lives in the tropical areas of the Indo-Pacific. The fish is also known as “strange fish” 5th because of its discontinuous distribution along the Indian coast. It has been traditionally caught in the waters off Maharashtra in the Lakshadweep Sea, where it is an important item of the yearly catch. This fish is also caught in the Bay of Bengal and in the South China Sea, although in smaller numbers.

The Bombay Duck fish have elongate and compressed body. Their eyes are small, and snout is very short. The mouth is very wide, armed with slender recurved and depressible teeth. And their teeth are of unequal size. The palatine teeth are also large and depressible. Their lower jaw is generally longer than the upper jaw. They have dorsal fin with 11-12 rays, followed by a conspicuous adipose fin.


Food Uses:
The fish is often dried and salted before it is consumed, as its meat does not have a distinctive taste of its own. After drying, the odour of the fish is extremely powerful, and it is usually transported in air-tight containers. The Bombay duck is a popular food item in certain areas of India. Fresh fish are usually fried or cooked in curry.



All figures below are expressed per 100g edible portion.


Energy (Calories)….283 Kcals/Calories

Energy (Kilojoules)…..1197 KJ

Water……………….16.7 g

Nitrogen……………..9.87 g

Protein……………..61.7 g

Fat………………….4.0 g

Carbohydrate………….0.0 g

Starch……………….0.0 g

Sugar………………..0.0 g

Fibre………………..0.0 g


Saturated fatty acids….N g

Polyunsaturated fatty acids…N g

Trans fatty acids………g

Cholesterol…………N mg


Retinol – Vitamin A…..Tr mcg

Carotene – Vitamin A….Tr mcg

Retinol Equivalent……..mcg

Vitamin D…………..Tr mcg

Vitamin E…………….N mg

Vitamin K……………1mcg

Thiamin…………….0.03 mg

Riboflavin………….0.07 mg

Niacin……………..5.7 mg

Tryptophan………….11.5 mg

Niacin Equivalent…….mg

Vitamin B6………….0.97 mg

Vitamin B12…………N mcg

Folate…………….N mcg

Pantothenate……….N mg

Biotin……………N mcg

Vitamin C…………Tr mg


Sodium………….N mg

Potassium……….N mg

Calcium……….1390 mg

Magnesium……….N mg

Phosphorus……..240 mg

Iron…………..19.10 mg

Copper………….N mg

Zinc…………..N mg

Chloride……….N mg

Manganese……..N mcg

Selenium………N mcg

Iodine…………N mcg


Health benefits: 1.

Build and repair body tissues: Bombay ducks are high on protein. And, when they are dried, the protein content increases. Proteins play an important role in building and repairing the tissues in our body.

  1. Effective functioning of the body: The proteins in Bombay Ducks may be used in making hormones, enzymes, and other body chemicals for the effective function of our body
  2. 2.Reduced risks of heart strokes:

Consuming proper amounts of the fish can help reduce the risks of heart strokes. This is due to the substantial level of Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (commonly known as PUFA) in Bombay Ducks. They help prevent the buildup of cholesterol that can clog the arteries, leading to heart attacks and strokes.

  1. Prevents excessive blood clotting:

The Omega 3 fatty acids help keeps blood platelets from becoming sticky and clumping together to form blood clots. Thus eating Bombay ducks frequently can help in preventing excessive blood clotting which is injurious for the heart

  1. Helps decrease triglycerides:

Bombay duck consumption can help in decreasing the blood triglyceride levels. This again calls for a healthy heart!

  1. Aids improved blood circulation:

One can benefit from improved blood circulation, if the fish is included as a part of a well balanced diet. This too is because of the Omega 3 fatty acids that the fish supplies to our body.

  1. Helps building cartilage:

Bombay duck contains chondroitin sulphate, which helps in building cartilage. It is a stiff and inflexible connective tissue found in many areas in the body. This proves to be a blessing for arthritis patients.

  1. Pain killers:

Fish oil present in Bombay ducks proves to be excellent pain killers. It can prove beneficial people suffering from swelling, tenderness, or stiffness of joints, etc.

  1. Controls blood pressure:

Dried Bombay ducks are excellent source of calcium. Bombay ducks help in maintaining the blood pressure levels. The high calcium content in the fish is responsible for controlled blood pressure levels. Studies have shown that the blood pressure levels among people who do not consume Bombay ducks, were comparatively higher than those who consume the fish, especially in its dried form.

  1. Reduced risks of cancer:

They also help protect against colon cancer. Adequate intake of the fish may reduce your overall risk of colon cancer and suppress the growth of polyps that can lead to cancer.

  1. Reduced risks of hypertension:

Bombay ducks are also responsible for the reduced risks of hypertension, due to its calcium’s giving’s.

  1. Eased symptoms of PMS:

Bombay ducks have shown to help women in improving premenstrual moods. The high content of calcium in the fish helps ease the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

  1. Reduced risks of anemia:

The fish in its dried form is known to provide abundant quantity of iron to our body. It reduces the risks of anemia. This also greatly helps people suffering from anemia, as anemia is mainly a result of iron deficiency in the body.

  1. Formation of hemoglobin:

A frequent serving of the fish helps in the formation of hemoglobin in the blood, due to its high iron content. Sufficient quantities of iron in the blood gives a dark red shade to the blood and aids in transporting oxygen to the body cells.

  1. Improved muscle function:

The fish improves our muscle function. Iron in Bombay ducks help supply proper oxygen to the muscle tissues to ensure the required contraction of the muscles.

  1. Improved brain function:

Development of the brain function is also one of the many benefits consumption of Bombay ducks has to offer. The iron content in the fish is directly related to a healthy brain and its efficient functioning.

  1. Regulates body temperature:

Bombay duck consumption helps in regulating our body temperature because of its iron content.

  1. Stronger immune system:

Bombay ducks contain various minerals and vitamins. These help in making our immune system stronger. These minerals and vitamins, mainly iron, and Vitamin A, make the body proficient enough to fight against a number of diseases and infections, keeping us strong and healthy.

  1. Cure for insomnia:

Traditionally, dried form of many fish was used to cure insomnia, owing to their iron content. One of them is Bombay duck.

  1. Healthy bones and teeth:

Bombay ducks are a good source of phosphorous supply to our body. This contributes to healthy bones and their formation, with association with the high calcium content in the fish, making the bones strong to withstand the normal wear and tear of human life. It also helps in achieving healthy gums and tooth enamel. It helps in relieving serious problems like loss of bones, also known as osteoporosis. Phosphorous in the fish lays the foundation of a strong skeletal structure to ensure healthy living.

  1. Helps reduce fatigue and weakness:

Studies have shown that on account of the high iron and phosphorous content in Bombay ducks, they help in eradicating the different causes of fatigue and weakness, keeping us energetic and revitalized. Eating the fish regularly may also help improving our concentration levels. It helps in increasing our energy metabolism as well.

  1. Helps in blood cell formation:

Bombay ducks may also be useful in blood cell formation, and cell repair and maintenance in the body because of the iron and phosphorous it provides us. Consuming the fish frequently helps ensure that the body cells are developed properly and remain active for admirable health conditions.

  1. Helps in healing wounds:

Bombay ducks provide sufficient quantities of zinc to our body. This is an important mineral for wound healing.

  1. Improved digestion:

Eating the fish can facilitate us with a healthy digestive system. Bombay ducks, on account of their phosphorous content fuels the digestion of riboflavin and niacin in a proficient manner. This calls for effective digestion.

  1. Healthy kidney functions:

Bombay ducks help in keeping our kidneys in normal conditions because of the phosphorous. This keeps our kidneys healthy. It also helps ensuring proper release of wastes from kidneys by the process of excretion.

  1. Healthy eyes and vision:

Bombay ducks also provide a very good amount of vitamin A to our body. This makes us have healthy vision. It aids us in reducing the risks of eye infections, and ailments.

  1. Aids sexual health:

The zinc content in Bombay ducks aids in the normal sexual function of the body. The phosphorous, on the other hand helps curing sexual weakness in the body.

  1. Aids optimal thyroid functioning:

Bombay ducks can also help in the optimal thyroid functioning, making the gland healthier. The fish is a good source of iodine, which is one of the most important elements for the thyroid gland.

  1. Helps chemical reactions in the body:

As Bombay ducks are full of various minerals and vitamins, they help in the proper utilization of all the nutrients entering in our body. This is because, minerals like phosphorous act as a participant to a number of chemical reactions that take place inside our body.

  1. Improves hormonal balance:

Since Bombay ducks are high on iron and phosphorous content, they provide for hormonal balance in the body. It provides sufficient quantities of minerals required to the body which are vital for regulating the balance of hormones in human body. It ensures that the hormones, especially those required for good reproductive health, are always present in balanced form.

  1. Healthy memory:

Bombay ducks are a very good source of B complex vitamins. This accounts for a healthy memory. Deficiency of these vitamins in the body, mainly B12 can cause memory loss and confusion.

  1. Healthy skin and lips:

The dose of vitamin A that our body gets from the fish helps in toning our skin, making it firmer. Similarly, the fish provides us with the vitamin B3, namely niacin, which is responsible for a healthy looking skin by providing for proper metabolism of food. The other B complex vitamins it provides, helps us have healthier and softer lips. People suffering from perennially chapped lips could use this tasty delight as a remedy.

  1. Beautiful hair:

Other beauty benefits it provides, is that since it is high on proteins, it makes our mane healthier and more lustrous. Protein is the main element which takes care of healthy hair. It is effective for problems like hair fall, hair breakage, and damaged hair.

  1. Stronger nails:

Proteins and calcium in Bombay ducks also aid in healthy nails. People who suffer from weak or brittle nails, and break their nails often due to the weakness, should add Bombay ducks to their diets.

Disclaimer : The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplement, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.

