
Ten Reasons to Buy Local Food

locally grown food[amazon_link asins=’1580089763,B06X3T6R21,B01G9CLEXE,B00489QGI4,B01N81DUSX,B00O025GZ8,B076Z19HJR,B01MV7LUVQ,B015HQ8KNU’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’09c5ae27-1535-11e8-a8c1-bf72bdb592a7′]

Brenton Johnson, an organic farmer and owner of Johnson’s Backyard Garden, came up with this list of top 10 reasons to buy local food, based on his philosophy to live in harmony with the land.

1. Locally grown food tastes better. Food grown in your own community is usually picked within the past day or two. It’s crisp, sweet, and loaded with flavor. Produce flown or trucked in is much older. Several studies have shown that the average distance food travels from farm to plate is 1,500 miles.2. Local produce is better for you. Fresh produce loses nutrients quickly. Locally grown food, purchased soon after harvest, retains its nutrients.

3. Local food preserves genetic diversity. In the modern industrial agricultural system, varieties are chosen for their ability to ripen simultaneously and withstand harvesting equipment. Only a handful of varieties of fruits and vegetables meet those rigorous demands, so there is little genetic diversity in the plants grown. Local farms, in contrast, grow a huge number of varieties to provide a long season of harvest, an array of eye-catching colors, and the best flavors.4. Local food is GMO-free. Although biotechnology companies have been trying to commercialize genetically modified fruits and vegetables, they are currently licensing them only to large factory-style farms. Local farmers don’t have access to genetically modified seed, and most of them wouldn’t use it even if they could.

5. Local food supports local farm families. With fewer than 1 million Americans now listing farming as their primary occupation, farmers are a vanishing breed. Local farmers who sell direct to consumers cut out the middle man and get full retail price for their crops.

6. Local food builds a stronger community. When you buy direct from the farmer, you are re-establishing a time-honored connection between the eater and the grower.

7. Local food preserves open space. As the value of direct-marketed fruits and vegetables increases, selling farmland for development becomes less likely. The rural landscape will survive only as long as farms are financially viable.

8. Local food helps to keep your taxes in check. Farms contribute more in taxes than they require in services, whereas suburban development costs more than it generates in taxes.

9. Local food supports a clean environment and benefits wildlife. A well-managed family farm is a place where the resources of fertile soil and clean water are valued. Good stewards of the land grow cover crops to prevent erosion and replace nutrients used by their crops. Cover crops also capture carbon emissions and help combat global warming.

10. Local food is about the future. By supporting local farmers today, you can help ensure that there will be farms in your community tomorrow, so that future generations will have access to nourishing, flavorful, and abundant food.

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Ailmemts & Remedies


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Pyorrhoea, or periodontal disease, to give it a proper medical term, is disease of the gums. It is one of the most widely prevalent diseases. It affects the membrane surrounding the roots of the teeth and lead to loosening of the teeth, us formation, and shrinkage of the gum. This disease is the primary cause for tooth loss among adults….click & see


The gums become tender, and on pressing, pus oozes out along the margin of the teeth. Us from the cavities continually find its way into the stomach. When the disease is far advanced, the gums become swollen, and the stomach being sosed with increasing quantities of pus, does not function properly. A sepsis may appear in various forms, digestion gets disturbed, liver trouble sets in, and the whole system is adversely affected.


Root cause:
Pyorrhoea is triggered by bacterial activity .A thin layer of harmful bacteria is continuously building up on our teeth. If it is not removed by tooth cleansing, especially after meals, it forms an organized mass on the tooth surface in a short time. This is referred to as bacterial plaque. When accumulated, bacteria in plaque produce many toxins, which irritate the gums, causing them to become inflamed, tender and prone to bleeding easily. The bacterial activity is however, facilitated by the lowered vitality of the system. Other factors contributing to the development of pyorrhea include chemical irritants in the mouth, incorrect brushing, stagnation of food particles, and improper use of tooth picks.

Untreated gingivitis will develop into true periodontal disease. The term pyorrhoea is often used for advanced periodontal disease. There are three easily defined stages of periodontitis:

A) Early periodontitis:- In this stage plaque has been allowed to build up around the gums, and under the edges of the gums. This causes swelling of the edges of the gums and the gum pulls away from the tooth, allowing more harmful bacteria into this “pocket”.

B) Moderate Periodontitis :-At this stage the gum is detaching from the tooth further down the root, and the pockets are difficult to clean with normal methods. The detached gum spreads down beyond the top of the bone which is starting to get eaten away by the bacteria and toxins.This can still be treated non surgically.

C) Advanced Periodontitis :-The gums receed down the tooth –so called long in the tooth appearance. The pockets deepen and fill with pus . The teeth will become loose. You are quite likely to have severe bad breath and blood in your mouth when you eat most firm foods. This stage may need to be treated surgically.

Can antibiotics cure gum disease?

An antibiotic can help if you have a very painful swelling where pus has formed between the teeth, but generally we do not use antibiotics in the treatment of gum disease. We may however recommend localised antibiotic treatments for particular areas of your mouth. For example periochips, elyzol, gengigel, dentomycin. These are not a cure but can help us control an acute phase of gum disease.

Can I prevent gum disease?
In almost all cases the answer is yes. Good oral hygiene, use of dental floss or interdental brushes will prevent plaque building up. Regular dental examinations are also vital to ensure any gum disease is found at an early stage. To check if gum disease is present you will often find we gently probe your gums with a special blunt probe to see if their is any bleeding.

Other Healing Option :
The information of preventing and curing pyorrhea.

1. Improvement of your pseudo-diabetic constitution :-

To prevent pyorrhea you should cure diabetes or improve your pseudo-diabetic constitution by taking exercise.
In other words you can not cure your pyorrhea without improving your pseudo-diabetic constitution.
In Japan almost all dentists do not or can not explain this.

a. Exercise
Exercise is the best way for improving your pseudo-diabetic constitution. Only 30 minutes walk a day will improve your physical constituion.

b. Weight Control
we recommend you to control your weight. To this end Body Fat Calculator is useful.

c. Garlic & Royal jelly
Taking garlic is effective in improving your pseudo-diabetic constitution and pyorrhea.
Also taking royal jelly is effective in improving your pseudo-diabetic constitution and pyorrhea.

2. Brushing your teeth for over 20 minutes a day. :-
Long time brushing of gums will improve the blood circulation of gums. It will improve your pyorrhea.
Brushing of gums with an interdental brush also improve the blood circulation of gums. It improve your pyorrhea.
Brushing of gums with dental floss also improve the blood circulation of gums. It will improve your pyorrhea.

Herbs that helps: 1. Guava Leaves 2 Lemon & Lime 3.Spinach juice 4.Wheat

Ayurvedic: 1.Applications Dant Manjan Lal 2.Lavang Tel 3.Iremedadi Taila

Diet :The patient should take only boiled vegetable, fruit juice and fruit at first. Oranges and carrot should be used at

first. After the juice fast patient can take three normal meals per day but he or she has to take properly cooked food. White bread, white sugar, all tinned food, must be given up. Condiments, sauces, alcohol, coffee, and strong tea as well as meat and other flesh foods should be avoided.

Lifestyle: During the juice fast the bowels should be cleaned daily with a warm water enema. Daily dry friction and hipbath as well as breathing and other exercises, should form a part of the morning routine. A hot Epsom salts bath taken twice weekly will also be beneficial.

Homeopathic Treatment for Gum Disease that will prevent Pyorrhoea

Home Remedies for Pyorrhoea:
Pyorrhoea treatment using Guava
Chewing unripe guava is an excellent tonic for the teeth and gums. It stops the bleeding from the gums due to its styptic effect and richness in vitamin C. Chewing the tender leaves of the guava tree also helps in curing bleeding from the gums and keeps the teeth healthy. A decoction of root-bark can also be beneficially used as a mouthwash fur swollen gums

Pyorrhoea treatment using Lemon and Lime:
The regular use of lemon and lime is useful in pyorrhoea due to their high vitamin C content. They strengthen the gums and teeth, and are very effective in preventing and curing acute inflammations of the gum margins

Pyorrhoea treatment using Orange:
The use of orange has also been found beneficial in the treatment of pyorrhoea. This fruit should be eaten regularly and its skin rubbed over the teeth and gums. This will improve the condition

Pyorrhoea treatment using Pomegranate Rind:

Powder of the dry rind of pomegranate, mixed with pepper and common salt, can be applied as a very good dentifrice. Its regular application strengthens the gums, stops bleeding, and prevents pyorrhoea

Pyorrhoea treatment using Spinach Juice:
The juice of raw spinach is another valuable remedy for the prevention and treatment of pyorrhoea because of its beneficial effect on the teeth and gums. This effect is greatly enhanced if spinach juice is taken in combination with carrot juice. Both spinach juice and carrot juice should be taken in quantities of 125 ml each daily. A permanent aid for this affliction has been found in the use of natural raw foods, and in drinking an ample quantity of carrot and spinach juice

Pyorrhoea treatment using Lettuce:
Lettuce has proved useful in preventing pyorrhoea The leaves of this vegetable should be chewed everyday immediately after meals for this purpose

Pyorrhoea treatment using Wheat:
Wheat is especially valuable in the prevention and treatment of pyorrhoea. Wheat chapatis are usually taken with other foods, and hence, the other food also gets chewed properly. This not only provides the needed exercise for the teeth and gum but also aids in digestion

Pyorrhoea diet
Fruit juice and fruit diet
The patient should begin the treatment with a short juice fast for three to five days. Oranges and carrot should be used for juices. After the juice fast, the patient should spend the next three to five days on an exclusive fresh fruit diet, taking three meals a day of juicy fruits

Balanced diet
Thereafter he may gradually embark upon a balanced diet, with emphasis on fresh fruits, green salads, whole-meal bread, properly cooked vegetables, cheese, nuts, and milk

White bread,refined food, condiments, meat etc should be avoided

White bread, white sugar, and all refined and tinned foods must he completely given up. Condiments, sauces, alcohol, coffee, and strong tea, as well as meat and other fresh foods should also be avoided

Other Pyorrhoea treatment
Warm-water enema and a hip bath
During the juice fast, the bowels should be cleansed daily with a warm-water enema. Daily dry friction and a hip bath should be taken

Breathing exercises and hot Epsom salts bath
Breathing and other exercises, should form a part of the morning routine. A hot Epsom salts bath taken twice weekly will also be beneficial.

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.

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