
Leg Raises(Yoga Exercise)

Description of the Asana.


The simple exercises prepare the body for asanas, strengthening in particular the abdominal and lower back muscles.Releves back pain.

Single Leg Raising

Inhaling raise the right leg as high possible; then, exhaling, lower it down. Repeat with the left leg. Perform three times.
Inhaling, raise the right leg, then clasp it in both hands and pull it toward you, keeping your head down. Take a few breaths.
Now raise your chin to your shin and hold for one deep breath; then exhaling, lower the head and, leg. Repeat three times each side.
Double Leg Raising

Lie flat on the floor inhaling, raise both legs, keeping your knees straight and your buttocks on the floor ; then exhale and lower them. Repeat ten times.

Note: Make sure that your lower back remains flat on the floor while you bring the leg down,to avoid injuring your spine.


Ailmemts & Remedies

Anorexia (loss of appetite)

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Anorexia means loss of appetite. It is a symptom of disturbed digestion and common results from failure of activity of the stomach and secretion of gastric juices due to low vitality which, in turn, can be due to various causes. & see

Person suffering from this disease may refuse to eat .Generally they suffer from Insomnia also. Root causes :

People suffer from anorexia when they habitually take a faulty diet and hardly do any physical work. It may cause from physical stress and strain. It also can be caused by mental or domestic worry, emotional disturbances. Difficult working condition and nervous disorder also may cause Anorexia. General body disorder and diseases also lead to this condition.

Person suffering from this disease may refuse to eat .
Generally they suffer from Insomnia also.

Click to see & learn more about Anorexia


Herbs Help to heal the desease: Lime, Ginger, Garlic, Orange and Apple

Ayurvedic Supplements : Agnitundi Bati, Kshudhakari Bati and Amalki Rasayan (Link to buy in internet)

Diet : The only effective treatment of anorexia is thorough cleansing of the digestive tract, and adoption of the sensible diet thereafter, along with a change in the style of living .To begin with the patients should fast on orange juice and water for first three to five days. After the juice diet the patient may adopt a all fruit diet for a further five days, taking three meals a day of juicy fruits, such as apples, pears, grapes, oranges, pineapple, peaches at five hourly intervals. Thereafter he may adopt a restricted diet of easily digestible foods, consisting of lightly cooked vegetables, juicy fruits, and buttermilk for about ten days.

Lifestyle : During the first three to five days of the juice fast, the bowels should be cleansed with a warm water enema each day. The poisonous matter will thus be eliminated by this self – cleansing process.

YOGA: The Lotus (Padma Asana),Basic Breathing (Pranayama) & Vajrasana
(It is always adviced to practice YOGA under the guidance of an expart for beginers)
The Lotus (Padma Asana)
Benefits of the asana

Effective For liver disorder (hidden lotus)

Lotus warm-ups

Practising these bhadrasana poses will help you to achieve the lotus. Sit with spine erect and soles of the feet together, heels close to the body. For the Ankle-knee pose, press your knees forward with a straight back. For the Butterfly, right, clasp your feet and move your knees up and down.

The lotus:
To assume the Lotus position, start by sitting with your legs out in a “V” shape in front of you, with spine erect. Bend one knee and bring the foot in, placing it high on the thigh. Now bring the second foot in. If you place it under the opposite thigh, you form the Half Lotus
The Half lotus(Ardha Palmasan) which is easier at first, and can be used for meditation and pranayama until your legs are more supple. For the full Lotus, you lift the second leg in over the first placing the foot high on the opposite thigh. In the classic Lotus, the left leg is on top, and the knees touch the floor.

Basic Breathing (Pranayama)

Yogic breathing or pranayaam revitalises the body steadies the emotion and creats great clarity of the mind. Yoga breathing exercises are performed sitting down with the spine neck and head in a straight line in the lotus pose.

Kalpabhati is a kriyas of purification besides being a pranayama. The forced exhalation rids the lower lungs of the stale air making way for a fresh intake of oxygen rich air in cleansing the entire respiratory system. This is a wonderfully invigorating exercise to begin your pranayam. By increasing the amount of oxygen in the body its effect is to clear the mind and improve concentration.



Effective for cardiovascular problems.
To clear the mind and improve the concentration
Description of the asana

Sit in ardha padmasana (lotus )–But if you have knee ache,sit on a bench or chair.Keep the feet crossed on a rug or a carpet.
Take two normal breaths.
Inhale, Now exhale, pulling in your abdomen and inhale, relaxing your abdomen.
Repeat 20 times, keeping a steady rhythm and emphasising the exhalation each time.
Inhale fully and hold your breathe as long as you can.
Slowly exhale.
Anuloma Viloma

In this alternate nostril breathing exercise, you inhale through one nostril, retain the breath, then exhale through the other nostril in a ratio of 2:8:4. If you are really healthy, you the will breathe predominantly through the Ida nostril for about one hour and fifty minutes, then through the other nostril. But in many people this natural rhythm is disturbed. Anuloma Viloma restores an equal flow, balancing the flow of prana in the body.

Description of the asana

Close your right nostril with your thumb and keeping it closed breathe in through the left nostril counting up to four.
Hold your breath and count to sixteen while opening the right nostril and closing your left with your third finger.
Breathe out slowly through the right nostril to a counterfiet.
Repeat the exercise but breathe in through the right nostril and out through the left.

It’s a kind of meditation which improves concentration memory and confidence. This extended exhalation makes it a very beneficial exercise for pregnant women, in preparation for labour. Sometimes known as the humming breath, Brahmari also gives a sweet clear voice and is highly recommended for singers.

Description of the asana
To practise Brahmari

You partially close the glottis as you inhale through both nostrils, making a snoring sound
Then exhale slowly, humming like a bee.
The inhalation clears and vibrates the throat area.
Humming while you breathe out, enables you to spin out the breath and make a longer exhalation.
You should repeat Brahmari five to ten times.


1. It ensures digestion and
prevents excess wind formation.

Those suffering from knee pain should not practise this asana.

Description of the asana

1. Sit on your knees keeping them together.

2. Draw both toes together, and with heels apart, sit on them.
Keep your hands straight on the respective knees.

3. Breathe normally with your spine straight. Relax your hands
and release the legs

4. Now lie on your back or stretch your legs in front with hands
at the back and relax.

5. Take rest for 10 counts and repeat.

6. Do this two times.


Control your temper (Through Yoga)

Simple Yoga to Control Anger which harms you all the time:

The next time you get angry, think of yoga. Unless and until you learn the tricks of controlling your anger, you are likely not only to lose control over your life but also ruin your relationship with people who are close to you.

Anger is a very strong emotion. Technically, it is a response to some actual or perceived injury, about which we feel the need to retaliate immediately. It is a reaction to the non-fulfilment of something that we desire. In most cases, our ego comes to the forefront, which acts as a negative catalyst. Later on, after calming down, we regret this reaction and its consequences.

Anger is such an unbridled energy that it has the power to destroy reason and our ability to respond to a situation in an appropriately mature manner. We say things without really meaning to, only to repent later on for having said them, but very often the damage has already been done. Words, once uttered, cannot be withdrawn, and the reaction to anger is usually anger.

So a vicious cycle drags us into a vortex of negative reactions. An angry personality can be transformed significantly by following a yogic approach. Yoga helps us to harness this raw energy through a combination of asanas, pranayama, relaxation, diet, and regular reflection about attitudes and expectations.

Bhramari Pranayama  click to see

The best time for this pranayama is late at night  before you retire for the day, or early in the morning   when it is relatively silent outside. If you are extremely tensed up, you can do it for up to half-an-hour. However, it must be done sitting down. Once again, if you have heart ailments, avoid breath retention.

Advasana   click to see
Lie down on your stomach, with the forehead resting on the floor. The big toes should be touching each other and the heels should be allowed to flop to the sides. If you find difficulty in breathing, place a pillow under the chest.
Breathing: As you breathe naturally and without extra effort, notice the gentle rising and falling of the spinal column.

Surrender yourself to the floor and gradually start breathing longer and deeper. Try to breathe steadily. You can continue in this position for as long as you wish.
Benefits: This is a position of surrender and makes the mind calm down rapidly. If you have a short temper, this asana will help to a great extent. When you feel that you are on the verge of an emotional outburst, move away from the situation and lie down in advasana. Keep focusing on the incoming and outgoing breath rather than your agitated thoughts.
Shashankasana (Rabbit posture)
You can easily visualise an angry person, animal or bird, but you will find it very difficult to visualise an angry rabbit. This is what Shashankasana helps you to achieve.

Do this asana for a few minutes every day. If you find it difficult to bring your forehead to the floor, use a cushion for support. Keep the big toes together and the heels outwards and sit with the buttocks in the space between the heels. Try to settle down in this posture, allowing the spinal column to stretch fully. Continue sitting in this manner for a few minutes.

Breathing: Breathe in a relaxed and normal manner.

Sheetali Pranayama
Sit in any comfortable cross-legged posture, close your eyes and relax the body. Put your tongue out as much as possible and turn the sides of the tongue upwards, trying to bring the edges together to form a tube.
Breathing: Inhale deeply through this tube, draw in the tongue, close your mouth and then exhale through the nostrils. When you are inhaling through the tube, there should be a sound of air rushing in. Once again, open the mouth, form the tube, inhale, close the mouth and exhale through the nostrils. Continue this for one to two minutes.

During the summers, you can do this pranayama for a longer period.

WARNING: People with low blood pressure and respiratory tract disorders should avoid doing this asana. Those with heart diseases should not attempt breath retention.The best time for this pranayama is late at night   before you retire for the day, or early in the morning   when it is relatively silent outside. If you are extremely tensed up, you can do it for up to half-an-hour. However, it must be done sitting down. Once again, if you have heart ailments, avoid breath retention.

Nasikagra Drishti
This is an excellent practice for calming down an angry personality, but people suffering from depression should avoid doing this.
Sit in a comfortable meditative posture, with the head and spine upright. Place the hands on the knees in any mudra, close the eyes and allow the body to relax.
Open the eyes slightly and focus the gaze at the nose tip, without strain. If you are doing this correctly, you will see a double outline of the nose like an inverted V. Concentrate on the tip of the V-image and try not to allow the mind to wonder.

After a few seconds, gently close the eyes and let them relax for a while. This completes one round. Repeat the practice for five minutes.

Bhoochari Mudra
Sit in any comfortable meditative posture, head and spinal column upright and eye closed. Open the eyes and raise the right hand so that the elbow points outwards, the palm faces downwards and the thumb touches the top of the upper lip. A dark background helps.

click to see

Focus the gaze on the little fingertip and continue to gaze at it intently for as long as you can, without blinking. Lower the hand and continue to gaze at the place where the fingertip was, without blinking, for as long as you can. As you do this, remain aware of any thoughts that are passing through your mind. Try to observe them as a witness, without involvement.

Continue this practice for about five minutes.

Cool tips

 1. Talk less. Don’t get into arguments. Think objectively.
2. Try to see the flip side of life. Don’t take yourself too seriously.
3. Reduce the intake of foods such as meat, fish, eggs, onion, garlic, masoor dal, cauliflower, oily and spicy foods.
4. Whenever you feel that you are beginning to lose your temper, become silent and reflect on your expectations. Go for a brisk walk. Be patient.
5. Reflect upon the idea âs you cannot change the world, but you can change yourself if you want to try.

Source:The Telegraph-Calcutta India

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