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Botanical Name :Acalypha fruticosa Forssk.
Famille : Euphorbiaceae
Genus: Acalypha
Synonyms:Acalypha betulina Retz, Acalypha capitata Wall. , Acalypha chrysadenia Suess. & Friedrich, Acalypha fruticosa var. villosa Hutch, Acalypha paxiana Dinter ex Pax & K.Hoffm.
Common Names: Cinna, Birch-leaved acalypha, Chinni, Sinnimaram, Sinni, Chinniaka.
Habitat :Africa, East Tropical Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda , Northeast Tropical Africa, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan , Southern Africa, Namibia, Asia-Temperate, Arabian Peninsula, North Yemen, Saudi Arabia Asia-Tropical, Indian Subcontinent, Sri Lanka
An aromatic shrub up to 4 m tall.Stems pubescent and greenish at first, later glabrescent and reddish-brown.Petioles 0.53 cm long.Leaf blades 27 14.5 cm, ovate to rhombic-ovate, shortly caudate-acuminate at the apex, crenate-serrate to dentate on the margin, rounded to wide-cuneate or subtruncate at the base, membranous to thinly chartaceous, sparingly or evenly yellowish-pellucid gland-dotted beneath, sparingly to evenly pubescent on both surfaces, and usually more densely so along the midrib and main nerves beneath, 5(7)-nerved from the base; lateral nerves in 24 pairs.Stipules 34 mm, narrowly lanceolate, puberulous, chestnut-brown.Plants usually monoecious.Inflorescences rarely exceeding 2 cm in length, spicate, axillary, usually androgynous with a densely congested terminal male portion and with 14 bracteate female flowers at or near the base; male bracts 1 mm long, ovate, densely white-pubescent; female bracts foliaceous, accrescent to c. 810 1015 mm, broadly ovate to reniform, crenate or repand-dentate, sparingly yellow gland-dotted and often fairly prominently ribbed on the lower surface, sparingly pubescent, 1-flowered.Male flowers subsessile; buds tetragonous-subglobose, densely pubescent or white-tomentose.Female flowers sessile; sepals 3, 1 mm long, ovate-lanceolate, ciliate; ovary 0.7 mm in diameter, 3-lobed to subglobose, smooth, yellow-glandular in the grooves, densely pubescent; styles 4 mm long, free, laciniate, pink or red.Fruits 2 3 mm, 3-lobed, yellow gland-dotted, evenly pubescent-pilose.Seeds 1.52 11.3 mm, ellipsoid-ovoid, smooth, brown, with an elliptic vulviform caruncle.
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Leaves: Ovate to rhombic-ovate, shortly caudate-acuminate at the apex, crenate-serrate to dentate on the margin . Stems: Pubescent and greenish at first, later glabrescent and reddish-brown . Flowers: Female flowers are arranged singly or up to threes in the inflorescence . Flowers: Female flowers are broadly ovate to reniform, crenate or repand-dentate, sparingly yellow, gland dotted and often fairly prominently ribbed on the lower surface . Flowers: Male flowers are ovate, densely white-pubescent . Fruits: Yellow gland-dotted, evenly pubescent-pilose, 3-lobed . Height: 0.1-2 m [5104]. Height: 1-2 m . Height: Up to 4 m tall.
Medicinal Uses:
Roots, humans, gonorrhoea: In East Africa the root is used for gonorrhoea (Bally 1937) . Leaves, humans, cholera: In Tanzania the leaves of variety villosa are used as a remedy for cholera (Brenan and Greenway 1949) . In East India and Arabia the leaves are used in cholera (Dragendorff 1898) . Roots, humans, venereal diseases (non-specified) : In central Africa venereal disease is treated with the root . Roots, humans, fever: A decoction of the root is used as a febrifuge ( Brenan and Greenway 1949) . Humans, fever: The Sukuma regard the plant as an active febrifuge . Roots, humans, venereal disease (non-specified) , oral ingestion: The Pare drink an infusion of the root for chancre (Bally 1937, 1938) . Humans, fever: The plant is said to be effective for fever.
Digestive System Disorders, leaves, humans, stomach; humans, stomach Infections/Infestations, roots, humans, venereal diseases (non-specified); humans, fever ; leaves, humans, cholera; roots, humans, gonorrhoea; roots, humans, venereal diseases (non-specified) , oral ingestion; roots, humans, fever Inflammation, leaf juice, humans, eyes ; leaf juice, humans, eyes, inflammation, eye drops Injuries, humans, wounds, dressings; humans, wounds Pain, humans, chest ; leaves, humans, stomach Poisonings, humans, snake bites Respiratory System Disorders, humans, coughs Sensory System Disorders, leaves, humans, eyes, eye drops.
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