Botanical Name : Sorbus scopulina
Family: Rosaceae
Genus: Sorbus
Subgenus: Sorbus
Section: Commixtae
Species: S. scopulina
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Rosales
Synonyms: Sorbus sambucifolia non Roem, Sorbus cascadensis G.N. Jones
Common Names :Greene mountain-ash,Cascade Mountain-ash, Sorbus scopulina var. cascadensis,western mountain-ash
Habitat :Sorbus scopulina is native to western North America, primarily in the Rocky Mountains.(Southern Alaska to northern California, mainly in the east Cascades, east to the Dakotas, and south to Utah and New Mexico)
Sorbus scopulina is a deciduous shrub or small tree ranging in height from 1 to 6 m and up to 10 cm in stem diameter. It usually has multiple stems with smooth yellowish to grayish-red bark and slender light brown twigs that are white-hairy when young. Winter buds are glutinous and glossy. The alternate leaves are 10 to 20 cm long, odd-pinnately compound with seven to 15 lanceolate leaflets that are nearly sessile, pointed, and serrate on the margins. They are thin, shiny-green above and paler beneath. Inflorescences are much-branched corymbs, 6 to 12 cm broad, that contain many 10-mm broad, white to cream, five-petaled flowers. Fruits, which grow in clusters, are shiny, orange to red, berrylike, 5- to 10-mm-long, globose pomes with an attached calyx at the apex. Each contains up to eight flattened, brown or red-brown seeds 3 to 4 mm long (Davis 1952, Viereck and Little 1972, Welsh 1974).
Medicinal Uses:
An infusion of the branches has been given to young children with bed-wetting problems. The bark is febrifuge and tonic and has been used in the treatment of general sickness.
Other Uses:
Greene’s mountain-ash is an important component of the Western shrub community and furnishes a number of benefits. The species helps protect the soil, adds to the aesthetics of wildland sites, especially with its yellow to orange-red fall foliage and red-orange berries, and furnishes cover for wildlife. Sorbus scopulina is planted to a limited extent as an ornamental, especially in naturalistic landscape settings. The wood is soft. It is probably useful for firewood.
Disclaimer:The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider
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