Featured Healthy Tips


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Gargling is the act in which one bubbles a liquid in his mouth. It usually requires that one tilts the head back, allowing a mouthful of liquid to sit in the upper throat. Air is then expelled from the lungs, causing the liquid to bubble and undulate throughout the throat and mouth region.

It is a common method of cleansing the throat, especially if one has a sore throat or upper-respiratory virus or infection

Gargling done for medicinal purposes (or for cleaning your throat) may be done with various substances. One commmonly used way is with herbal tea or tea. There are also many specific medicines designed to be used, either readily available at a supermarket or drug store or requiring a prescription from a licensed medical doctor. Home remedies for gargling include a hyper-tonic saline solution of table salt (ratio of solid to liquid varies; suggestion: 1/4 teaspoon of table salt in 8 oz. warm water) and various types of vinegar. Gargling with a solution of table salt is known to provide relief for a sore throat because as a natural dehydrator, salt draws water from the inflammations in the throat by osmosis.

Antiseptic mouthwash can be also gargled to remove bacteria from the throat.

According to modern western etiquette, gargling is a fairly impolite activity during a social occasion or mealtime. It is typically performed in a bathroom at a sink so the refused liquid may be disposed of properly.

Bad Breath can be prevented by gargling with mouth wash regularly. Brushing your teeth is fine, but for those hard to reach places where bacteria grow over-night, mouth wash is the way to get to do it. Gargle for at least 30 seconds in the morning, making sure to get as far down your throat as possible. Rinse with water afterwards to make sure all of the junk is flushed out.


Gargling is a great way to kill bacteria in your mouth. It also helps to give you fresher breath.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy

Things You’ll Need:
2)Paper Cups


Step One:.….Buy mint-flavored mouthwash, the flavor that’s usually preferable for someone feeling ill. Opt for other flavors or salt water if you like.

Step Two:.…Pour the mouthwash into a clean glass or paper cup. If you pour it into the cup attached to the top, you’ll run the risk of contamination, especially if you share the bottle with others. If you prefer to gargle with salt water, dissolve 1 /2 tsp. in 8 oz. of warm water.

Step Three:...Slide the mouthwash quickly over your tongue.

Step Four:.…Throw your head back and stop the mouthwash right before it hits your epiglottis (the cartilaginous flap in the back of your throat). You’ll know the mouthwash is resting in the right spot if you feel as if you’re going to gag or swallow.

Step Five:.…Make the mouthwash bubble and gurgle for at least 45 seconds. Pull your tongue back a little and blow air through your throat slowly. Be sure to keep your head way back, and remember to keep the mouthwash right in front of your epiglottis. That’s where the germs are sitting, far back and out of sight. Try not to swallow any of the mouthwash.

Step Six:…..Drop your head back down and spit the mouthwash out.

Step Seven:.…Repeat.

Tips & Warnings:
If your sore throat feels better after you’ve gargled, this can be an indication that you don’t have strep throat. Usually, gargling does very little to relieve strep throat pain but does a lot to relieve any other throat pain.
For children under 8, check with your pediatrician. Children who are too young to understand how to gargle should not be given mouthwash’there’s a good chance they’ll swallow it.
Mouthwash isn’t lethal, but don’t let children swallow a lot of it.

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.This is purely for educational purpose.

Click to read :Why does gargling with salt help a sore throat?

Does daily gargling ward off colds? Some think so, others don’t

Does Gargling Prevent Colds?

What To Do When Adults Get the Flu?

Home Remedies for Sore Throat


Ailmemts & Remedies

Sore Throat(Strepcococcus)

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Sore throat refers to the inflammation of the pharynx or back of the throat. It occurs frequently when a person has a cold or an attack of influenza. Sore throat may also involve the tonsils and adenoids… & see 

What causes a sore throat?

A sore throat can have many causes.  Some of these are listed below:

  1. Many common viruses, and even the viruses that cause mononucleosis (mono) and the flu, can cause a sore throat. Some of the viruses that cause a sore throat can produce blisters in the mouth and throat (“aphthous stomatitis”).
  2. Breathing through the mouth can produce throat dryness and soreness.
  3. Sinus drainage may cause a sore throat.
  4. Shouting very loudly for a long period may cause sore throat.
  5. A sore throat can also be caused by bacteria. The two most common bacteria to cause as sore throat are Streptococcus (which causes strep throat) and Arcanobacterium haemolyticum. Arcanobacterium causes sore throats mainly in young adults and is sometimes associated with a fine red rash.
  6. Common cold may sometimes inflamate the gland and cause sore throat.
  7. A sore throat that lasts for more than 2 weeks can be a sign of a serious illness, such as throat cancer or AIDS.So, sore throat, if lasts more than 2 weeks, contact a doctor (preferably ENT spacilist)immediately.

Try these home remedies to cure it :-

Gargle with your own fresh hot urin will cures Sore Throat easily.
Drink a glass of hot water with 1 teaspoon lemon juice and some honey. You’ll feel better instantly. You can also drink a chamomile tea with lemon and honey added.

  • Gargle with warm salt water to help reduce swelling and relieve discomfort:
  • Gargle at least once each hour with 1 tsp (5 g) of salt dissolved in 8 fl oz (237 mL) of warm water.
  • If you have postnasal drip, gargle often to prevent more throat irritation
  • Prevent dehydration. . Fluids may help thin secretions and soothe an irritated throat. Hot fluids, such as tea or soup, may help decrease throat irritation
  • Two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds should be added to a litre of cold water and simmered on a gentle flame. This should be allowed to cool to a temperature that could be tolerated by the buccal cavity. Strain this mixture and gargle with it several times a day. This cures a sore throat.
  • Soak 8-10 almonds. Peel and grind with 8-10 pepper corns. Mix in 1 cup of water. Sieve and drink adding either salt or sugar to taste.
  • The leaves of holy basil have also been found beneficial in the in curing sore throat. Water boiled with basil leaves should be taken as a drink, and also used as a gargle to relieve a sore throat
  • Soak two teaspoonfuls of ajowan seeds in cold water. Add a pinch of common salt. Using this infusion as a common gargle substantially eases the acute sore throat.
  • Eat garlic. Garlic is an anti-septic and good for many conditions.
  • Boil one whole onion, mash and eat with a little butter, salt and pepper.
  • A teaspoon of honey raw helps releave throat inflammation.
  • Use a vaporizer or cool air humidifier in your bedroom.
  • Warm or cool mist may help you feel more comfortable by soothing the swollen air passages. It may also relieve hoarseness. However, don’t let your room become uncomfortably cold or very damp.
  • Use a shallow pan of water to provide moisture in the air through evaporation if you don’t have a humidifier. Place the pan in a safe location where no one will trip on it or fall into it.
  • If you suspect that problems with stomach acid may be causing your sore throat, see the topic Heartburn
  • Do not smoke or use other tobacco products and avoid secondhand smoke.

Alternative practitioners recommend a variety of natural products for the treatment of sore throat. For example, aromatherapists recommend inhaling the fragrances of lavender, thyme, eucalyptus, sage, and sandalwood. Herbalists recommend taking osha root, ginger, or slippery elm. Some practitioners suggest gargling with a mixture of water, salt, and turmeric. Homeopathic practitioners treat sore throats with very dilute solutions of Lachesis, Belladonna, Phytolacca, yellow jasmine, or mercury. Nutritionists recommend vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A or C and the mineral zinc.

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.This is purely for educational purpose.

