Ailmemts & Remedies

Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS)

Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) is a type of cancer. It causes growths under the skin, although they can grow in the lining of the mouth, nose, throat and other organs. It is different from other cancers as it starts in several areas of the body at once. Most cancers start in one place and then spread.

KS causes abrasions or tumors (growths). They most commonly appear on the skin as small, flat, colored lesions that can be brown, blue, red or deep purple. Lesions can also develop on the internal organs, such as the lymph nodes (part of the immune system), the lungs, and the digestive system, including the bowel, liver and spleen.


It was originally described by Moritz Kaposi, a Hungarian dermatologist practicing at the University of Vienna in 1872. It became more broadly known as one of the AIDS defining illnesses in the 1980s. The viral cause for this cancer was discovered in 1994.

According to Medilexicon’s medical dictionary:
Kaposi’s sarcoma is: “A multifocal malignant neoplasm of primitive vasoformative tissue, occurring in the skin and sometimes in the lymph nodes or viscera, consisting of spindle cells and irregular small vascular spaces frequently infiltrated by hemosiderin-pigmented macrophages and extravasated red blood cells. Clinically manifested by cutaneous lesions consisting of reddish-purple to dark-blue macules, plaques, or nodules; seen most commonly in men older than 60 years of age and in AIDS patients, as an opportunistic disease associated with human herpes virus-8 infection.”

There are four types of Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS):

1.HIV– or AIDS-related KS…….>AIDS-related KS
2.Classic KS…………………………
3.Endemic or African KS………..>Endemic or African KS
4.Transplant-related KS…………>ks_1

1.HIV- or AIDS-related KS: KS can develop in people whose immune system has been severely weakened by HIV or AIDS. Gay men with HIV or AIDS are mostly affected. It is thought that the virus that causes KS is spread during unprotected anal sex.

In the past, HIV- or AIDS-related KS used to be the most common complication affecting gay men living with HIV and was a leading cause of death. This is no longer the case due to anti-HIV medications that were developed in the 1990s, known as highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART).

The outlook for HIV- or AIDS-related KS is variable and depends on a person’s age and the state of their immune system. In an older person with a weakened immune system, the cancer often spreads aggressively to other parts of the body (metastasis).

The estimated survival rate for HIV- or AIDS-related KS is five years, although many people live a lot longer. The improvement of survival rate is directly linked to the improvement in medication for treating HIV.

2.Classic KS: It is a rare condition, usually only affecting men between 50 and 70 years of age who are of Mediterranean or eastern European descent. It is thought that people who develop classic KS were born with a pre-existing genetic vulnerability to the virus that causes it.

The outlook for classic KS is good. The cancer tends to spread slowly and does not usually spread to other parts of the body. Classic KS primarily affects older people.

3.Endemic or African KS: It is common in parts of Africa. It is one of the most widespread types of cancer in that region. As with classic KS, endemic KS is thought to develop due to a pre-existing genetic vulnerability to the virus that causes it.

Many people may now be more vulnerable to the virus because of the HIV epidemic in Africa and a weakened immune system due to HIV or AIDS.

The outlook for endemic KS is poor. In addition, access to treatment such as chemotherapy is often limited in parts of the world where endemic KS is widespread.

4.Transplant-related KS: It is an uncommon complication of organ transplants. People who have had an organ transplant usually take medication to weaken their immune system (immunosuppressant) to prevent their body rejecting the new organ. The weakening of their immune system makes them more vulnerable to the virus that causes KS.

The outlook for transplant-related KS is generally good because the condition can usually be successfully treated by reducing or stopping a person’s course of immunosuppressant. However, there is a higher risk of rejection of the donated organ.
A symptom is something the patient feels and reports, while a sign is something other people, such as the doctor detect. For example, pain may be a symptom while a rash may be a sign.

The symptoms of KS depend on where the lesions or growths develop.


Any part of the skin, including the inside of the mouth, can be affected. KS usually appears as small, painless flat lesions or lumps. They can be of different colors (brown, red, blue and purple). They often look like bruises but do not lose their color when pressed like a bruise does.


KS growths may start in one place and then can develop in more than one area. The growths often eventually merge into each other to form a larger tumor.

Internal organs :

The lymph nodes, lungs and organs of the digestive system are most commonly affected. The symptoms of KS depend on which organs are affected.
*Lymph nodes: There may be swelling in the arms and legs. It can be very painful and uncomfortable. This is known as lymphedema and is caused by the KS cells blocking the flow of fluid through the lymph nodes. As a result, the tissue fluid backs up. This causes swelling in the body’s tissues.


*Lungs: symptoms may include breathlessness.


*Organs in the digestive system: symptoms include nausea, vomiting and bleeding.

..stomach cancer stages

Causes :-


Cancer initiates with a change in the structure of DNA, which is found in all human cells. DNA provides our cells with a basic set of instructions such as when to grow and reproduce. A change in its structure, called a genetic mutation, can cause the cells to reproduce uncontrollably. This produces a lump of tissue known as a tumor.

Left untreated, cancer can quickly grow and spread to other parts of the body. It usually spreads through the lymphatic system. Once the cancer reaches the lymphatic system, it can spread to any other part of the body, including the bones, blood and organs.

The human herpes virus 8 (HHV-8)

Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) is caused by a virus called the human herpes virus 8 (HHV-8). It is also known as the Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpes virus (KSHV).

It is thought that HHV-8 contains genetic material that interferes with the normal working of cells. This causes them to reproduce in an uncontrollable manner.

However, HHV-8 does not cause Kaposi’s sarcoma in everyone who contracts the virus. It only seems to cause Kaposi’s sarcoma in:
*people who have an inherited (genetic) vulnerability to HHV-8
*people with a weakened immune system
*HHV-8 was first identified in 1994. There is no firm evidence as to how the virus is spread.

However, there is indication that HHV-8 can be spread during unprotected anal sex. The rates of HHV-8 in specific countries reveal that the virus is almost always more widespread in the gay community. There is circumstantial evidence that HHV-8 can be passed on through saliva. This means the virus could also be spread by kissing.

Before diagnosing Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS), the patient´s general health is reviewed and there is a careful examination of the skin.

If KS is suspected, further testing may be required. People with HIV or AIDS, will usually have their tests carried out at a specialist centre where staff are experienced in treating complications of HIV and AIDS.

*Biopsy: It is the most effective way to confirm a diagnosis of KS. This involves taking a small sample of cells from an affected area of skin. The sample is then checked at a laboratory for the presence of KS cells.

*Endoscopy: It may be carried out if KS is suspected in the digestive system. The procedure involves inserting a thin, flexible tube called an endoscope down the throat. It allows looking inside parts of the digestive system, such as the bowel, liver and spleen, for any abnormalities or signs that KS is present. A biopsy may be taken.

A mild sedative may be given. A local anesthetic will be sprayed on to the throat to prevent discomfort as the tube is passed down.

A similar method can be used to look at the lungs (bronchoscopy) if KS in the lungs is suspected.

*Computerized tomography scan (CT): In the case it is suspected that KS has spread to the lymph nodes or other parts of the body.

A CT scan works by taking a series of X-rays which build up a three-dimensional picture of the inside of the body. A radioactive dye may be given to drink before the CT scan, to allow particular areas of the body to been seen in greater detail.

Treatment :-
The treatment of KS depends on:
*the severity of the symptoms
*the size and location of the lesions
*the type of KS
*the patient´s general health
Treatment plans can vary from person to person, but the usual plan for each type of KS is outlined below.

HIV- or AIDS-related KS

Patients with HIV- or AIDS-related KS will usually be given a course of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) to help strengthen their immune system. HAART may be followed by courses of radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy.

Classic KS

As classic KS spreads slowly, immediate treatment is not usually required. Doctors may recommend waiting and closely monitor the evolution. Treatment will be delayed to see if any symptoms of progressive cancer develop. This is often recommended for older people when it is unlikely that the cancer will affect their natural life span. If treatment is required, radiotherapy is normally used to treat classic KS.

Endemic KS

Usually, endemic KS is treated using a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Transplant-related KS

Transplant-related KS is usually treated by reducing or stopping the immunosuppressants. The goal is to strengthen the immune system in order to fight off the humanherpes virus 8 (HHV-8) while ensuring that the body does not reject the transplanted organ. It may be difficult to find the best balance between these two treatment goals.


It involves using a combination of medicines that interrupt the reproductive cycle of the HIV virus. This helps to prevent the virus from spreading quickly. It also protects and strengthens the immune system.

HIV can quickly adapt and become resistant to a single medicine, therefore a combination of medicines is required. In some people, the medicines used to treat HIV will cause side effects. Usually, there is improvement after a few weeks as the body gets used to the medicines.

Common side effects of HIV medication include:
*mood changes
*skin rashes
*gaining fat on one part of your body while losing it on another (lipodystrophy)


If the lesion is small, surgery may be used to remove KS from the skin. Cryotherapy may also be given. This freezes the lesions using liquid nitrogen.


Chemotherapy uses medicines to treat cancer. The medicines destroy rapidly growing cancer cells. The medicines can either be given intravenously or as a tablet that is taken orally. If the lesion is small, chemotherapy may be injected directly into it. This is called intralesional chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy can cause side effects including vomiting, hair loss, tiredness, and increased vulnerability to infection.

Often, liposomal chemotherapy is used to treat KS. The medicines used in chemotherapy are covered in a fat-based coating called liposome. The extra coating means reduces the side effects and the medication works more efficiently.


Radiotherapy uses high-energy rays to locate and destroy the KS cells. It can be very effective in reducing symptoms of internal KS, such as swelling, pain and bleeding.

Possible side effects of radiotherapy include: tiredness, sore skin (particularly for people with HIV or AIDS), stiff joints and muscles, nausea, temporary hair loss, loss of appetite, loss of libido (interest in sex), early menopause, and temporary impotence in men. Once the course of treatment is over, most side effects gradually disappear.


Immunotherapy is also known as biological therapy. It is often used in combination with other treatments such as HAART. Immunotherapy uses special proteins that have been genetically developed in a laboratory.

Generally, the body does not consider the cancerous cells as foreign objects. As a result, the immune system does not attack them. In immunotherapy, special antibodies are created in a laboratory. They change the composition of cancerous cells so that the immune system regards them as foreign objects. The immune system then starts to attack the cells in the same way that it would normally attack an infection.

Interferon is one of the most common types of medicines used in immunotherapy. It is usually given by daily injections into the skin over a number of weeks.

Side effects of immunotherapy include:
*back ache
*aching joints and muscles
*high temperature (fever) of 38°C (100.4°F) or above
*loss of appetite

It is not clear how HHV-8 spreads. It might be spread through sexual activity and deep kissing. As with other opportunistic infections, a healthy immune system can control HHV-8 infection. The best way to prevent KS is by using strong anti-HIV medications to keep your immune system strong.

The following are being studed for KS :-

Anti-cytokine approaches: There is a lot of research on cytokines, proteins that the immune system uses to sti mulate cells to grow. Researchers think that substances that can inhibit these (and similar) growth factors can also slow down the growth of KS.

Monoclonal antibodies: These drugs are produced through genetic engineering. Their names end in “-mab,” such as bevacizumab.

Other drugs: Scientists are studying several drugs that slow down the development of new blood vessels (angiogenesis.)

The bottom line is :-
KS is a disease that affects up to 20% of people with AIDS who are not taking ART. It is partly caused by a herpes virus called HHV-8.

The best treatment for KS is strong antiretroviral therapy (ART.) KS in the skin can be treated in several ways and is not a serious problem. KS in internal organs can be life threatening. Internal KS is usually treated with anti-cancer drugs.

If you notice new dark spots on your skin, have your health care provider look at them to see if you might have KS.

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.This is purely for educational purpose.


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Dealing with Sexual Assault

We perceive India as a safe, tradition bound country that honours women and loves children. Yet, our cities are becoming famous, even internationally, for molestation and rape. The number of cases reported has increased 700 per cent since Independence. And this is probably only the tip of the iceberg.CLICK & SEE

Shame, family pressures, social stigma, economic vulnerability and lack of knowledge of legal procedures coerce a victim into silence. To make things worse, the victim is often regarded by our inadequately educated, underpaid and insensitive police personnel as the one at “fault”.

Rape is traditionally considered a crime against women. But times are changing. Horror stories abound about homosexual sexual predators targeting, kidnapping and victimising young boys. The victims range from six-month-olds to 80-year-olds. The perpetuators of rape, however, are almost always male.

Around 80 per cent of the crime is committed by someone known to the victim. Often, the abuser is a member of the victim’s family or belongs to his or her circle of acquaintances. In such cases, the crime is perpetuated in a known place, in either of their homes or that of a friend, relative or neighbour.

Today, children of both sexes are in danger, in exclusive neighbourhoods as well as the slums. Their lack of knowledge, inexperience and trusting nature make them ideal victims. Many of these attacks are not random but well planned by a predator known to the victim.

Police complaints are often followed by unwelcome media publicity. There are no “special victim units” in the police force yet, that may be trained to handle such cases with discretion and empathy. The guidelines provided deal mostly with the rape of women. The concept of male or child rape is new and the level of expertise in dealing with this is low.

Despite this, if a parent or the victim wishes to prosecute the assailant, a physical medical examination, documentation of the evidence and registration of an FIR (First Information Report) must be done.

Even otherwise, a thorough medical examination must be undertaken as soon as possible to treat and record lacerations and injuries, both external and internal.

The greatest fear about sexual assault is that of acquiring STDs. The number infected varies between 5 and 10 per cent. Infection depends upon several factors, such as the type of sexual contact, number of assailants, and whether or not they had an STD at the time of the assault.

The risk of contracting STDs can be reduced by taking medication as a preventive measure. Immediate and effective treatment options are available for some STDs such as hepatitis B, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, chlamydia and trichomonas vaginalis.

The regimen recommended is a single injection of ceftriaxone, plus an oral dose of azithromycin, plus either secnidazole, tinidazole or metronidazole. Herpes can be tackled with a five or seven-day course of acyclovir.

The risk of acquiring HIV infection is less than 1 per cent. However, it is important for medico-legal reasons to document the HIV status immediately. The test should be repeated after six months and then a year. A 28-day regimen of zidovudine and lamivudine provides post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV and should be started as soon as possible, preferably within 72 hours.

Injuries and lacerations require a single booster dose of tetanus toxoid. Hepatitis B can be sexually transmitted. Most children today have received three doses of the vaccine as part of their immunisation schedule and are thus protected against the infection. In that case, only a booster dose needs to be given. If the victim has not been immunised in childhood, immunoglobulin needs to be given. In addition, three doses of the vaccine must be given — immediately after the incident, after a month and after six months.

Prophylactic treatment against syphilis is not advised. Instead, a blood test can be done after three months to ascertain if infection has occurred.

Counselling, psychiatric evaluation and support are necessary for the victim as well as his or her family to overcome the trauma.

To protect children —

• Make them learn addresses and phone numbers by heart

• Teach them certain body parts are not to be touched

• Discourage them from talking to strangers

• Do not send them anywhere alone, especially after dark

• Escort them to and from school bus stops

• Encourage physical fitness and teach them martial arts

• Teach them to trust their survival instincts and, if needed, run in the opposite direction as fast as they can, shouting all the way.

For adults, the best bet is —

*To have peepholes in the front door

*Avoid dark and deserted areas

*Be physically fit and able to run fast.

Source: The Telegraph ( Kolkata, India)

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Diagnonistic Test

Rapid Detection of Infectious Diseases.

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Only a few minutes and a simple, ready-to-use diagnostic test kit are needed to determine an individual’s infectious disease status.
In about the middle of the 20th century, mass vaccination programs and the widespread availability of antibiotics significantly reduced the threat of infectious diseases in Canada and many other regions of the world. Indeed, a concerted worldwide effort led to eradication of the smallpox virus, the cause of the most serious infectious disease in the western world during the 17th and 18th centuries , and the incidence of other diseases, such as the common childhood ailments measles, mumps, and pertussis, have been reduced by similar vaccination programs . Despite these advances, however, infectious diseases remain the world’s leading cause of premature death, accounting for about 17 million deaths in 1995.

To further control communicable diseases, global efforts must overcome ongoing challenges provided by the evolution of infectious agents. Among the more significant evolutionary changes in the past 25 years are the increased prevalence of antibiotic resistance in infectious bacteria (e.g., methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE))  and the emergence of about 30 new infectious agents (e.g., human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and the ebola virus) . Moreover, rapid evolutionary changes create new appearances for some infectious agents (e.g., the influenza virus and HIV), allowing them to circumvent the defensive mechanisms of our immune systems.

Another obstacle for the control of communicable diseases arises when the role of an infectious agent in a disease goes unnoticed. The significance of this point was demonstrated in the 1980s when the bacterium Helicobacter pylori was finally recognized as a causative factor of duodenal ulcers and other gastric diseases . As a result of the H. pylori discovery, many gastric diseases are now effectively treated with antibiotics, and it is possible that new therapeutic directions will be stimulated by a recent proposal, which implicates chronic infections as a cause of several well-Known diseases (e.g., atneroscierosis and Alzheimer’s Disease).

For infectious diseases, an unambiguous diagnosis obtained in a timely fashion is extremely important, not only from a personal viewpoint (i.e., the initiation of an appropriate treatment), but also from a public health perspective (i.e., the prevention of disease transmission from one individual to another).

To a large extent, evidence for the presence of an infectious agent, and thus the diagnosis of infectious disease status, is provided by the results of one or more diagnostic tests. In addition to providing an accurate result, an ideal rapid diagnostic test should be easy to perform while yielding a definite result within a reasonable length of time ([less than]30 min to be considered as a rapid test).

For these reasons, most rapid diagnostic tests for infectious diseases are based on the highly selective, noncovalent interactions between an antibody and an antigen. Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system in response to the entry of a foreign entity, such as an infectious agent. Because antibodies specifically bind to a distinct site (or epitope) in a protein or another macromolecule (i.e., the antigen) associated with the infectious agent, the unique group of antibodies generated during each infection is an excellent diagnostic marker for disease. This immunoassay approach can be limited by the time required for antibody levels to increase to detectable levels after infection (e.g., antibodies for HIV are detectable on average 25 days post infection).

Immunoassays in various forms (e.g., enzyme immunoassays) are increasingly employed in clinical laboratories; however, the rapid test format is the most recent innovation in an industry undergoing substantial growth. In rapid tests, membrane immobilized antigens are used to capture the antibodies generated against the infectious agent. The specificity of a test towards a particular disease relies on the highly specific antigen-antibody interaction, and the appropriate choice of an antigen captures only the disease specific antibodies on the rapid test membrane. The appropriate antigen can be obtained from the infectious agent, produced by recombinant methods, or mimicked by synthetic peptides.

Antibodies captured by the membrane-immobilized antigen are detected using a colour reagent (e.g., protein A-colloidal gold or anti-human IgG antibodies conjugated to coloured particles), and a positive test typically is signified by the appearance of a coloured dot or line on the test membrane. If no disease antibodies are present in the sample, the colour reagent is not trapped on the membrane, and a negative result is obtained. A control dot or line often is included to verify that the colour reagent is functioning properly. While the rapid test format with visual interpretation provides only a qualitative result, a positive/negative result is sufficient in many diagnostic applications, including infectious disease diagnosis.

An immediate result provided by a rapid test is particularly advantageous when knowledge of a communicable disease is needed quickly (e.g., emergency surgery) or when a patient is apprehensive about the disease and might not make a second visit to a medical facility to receive the test result. The latter is a significant problem; about 30% of patients tested for HIV in publicly funded clinics in the United States during 1995 did not return , and a large cost is incurred by tracking them down to deliver the result of a laboratory test and to arrange a confirmatory test when a positive first result is obtained. The simplicity of the rapid test format allows the test to be used wherever an infectious disease has a high prevalence, or in remote clinical settings where patients must travel significant distances to get to the test centre.

The timeline from the initial idea to sales of an approved rapid diagnostic test is about five years. Over this period, research is undertaken to validate the concept; the optimum parameters are established for the immunoassay in the rapid test format, and in-house evaluation is conducted. The safety and effectiveness of the test is then established by independent clinical trials at several different locations before applications are submitted for regulatory approval by Health Canada and agencies in other countries, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States. In April 1998, Health Canada granted its first approval for a rapid HIV test to MedMira Laboratories Inc.

MedMira is a publicly traded (CDNX: MIR) Canadian medical biotechnology company at the leading edge of rapid diagnostic test development. The company has expanded considerably since the early 1990s when it was established in Nova Scotia’s Annapolis Valley. At present, MedMira has over 45 employees and a corporate office in Toronto, ON. Separate locations for research and manufacturing are located in the Halifax Regional Municipality. In July 1999, MedMira Laboratories received International Organization of Standards ISO9001 registration designed around Health Canada’s ISO 13485 essentials for the manufacture of medical devices, and a system of product manufacturing compliant with the U.S. FDA current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) was established and implemented at MedMira in April 1999.

In addition to the HIV test, which is able to detect HIV-1, HIV-2, and the rare group O variant of HIV-1, MedMira also has developed rapid tests for other infectious agents, including H. pylori, hepatitis B virus (HBV), HCV, and a HIV/HCV combination. The MedMira rapid tests meet the approval requirements in several countries and the approval process is underway in others. For example, the H. pylori test was granted U.S. FDA 510(k) clearance last year, and the U.S. FDA/PMA committee and the Chinese State Drug Administration (SDA) have accepted the MedMira HIV test for review. The MedMira test kits are marketed worldwide.

While the acute effects of infectious diseases are widely known, a connection between infectious agents and cancer has been established for HBV/HCV (liver cancer) , H. pylori (gastric cancer) , and human papillomaviruses (HPV) (cervical cancer) . Currently, rapid tests for infectious diseases identify certain underlying risk factors for cancer, but in the future, rapid test methodology will be available to detect markers associated with other forms of cancer.

Diagnostic tests are an integral part of modern health care. The availability of rapid diagnostic tests demonstrates that the complex interactions between molecules such as antigens and antibodies (and up-to-date science) can be utilized to provide a reliable diagnostic test in a simple format. Ongoing research is needed to keep rapid test methodology current with the evolution of infectious agents, and to expand the rapid test approach to the diagnosis of other diseases. Because of the simple format and reasonable cost, rapid test methodology holds the promise of bringing more efficient and effective diagnostic testing to both developed and undeveloped countries around the world.


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Health Quaries

Some Health Quaries & Answers


Hole in my ear:
Q: I developed a hole in my eardrum and I think it is due to prolonged use of the mobile phone. I cannot manage without my phone.

[amazon_link asins=’B06XYN536G,B01LZK2MR1,B072DT267Z,B01M18CHVD,B01MF4QTJO,B01MF4QR73,B01MF4IZFV,B01MF4HFDM,B01N0OTWV3′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’0175594b-2fc5-11e7-a14c-c3666a42a645′]


The hole (perforation) in the ear drum is unlikely to have been caused by the use of a mobile phone. Usually it develops as a result of an ear infection (otitis media), an injury with a sharp object or a sudden loud sound near the ear. It needs to be evaluated. You should consult an ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgeon.

It may heal and close with antibiotics and the use of ear drops. A long-standing non-healing perforation may require an operation called a tympanoplasty.

In any case, why not use the speaker phones option?

Tingling feet :
Q: My 72 years old father, is a diabetic, whose blood sugar is well controlled by oral medications. He has a lot of discomfort in his lower legs and feet. He had consulted a neurologist and after certain tests was found to have neuropathy. Although he was given vitamin combinations he has had no relief.

[amazon_link asins=’B006KKKYO6,B001OJCBD0,B00VOLK8XI,B00Y94K3NW,B00QNWT0TQ,B00027DCKG,B01M30XQAJ,B014HVSC98,B00VEVCCRI’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’b813d63a-2fc5-11e7-bc32-a77d9a1dd1c7′]


A: Diabetic neuropathy is a nerve disorder that can occur as a complication of diabetes usually if there is poor blood sugar control. It can cause problems with the sensation in the feet. The symptoms are numbness, pain, or tingling in the feet or lower legs. There may be difficulty in walking and balance.

The first step is to bring blood sugar levels under control. You could purchase a glucometer and check the sugar level regularly at home. Make sure he always wears well fitting shoes. Walking regularly, taking warm baths, or using elastic stockings may help relieve leg pain. Analgesics, low doses of antidepressants, and some anticonvulsant medication can be prescribed, in addition to vitamins, in severely affected individuals.

Potty tot
Q: I have a son who is three and half years old. He has been suffering from acute constipation for the last one year. He passes hard stool, with pain. Sometimes small amounts are passed 10-12 times a day. He eats well and his diet includes 1,000ml of milk, which I give in a bottle at night.

[amazon_link asins=’B00NFJICL2,0981599915,B00NFJICEO,B01BYI8R1K,B01GSR8ACS,B0043X2N50,B00CYRYQ20,B018KT7KVO,0981599907′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’fa52c295-2fc5-11e7-9ad9-7354ea42bd42′]

A: The quantity of milk that you are giving is far in excess of what he requires. He needs only 400ml of milk a day at the very most. It can be split into two 200ml feeds, in the morning and evening, not at night. At three and a half years he is far beyond the stage of feeding bottles. Encourage bowel movement in the morning by making him sit in the toilet at a fixed time even if he does not feel the urge.

If the constipation persists a further evaluation with a paediatrician can be done to rule out thyroid deficiency or bowel malfunctions.

Worried about AIDs
Q: Does a married couple need to have sex with a condom? I want to prevent HIV infection in myself and my wife. I am worried about AIDS.

A: If either party has had prior sexual encounters, it is better to use a condom until you check for HIV and hepatitis B. It is better to check again after six months when the window period for HIV infection is over. If you go to a Voluntary Counselling and Testing Centre, the tests are free.

Married people need to use condoms as a contraceptive device if they wish to prevent pregnancy, or if one of the parties is HIV or HbAg positive (hepatitis B).

Seeking perfect eyesight :
Q: I want perfect eyesight. What diet should I eat and what can I do?

[amazon_link asins=’1615192271,B0197D263E,1612431771,1503161005,1118093879,0312141084,B0105K7XJK,0778804577′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’54239f1e-2fc6-11e7-90a9-c359b9c321a4′]

A: Green leafy vegetables like spinach, beetroot, carrot and drumsticks help eyesight because of their vitamin and antioxidant content. Overcooking destroys heat sensitive labile beneficial vitamins of the B group. Steaming or microwave cooking vegetables or eating them raw is, therefore, better. Eating two raw tomatoes a day will give you all the vitamins you need.

There are eye exercises in yoga which, done regularly, help to maintain and improve your eyesight.

More children
Q: I am 41 and my wife is 35. We have an eight-year-old daughter. We decided to try for a son. Despite our best attempts over the last one year, we failed. Although my wife’s periods are irregular, no tests have been done. We have received all kinds of tablets from various doctors. Now we read that some of them have potentially dangerous side effects.

A: All medicines have some side effects even if they are aryuvedic, homeopathic or herbal. The tablets used to induce ovulation can be dangerous if given for too many cycles in improper doses.

Before proceeding consider the following:

• You already have a healthy daughter.

• Do you really want another child?

•Test yourself — do a semen analysis

• Do an ultrasound for your wife to see why the periods are irregular.

Sources: The Telegraph (Kolkata, India)

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News on Health & Science

Plant May Produce Anti-HIV Gel


A genetically-altered Australian cousin of tobacco plant could become the source of a potent chemical that promises to contain spread of  HIV through sexual intercourse, a new finding announced today suggests.


The scientists have shown that transgenic versions of a plant Nicotiana benthamiana, also known as ‘Tjuntiwari’ in the native language, may be able to produce large quantities of a protein griffithsin which can be used as an anti-HIV microbicide gel.

The protein has shown capabilities of neutralizing HIV as it binds to the virus molecule in such a way that the virus could not disguise itself from the immune system of humans.

Anti-HIV microbicide gel directly targets entry of the virus and averts infection at the surfaces but at present they are being produced using biologicals like bacteria E.coli, an expensive process which is not cost-effective.

Scientists across the world were looking for a natural source of the protein, for producing anti-HIV microbicide gel, which can prevent women from getting sexually transmitted diseases.

The researchers from USA and UK altered the genetic nature of the plant using a tobacco mosaic virus which produced the protein griffithsin.

Sources: The Times Of India

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