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15 House Plants You Can Use As Air Purifiers

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Hereare 15 plants that could clean your air for just the price of a few drops of water each day. First let’s check some of the evidence behind the claim that plants can purify your household air:

1. NASAResearch:

A NASAresearch document came to the conclusion that “house plants can purify and rejuvenate air within our houses and workplaces, safeguarding us all fromany side effects connected with prevalent toxins such as formaldehyde, ammoniaand also benzene.”

2. InteriorPlants: Their Influence on Airborne Microbes inside Energy-efficient Buildings

In another study made in 1996,a bedroom with no plants had 50% more colonies of airborne microbes than a room which contained houseplants.

3. FoliagePlants:  For Indoor Removal of The Primary Combustion Gases Carbon Monoxide andNitrogen Dioxide

During a laboratory experiment in 1985, Dr. Wolverton PHD compared the removal of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide using asealed chamber of spider plants.

4. DrWolverton – Formaldehyde removal experiment

In anotherlaboratory study by Dr. Wolverton PHD, he compared a number of house plants at removing formaldehyde from a sealed chamber. Formaldehyde is a common household toxin that is released from a variety of household items.

Withreference to the experiments of Dr Wolverton and the NASA experiments,A compiled  list of 15 house plants that provide the greatest level of airpurification.

1. Areca Palm Tree:-

[amazon_link asins=’B00B9Q8OCU,B00BDRCELM,B00LBL3RHU,B017Q0VE1U,B00A2GKSHC,B009N5SYQK,B00FUNLAWY,B0041EGMJ4′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’5aac0458-0612-11e7-946e-6b9cc5483b07′]

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The Arecapalm tree is the very best air purifying plant according to the ratings fromNASA’s research and has the 8th highest removal rate for Formaldehyde according to Dr Wolverton’s data. This house plant was referred to as“the most effective air humidifier” by The Areca has the ability to maintain your office or home moist throughout dry periods as well as continually removing chemical toxins from your air. In the course of the winter season, it’s so effective at putting moisture back in the airthat you could switch off your electric humidifiers!

2. Lady Palm:-

[amazon_link asins=’B0041EGMJ4,B0037UMHUQ,B014WVD6FS,B00AD5N0IQ,B000WPABE8,B0076ZJ21K,B01N1WFS85,B01H4PUOEK,B01B1QEYZS’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’3b0075d4-05fd-11e7-8b71-3ffa61826acd’]

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This houseplant – Lady palm (or Rhapis excelsa) achieved exactly the same rating asthe Areca Palm tree in NASA’s research. This adaptable house plant, canbe stored in dry or moist parts of the world ( between 20-100° Fahrenheit) and is particularly resistant to the majority sorts of plant insects.The Lady Palm is not the most effective at removing Formaldehyde so if this is a concernthen i would suggest you look at another plant.

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3. Bamboo Palm:-

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The bamboopalm was the third most powerful plant at removing formaldehyde from the air.It ranked third in the NASA experiment so is a good all rounder at keeping yourroom air clean. This house plant will grow best in a moist but not wet soil andin direct sunlight. However this palm will require lots of room to grow, so itmight not be the best option if want this plant to sit on your desk.
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4. Rubber Plant:-

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This rubberhouse plant (Ficus robusta) has been mentioned as one of the leading Twentyplants by Doctor. B.C. “Bill” Wolverton’s “50 Houseplants That Purify Your Home Or Office.” This rubber house plant provides moisture, eliminates bio effluents, takes awayvolatile organic compounds as well as suppresses air based microorganisms assoon as it’s put into a roomAs timepasses this rubber plant will become much more skilled at eliminating toxiccompounds present in the air. Bacteria within the rubber plants leaves break upthe toxins and also feast on them. The procedure subsequently emits clean airin to the surrounding environment. Since the plant grows, these microorganisms increase.This increased number of bacteria assist the rubber house plant in becoming progressively more effective at extracting further toxic compounds from theair.

5. Janet Craig – Dracaena:-

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The Dracaena(or Dracaena deremensis)places fifth on NASA’s ranking with a 7.8 score. According to datait can remove Formaldehyde, at a rate of 1,328 micrograms per hour. It also removes Xylene, at a rate of 154 micrograms per hour according to

Recommended Placement in Home: These are especially effective in newly carpeted ornewly furnished rooms were formaldehyde levels are at the highest.

Tips to keepthis plant healthy:

*Favours vibrant light, although not direct sunlight.

*Water completely through early spring through the winter season and allow the plant’s soil to dry out in between watering

6. English Ivy:-

[amazon_link asins=’B004B4AB32,B004UQT0JW,B00NOHK45C,B01BFK90JA,B0134VBZEG,B01M7MFBHI,B007O7M2J4,B01N5UI0GV,B0076ZJ21K’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’dd1ab8a0-05fd-11e7-bc0c-f73681bcada1′]
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If your airflow in your geographical area has got stagnant and dried out, English ivy(also known as Hedera helix) may be just the solution! talks aboutthis effervescent house plant as “a solution for allergic reactions” observing that sixty percent of air based mold within the space was removed after just six hrsright after English ivy had been introduced.People that have allergies, asthma, or even the desire to inhale cleaner, more fresh airmight be wise to give this English ivy plant a shot!

7. Date Palm Tree:-

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Although itdoes not position at the top of the purifying scale when compared to it’s three palm relatives, make no mistake: this Date palm house plant(also known as Phoenix roebelinii) remains an extremely efficient and stylish looking method to both cheer up the design of an area and reduce the content level of volatile organic compounds floating all over the air.

The Datehouse plant is very effective at getting rid of formaldehyde thus works great in combination with other purifier plants (has the second highest removal rateafter the fern plant.)
8. Ficus Alii:-

[amazon_link asins=’B01G62F57S,B0031YW0EQ,B017Q0VCIU,B01D4X7SYK,B01D4X6UO4,B01D4X6KLW,B01D4X6HRO,B01D4X5BP8′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’e2d51a18-0601-11e7-af57-2105d908785a’]
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This ficusalii (also known as the Ficus macleilandii) isn’t as strong in it’spollutant-removing effectiveness as, say, a rubber plant, however it remains anexcellent addition to any kind of office or home wherever clear air is missing.Although they aren’t terribly difficult to look after, Plant alerts to us that hand protection ought to be used whilst dealing with thehouse plant for those who have latex allergic reactions.

9. Boston Fern:-

[amazon_link asins=’B01ERMWBCG,B01AO1AV30,B001EBIZ42,B016TJK6G8,B00R7AMRE8,B01591UAOA,B002SVV3I2,B000PXZBQ0,B00FUNG3V2′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’065e3d2e-0602-11e7-9fa7-4db18c46269c’]
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The Bostonfern was the most effective plant at removing Formaldehyde and removed significantly more per hour than the rest of plants examined.Studies havealso shown that the Boston fern will also eliminate heavy metals, such as mercury and arsenic from the soil.
10. Peace Lilly:-

[amazon_link asins=’B000WPABE8,B01ERMWI9M,B00AFBXMKO,B00AO6L55E,B00B7Z0OE4,B0076ZJ21K,B01FRJVMW8,B00JKWZ0OK,B001622202′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’283e92e0-0602-11e7-9e9e-474c1b0c5890′]
The PeaceLily (also known as Spathiphyllumsp.) is a perfect air purifier plant for those who don’t havegreen fingers. Peace Lilies are often found in malls because they are so easyto grow.If youscared you might kill your new house plant then I recommend you go for thisone.
11. Aloe Vera:-

[amazon_link asins=’B01ERMWHTS,B001622202,B00JYNVT7C,B000M4SDP8,B01GF3VHB6,B00D4YK7B6,B000ND5EW8,B018WLMXG2,B00FS217FW’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’5bdf95cd-0602-11e7-9917-2dcd2bb35a60′]
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Aloe verawas proven to be a lot more effective at the elimination of formaldehyde at lesser concentrations when compared with Philodendrons. Aloe vera is likewisefamous as being a healing plant acknowledged for it’s therapeuticqualities, giving it the majority of its nicknames.

12. Spider Plants:-

[amazon_link asins=’B011XCHRMC,B00482TD04,B006EO502Y,B00OI2AECA,B01M3X0DMN,B00I21BH1K,B01M2BTHAU,B00SX8ED6I,B00SHY2JMI’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’7d8c08e4-0602-11e7-af37-8f91a88ab22e’]
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The spider plant was used by Dr Wolverton in his 1985 study that examined the plants removal of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. In a room with many spiderplants the amount of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide dropped to near zero after only 24 hours.


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Thisparticularly attractive house plant was shown to be effective at removing the VOC compound – benzene which has been known to cause cancer.

Many tobaccoproducts contain high levels of benzene so it would be helpful to have one of these plants in a smoking household. However no house plant can ever negate theeffects of tobacco smoke.Remember tobe careful with Chrysanthemum as it is poisonous when ingested or with prolonged skin exposure.
14. Heartleaf  philodendron:-

[amazon_link asins=’B006RODC1M,B0076ZJ21K,B007HCYBS6,B01M32VBH9,B0041EGMJ4,B01090NT44,B06X6JYPS3,B015UNCFNQ,B01B8LXATM’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’d1efe36a-0602-11e7-9c49-3b1fda543f53′]
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The showed that the Philodendron house plant was one of the best house plantfor elimination formaldehyde from the surrounding air, especially when working with higher concentrations.

15. Snake Plants or Mother of Law Tongue:-

[amazon_link asins=’B008LCZFIG,B019F61YBI,B00SX8ED6I,B00OI25CTA,B00TIAJ1TO,B012JCMFAE,B00B7Z0OE4,B001622202′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’f34e5dcb-0602-11e7-98aa-197433b61a84′]
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Snake houseplants — these types of plants tend to be incredible growers and also extremely tough. They’re excellent at eliminating the majority of toxinsplus they are quite happy to grow in areas where other plants may decline and perish ( say for example a hot window ledge). Also, they are great bathroom and darker area plants.

One Final Point:-
Make sure toMaintain your house plants in a good condition and make sure you have enough ofthem. The NASA research advised that there should be a six inch plant for every100 sq feet of interior living space.
Source: Jan 1 2011: Some of Nasa’s findings

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Herbs & Plants

Monstera deliciosa

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Botanical Nume: Monstera deliciosa
Family: Araceae
Subfamily: Monsteroideae
Tribe: Monstereae
Genus: Monstera
Species: M. deliciosa
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Alismatales

Common Names : Ceriman, Swiss Cheese Plant (or just Cheese Plant), Fruit Salad Plant, Monster fruit, Monsterio Delicio, Monstereo, Mexican Breadfruit,


Habitat : Monstera deliciosa is a creeping vine native to tropical rainforests of southern Mexico south to Panama.

Monstera, split-leaf philodendron, Locust and Wild Honey, Windowleaf and Delicious Monster.It is epiphytic vine  A jungle climbing relative of the philodendron from Mexico and Guatemala. It is seen in gardens in tropical and subtropical areas, growing well in partial sun or shade. The plant begins bearing after three years. Popular as a houseplant, it seldom fruits in the home. The large pinnate leaves are perforated with oblong or oval holes, hence one common name. The 9″, dull, deep green, cone-like fruit is actually an unripened flower spike, covered with hexagonal scales that dry out and separate as the fruit ripens from the base upwards, revealing the white pulp. It takes a little longer than a year to mature to an edible  stage. Unripe fruit, if eaten causes irritation to the mouth and throat because of the oxalic acid. It can be induced to ripen by picking when the base has  started to wrinkle and wrapping in a bag for a few days. When unwrapped, the scales should have separated.
Another interesting characteristic of this plant is that the seedlings, upon germination, will grow in the direction of the darkest area (not just merely  away from light) until they encounter the base of a tree to grow on. They will then begin to climb toward the light which is generally up into the canopy of  the tree upon which it is growing.

This member of the Arum family is an epiphyte with aerial roots, able to grow up to 20 m high with large, leathery, glossy, heart-shaped leaves 25–90 cm long by 25–75 cm broad. Young plants have leaves that are smaller and entire with no lobes or holes, but soon produce lobed and holed leaves. Wild seedlings grow towards the darkest area they can find until they find a tree trunk, then start to grow up towards the light, creeping up the tree.

The fruit is up to 25 cm long and 3–4 cm diameter, looking like a green ear of maize covered with hexagonal scales.Fruits of plants of the Araceae (Arum family) often contain Raphides and Trichosclereids – needle like structures of calcium oxalate.

The fruit may be ripened by cutting it when the first scales begin to lift up and it begins to exude a pungent odor. It is wrapped in a paper bag and set aside until the scales begin popping off. The scales are then brushed off or fall away to reveal the edible flesh underneath. The flesh, which is similar to pineapple in texture, can be cut away from the core and eaten. It has a fruity taste similar to jackfruit and pineapple.

The plant is commonly grown for interior decoration in public buildings and as a houseplant. It grows best between the temperatures of 20 °C and 30 °C and requires high humidity and shade. Growth ceases below 10 °C and it is killed by frost. In the coastal zones of Sicily, especially in the Palermo area, where it is called “Zampa di leone” (“Lion’s paw”), it is often cultivated outdoors. In ideal conditions it flowers about three years after it is planted.

Flowering is rare when grown indoors. The plant can be transplanted by taking cuttings of a mature plant or by air layering.


Propagation:Propagated by cuttings of mature wood or air layering.

Edible Uses:
The spadix is develops over a year’s time into a fruit shaped like a miniature ear of corn; yellow scales drop off when ripe. It has a pulp that tastes pleasantly sweet with a pineapple-banana fragrance. Monstera deliciosa is most often used fresh.

Chemical Constituents: You may click to see

Medicinal Uses:

In Mexico, a leaf or root infusion is drunk daily to relieve arthritis.

In Martinique the root is used to make a remedy for snakebite.

Other Uses:
The aerial roots have been used as ropes in Peru, and to make baskets in Mexico.

Windowleaf may be grown as a garden plant in tropical climates or as a house plant. House plants require indirect light and moist, well-draining soil. Fertilize during the growing season, and wipe leaves down with a damp sponge. Use rainwater or demineralized water, and reduce watering during the winter.

Disclaimer:The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is  always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.


Herbs & Plants

Snake Plant

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Botanical Name :Sansevieria trifasciata
Family: Ruscaceae Agavaceae
Genus: Sansevieria
Species: S. trifasciata
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Angiosperms
Order: Asparagales

Common Names:Good luck plant, mother-in-law’s tongue, snake plant, Huw?ilán(Chinese), Tiger’s Tail(Japanese),Espada-de-são-jorge (sword-of-saint-george) (Brazil)In Africa, the plant is used as a protective charm against evil or bewitchment.

Habitat : Native to tropical west Africa from Nigeria east to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.Now they are grown in many places.

It is an evergreen herbaceous perennial plant forming dense stands, spreading by way of its creeping rhizome, which is sometimes above ground, sometimes underground. Its stiff leaves grow vertically from a basal rosette. Mature leaves are dark green with light gray-green cross-banding and usually range between 70–90 cm in length and 5–6 cm in width.

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The foliage is stiff, succulent, mottled, blotched or lined; many shapes and sizes.
There are several varieties of the good luck plant such as S. trifasciata laurentii “compacta goldeana”, S. trifasciata “Hahnii”, S. trifasciata Golden Hahnii and S. arborescens.The snake plant is often mottled dark green and cream with small white fragrant flowers.It produces a berry as the fruit.


Light shade, well drained soil; do not water too much.
Is tolerant of salt and saline soils.
It can withstand 28° F. for very brief periods.
Can also be kept as a potted household plant.

Propagation: It can be propagated by cuttings or by dividing the rhizome. The first method has the disadvantage that the variegation is likely to be lost.

Medicinal Uses:
The leaves are used to treat shingles (herpes zoster).
In Singapore and Indo-China the warm juice of S. trifasciata leaves is dropped into the ear as a treatment for earache; the juice of fresh leaves is used to treat pharyngitis and hoarseness.

[amazon_link asins=’B01HHKC7SI,B00RVNLDWI’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’b010954b-ee80-11e6-bae0-59620f142b4a’]

[amazon_link asins=’B01HHKC7SI,B00RVNLDWI’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’IN’ link_id=’1ac6d94c-ee81-11e6-875e-1b1916c372fc’]

Other Uses:
Like some other members of its genus, S. trifasciata yields bowstring hemp, a strong plant fiber once used to make bowstrings.

It is now used predominantly as an ornamental plant, outdoors in warmer climates, and indoors as a houseplant in cooler climates. It is popular as a houseplant as it is tolerant of low light levels and irregular watering; during winter it needs only one watering every couple of months. It will rot easily if overwatered. A study by NASA found that it is one of the best plants for improving indoor air quality by passively adsorbing toxins such as nitrogen oxides and formaldehyde.

Numerous cultivars have been selected, many of them for variegated foliage with yellow or silvery-white stripes on the leaf margins. Popular cultivars include ‘Compacta’, ‘Goldiana’, ‘Hahnii’, ‘Laurentii’, ‘Silbersee‘, and ‘Silver Hahnii’.

In Africa, the plant is used as a protective charm against evil or bewitchment.

The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.


Herbs & Plants


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Botanical Name :Alocasia
Family: Araceae
Subfamily: Aroideae
Tribe: Colocasieae
Genus: Alocasia
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Alismatales
Syn. : Arum Indicum, Roxb. Sans, Alocasia macorhiza (Linn);  Alocasia odora Koch; Colocasia macrorhiza Schott

Common Name :Makanda, Giant taro, Mankachu, Great-leaved Caledium, Alavu, mankanda, Genasoo, Marambu, Alu, Merukanlilangu, Chara kanda,Elephant Ear,Giant Elephant Ear

.Bengali name :Kochu
Parts used: Stems, leave, rhizomes.

Habitat :Native to Java and Malaysia, people there use alocasia (Esculenta, Taro) as important sources of starch, such as poi in the Hawaiian food tradition. It grows most places having worm climate.Grows  very well in India, Balgladesh and Sreelankha.

Alocasia is a genus of about 70 species .These rhizomatous or bulbous perennials occur in tropical humid climates of southeast Asia and a few other places. They are grown as ornamentals for their large heart-shaped or arrowhead-shaped leaves, sometimes called African Masks or Elephant’s Ears. These plants are variable in size, height, shape, and leaf color.
The underground stems of Alocasia Indica constitute a valu-able and important vegetable of native dietary. The stems sometimes grow to an immense size, from six to eight feet in length and can be preserved for a considerable time. Hence they are of great importance in jail dietary when fresh vegetables become scarce in the bazar or jail garden. They thrive best in shade under the eaves of huts or buildings and beside fences.

The stem (a corm) is edible, but contains raphid or raphide crystals of oxalic acid that can numb and swell the tongue and pharynx resulting in difficult breathing, and sharp throat pain. The lower parts contain more of the poison. Prolonged boiling before serving or processing may reduce the risks but acidic fruit such as tamarind will dissolve them.

Constituents and properties:-
*Rhizomes contain phytosterols, alkaloids, glucose and fructose.
*Root tuber contains neurotoxin, sapotoxin.

Medicinal Uses:
Medicinally manaka is said to be useful in anasarca, in which disease it is used in the following manner. Take of the powdered meal of Alocasia Indica eight tolas, powdered rice sixteen tolas, water and milk, forty-eight tol?s each, boil them together till the water is evaporated. This preparation called Menamanda, is given as diet.1 No other article is allowed in addition to it except milk. A ghrita is also ordered to be made with a decoction and paste of menaka but it is not in vogue.

• Leaves and corms used for furuncles, impetigo and snake bites
• Ground petioles in near-decayed state are placed in cloth and heated in coals, used for toothaches.
• Decoction of rhizomes used for abdominal pains and vomiting.
• Acrid juice used for stings of giant nettles (Laportea).
• In Java, chopped roots and leaves applied to painful joints.
• In India, rhizomes are rubefacient; employed as external stimulant and for fevers.

Other Uses:
As Houseplants
Hybrids, such as the Amazon Lily or the African Mask (Alocasia x amazonica) are grown as popular ornamentals. Alocasia are distinctly exotic and tropical plants that are increasingly becoming popular in American and European homes as houseplants. They are typically grown as pot plants but a better way is to grow the plants permanently in the controlled conditions of a greenhouse. They do not do well in the dark and need good lighting if inside the house. They should be cared for as any other tropical plant with weekly cleaning of the leaves and frequent fine water misting without leaving the plants wet.

Unfortunately, they rarely survive cold winters, or the dryness of artificial heating, but an attempt to slowly acclimatize plants from the summer garden to the house can help . Once inside the watering period must be reduced and the plants should be protected from spider mites or red spider attack. Alternatively, let younger plants die back to the corm from when the temperature reaches 19 degrees and with some luck this could lead to a rebirth in spring.

• Antifungal / Anti-HIV1 Reverse Transcriptase: Alocasin, an anti-fungal protein was isolated from the rhizome of Alocasia macrorrhiza. and showed antifungal activity against Botrytis cineria. Alocasin also reduced the activity of HIV1 reverse transcriptase.
• Neurotoxicity / Sapotoxin: A case report of poisoning due to the raw root tuber of Chinese medicinal plant, A macrorrhiza, presenting with severe pain and numbness periorally, with nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Root tuber is known to contain the neurotoxin, sapotoxin.
Anti-Tumor: In a study of the antitumor effect of water extract of Alocasia macrorrhiza, the inhibitory rate was 29.38% against S180 in mice and 51.72% against transplantable human gastroadenitis in nude mice.

Known Possible Hazards :
• Stinging Raphides: Stems, corms, leaves and petioles contain stinging raphides (calcium oxalate crystals) that are destroyed by boiling and roasting.
• Neurotoxicity: Case report possiblty caused by tuber root neurotoxin, sapotoxin.

The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.


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Herbs & Plants

Money Plant

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Botanical Name :  Epipremnum aureum
Family:Family: Araceae
Subfamily: Monsteroideae

Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Alismatales
Tribe: Monstereae
Genus: Epipremnum
Species: E. aureum

Synonyms: Epipremnum pinnatum, Pothos aureus, Scindapsus aureus, Raphidophora aurea.

Common Names: Pothos (once classified under the genus Pothos),Golden pothos, Silver Vine, Money Plant, Centipede tongavine, Devil’s Ivy and Solomon Islands‘ Ivy

Habitat : Native to southeastern Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia) and New Guinea. It is sometimes mistakenly labeled as a Philodendron in plant stores.

Description  :
It is a liana growing to 20 m tall, with stems up to 4 cm diameter, climbing by means of aerial roots which hook over tree branches. The leaves are evergreen, alternate, heart-shaped, entire on juvenile plants, but irregularly pinnatifid on mature plants, up to 100 cm long and 45 cm broad (juvenile leaves much smaller, typically under 20 cm long). The flowers are produced in a spathe up to 23 cm long.(Bloom Time: Rarely flowers)

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This plant produces trailing stems when it climbs up trees and these take root when they reach the ground and grow along it. The leaves on these trailing stems grow up to 10cm long and are the ones normally seen on this plant when it is cultivated as a pot plant.

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It is a popular houseplant with numerous cultivars selected for leaves with white, yellow, or light green variegation. It is often used in decorative displays in shopping centers, offices, and other public locations largely because it is a very hardy plant that requires little care and is also attractively leafy. It is also efficient at removing indoor pollutants such as formaldehyde, xylene, and benzene A study found that this effect became less the higher the molecular weight of the polluting substance.

As a houseplant it can reach a height of two meters or more, given suitable support. For best results it requires medium indirect light; bright light is tolerated, but lengthy spells of direct sun will scorch the leaves. The plant prefers a temperature of between 17 to 30 °C (63 to 86 °F). Generally it only needs water when the soil begins to feel dry to the touch. For best results a liquid fertilizer can be added in spring, and they should be repotted every couple of years. However, this is a robust plant that can stand a very high degree of abuse. It will grow hydroponically quite readily.

(1) Evergreen (2) Has showy flowers. (3)  Leaves colorful (4) Has showy fruit .
Because of its tolerance of low-light conditions, this easy-growing and hardy plant, E. aureum make excellent house plants in vases, pots and hanging baskets, allowing the stems to tumble down. Ideal as an indoor plant in greenhouse or conservatory in temperate regions. Its fabulous variegated foliage are used popularly for interiorscape in homes, offices, shopping malls and public places, as well as cut foliage to complement floral arrangement, while at the same time, cleansing the indoor air of pollutants.
Outdoors, Pothos is most suitable as a groundcover in garden beds and borders with its sprawling habit, or grown in above-ground planter or small to large containers raised on a pedestal for a cascading effect. Very suitable as a climbing vine on trellis, poles, fences, trees or wires. It can also be espaliered against the wall for landscapping or allowed to cascade down a wall for that something extra to spruce and beautify your garden.

The plant is listed as “toxic to cats, toxic to dogs” by the ASPCA, due to the presence of insoluble calcium oxalates. Care should be taken to ensure the plant is not consumed by house pets. Symptoms may include oral irritation, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing.

Popular E. aureum cultivars include:

•‘Golden Pothos’ – green waxy leaves, irregularly variegated with splashes and streaks of golden yellow and creamy white;
•‘Marble Queen’ – white to creamy leaves that are smooth and waxy, blotched and streaked with green and grey-green;
•‘Tricolor’ – green leaves marbled with deep yellow, cream and pale green;
•‘Jade Pothos’ – solid green leaves without variegation;
•‘Hawaiian Pothos’ – similar to ‘Golden Pothos’ in variegation, though the yellow is more striking and brilliant;
•‘Neon’ (or ‘Goldilocks’) – lime-green leaves without variegation, small and compact;
•‘Wilcoxii’ – with sharply-defined variegations of green and white;


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