Herbs & Plants

Ferulis harmonis

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Botanical Name : Ferulis harmonis
Family : parsley
Common Name: Zallouh,Shirsh Zallouh

Habitat: Native to middle eastern countries. The plant grows between 6000 and 10,000 feet around massive Mount Haramoun, which straddles the borders of Syria, Lebanon and Israel.In that region, the plant is extravagantly profuse. At present, many thousands of tons of zallouh grow on Mount Haramoun.

Ferulis harmonis   is a small perennial shrub with thin leaves and tiny white or yellow flowers. It has  hairy roots.


Due to ongoing ethnic and religious conflicts in the Middle East, the Israeli side of Mount Haramoun is not a safe or secure source of zallouh. On the Lebanese side, indiscriminate harvesting of the wild plant has reduced its occurence. As a result, the Lebanese government has made efforts to limit zallouh harvesting. In Syria, a nation under military rule, zallouh trade is overseen by the Syrian Army, and the harvesting of zallouh is conducted in a controlled, sustainable fashion. The root is typically harvested from August to October.

Medicinal Uses:
Zallouh(Ferulis harmonis) has a long tradition of use by men with erectile problems and for men and women with low libido.  But the root has also enjoyed even broader use for sexual enhancement among health men and women, to increase sexual frequency and to increase pleasure.  It is rich in antioxidants and it helps to retard the aging process.    The plant has also undergone scientific clinical study.  An extract of the root is made in a combination of alcohol and water.  The taste is quite bitter and it’s best to put it in milk or fruit juice.

You may click to see : Viagra Alternative Choice: “Nature Viagra” (Herb)

Disclaimer:The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider


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Cuddling May Be Key to Long-Term Happy Relationship

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A new study that looked at middle-aged and older couples found that cuddling and caressing can boost satisfaction.  The study also revealed that:


•Tenderness is more important to men than to women
•Men are more likely to report being happy in their relationship
•Women are more likely to be satisfied with their sex life
According to Yahoo Health:

“Both women and men were happier the longer they had been together and if they had higher levels of sexual functioning … Sexual satisfaction for both women and men was associated with frequent kissing and cuddling, sexual caressing by a partner, high sexual functioning, and frequent sex. For men, having had more sex partners in their lifetime was a predictor of less sexual satisfaction … Sexual satisfaction for women increased over time.”

*Yahoo Health July 6, 2011

*Archives of Sexual Behavior August 2011; 40(4):741-53

Posted By Dr. Mercola | July 25 2011

News on Health & Science

FDA Cites Toxic Risk Of Popular Head-Lice Drug

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The sole U.S. maker of an insecticide-based treatment for head lice has stopped promoting the product after a sharply worded warning from the Food and Drug Administration that its marketing misled consumers by downplaying the rare, but serious, risks of the treatments.


The move follows years of controversy over prescription shampoo and lotion treatments that contain the insecticide lindane, including a ban on their use in California. Lawmakers in Michigan, New York and Minnesota are considering curbing use of the products.

In a little-noticed December letter, the FDA cites concern over some of the information drugmaker Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals provided on websites and in mailed materials, including a statement by the company that treating head lice effectively requires two applications, several days apart. That is “extremely alarming given that retreatment with Lindane Shampoo can lead to increased exposure and possibly death,” the FDA says.

Millions of cases of head lice and body mites are reported each year in the USA, often among children. More than 166,000 prescriptions for lindane treatments — almost 10% of all prescriptions for head lice and scabies — were written from January to November 2007, according to the tracking firm IMS Health.

RELATED: States may restrict lice treatments:

Hospitalizations, seizures and deaths have been reported after the use of Lindane Shampoo and Lindane Lotion, according to the products’ warning label. The FDA requires the prescriptions to carry that warning. The warning label also cites “lindane toxicity, verified by autopsy” in two deaths: an infant and an adult who used the product to commit suicide.

Morton Grove was purchased by Wockhardt, an India-based company, in October. It says in a response letter that the new owners “do not believe” that the marketing materials “intended to downplay” the risks associated with the shampoo. Morton Grove President and CEO Kurt Orlofski said in an interview the firm has stopped its promotion, as requested by the FDA, until it develops new marketing materials.

“The FDA has had a number of occasions to review the safety and efficacy of product and keep it or pull it: They have kept it on the market,” Orlofski said. “It’s an important second-line therapy.”

The FDA says lindane products are useful as a last resort against head lice and scabies. “The benefit of the drug for treating scabies and lice outweigh the risk,” FDA spokeswoman Rita Chappelle said.

Several treatments for head lice are available, including combing out the lice and their nits, over-the-counter products and prescription treatments.

In 2006, the Environmental Protection Agency banned lindane as an agricultural insecticide, citing its toxicity. About 50 other countries already ban or restrict the agricultural use of lindane.



Tips for Exercising in the Cold

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When the temperature drops, you need to adjust your exercise program. Here are 3 ways to keep moving.Follow these tips to stay safe when it’s cold out:

1. Layer it on. The secret to exercising in cold weather is dressing properly, preferably in lightweight layers you can add or remove as needed and as weather conditions shift. A thermal layer next to your skin will wick moisture away. Add a wool layer for insulation, then one that resists wind and water, but “breathes” so that perspiration doesn’t build up. Clothes with zippers let you cool off during a workout as well as adjust to changes in the weather. A hat prevents loss of body heat through the top of your head. For warmth, mittens are better than gloves. On bitter, cold days, you should also cover up your face.

2. Drink plenty of fluids — you perspire exercising in the cold too. But don’t drink alcohol; it dilates your blood vessels, causing you to lose heat more rapidly.

3. Do your warmup, stretching, and cooldown inside. Start your workout facing into the wind so that you will work hardest when you are fresh and will avoid having it blow in your perspiring face and body on your return. Don’t stand around in your damp clothes afterward; go inside right away. Finally, when it’s icy underfoot, avoid the risk of a fall by working out indoors.

Source:Reader’s Digest.
