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Botanical Name :Convolvulus Soldanella
Family: Convolvulaceae
Genus: Calystegia
Species: C. soldanella
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Solanales
Synonyms :Convolvulus sepium, Hedge Convolvulus. Old Man’s Night Cap. Hooded Bindweed. Bearbind. Convolvulus soldanella.
Common Names :Sea Bindweed or Hedge Convolvulus (C. sepium), is a hedge plant found abundantly throughout England and Scotland, but only of local occurrence in Scotland. Like the Field Convolvulus, it is, in spite of the beauty of its flowers, regarded as a pest by both the farmer and the gardener, its roots being long and penetrating in a dense mass that exhausts the soil, and its twining stems extending in masses over all other plants near, and strangling them to a still greater degree than its smaller relative
Common Name :Sea Bindweed , seashore false bindweed, shore bindweed, shore convolvulus and beach morning glory
Habitat :The Sea Bindweed is a very beautiful species growing only on sandy sea-shores, decorating the sloping sides of sand-hills with its large, pale rosecoloured flowers striped with red. It is native to Coastal areas of Europe, including Britain, N. Africa, Asia, N. and S. America and Australasia.
Sea Bindweed is a perennial creaper growing to 0.6 m (2ft).
It is hardy to zone 6.Its stems are not climbing being usually buried beneath the sand, the flowers and leaves merely rising above the surface. The leaves are fleshy, roundish or kidney-shaped, about the size of the Lesser Celandine, placed singly on alternate sides of the stem on long foot-stalks. The flowers are produced singly at each side of the stem, on four-sided, winged stalks, and blossom in July, being succeeded by round capsules. The bracts are large, egg-shaped and close to the flower, which is nearly as large as the Great Bindweed, and expands in the morning and in bright weather, closing before night. This species is also frequently assigned to the genus Calystegia. It is in flower from Jun to August. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Bees, lepidoptera.
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Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils. Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. It cannot grow in the shade. It prefers moist soil.
Easily grown in ordinary well-drained garden soil in a sunny position. This species is very difficult to establish successfully in the garden.
Seed – sow spring in a cold frame in a free draining compost and only just cover. The seed usually germinates in 1 – 3 months at 15°c. When they are large enough to handle, prick the seedlings out into individual pots and grow them on in a cold frame for at least their first winter. Plant them out into their permanent positions in late spring or early summer, after the last expected frosts. Division in early spring whilst dormant.
Edible Uses :
Young shoots – cooked as a vegetable or pickled and used as a samphire substitute. Caution is advised since the plant might have a purgative effect.
Medicinal Uses :
Antiscorbutic; Diuretic; Febrifuge; Irritant; Purgative; Vermifuge.
The dried rhizomes, roots, and leaves are used in the preparation of laxatives and remedies for gallbladder problems. It was also used in folk medicine for jaundice. Women drank this tea to help stomach cramps or to guard against a miscarriage. The fresh leaves, made into a poultice, helped to bring a boil to a head. American Indians were said to have rubbed the leaves of the plant over their bodies and then handled rattlesnakes without dancer. The fresh sap of the plant when crushed is an effective treatment for fevers relating to infections such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis, etc. Take 1 Tbsp juice, 3 times a day for it. A mother tincture made from the root is used primarily to treat hepatic constipation.
Other Uses:
The stems are very flexible and are used as a string for tying. Fairly strong but not long-lasting.
Known Hazards : This species is said to be purgative, some caution is advised.
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