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Many people love honey, and many people love cinnamon. And when used separately, each has its own healing capabilities. But when the two are mixed together and consumed, magic can happen. Okay, not really magic, but some have called this an “elixir of health and immortality”. But why is this mixture given such a high prestige? Here we will talk about just a few of the great benefits that this mixture can produce for people. The first we will discuss is digestion: honey combined with cinnamon has been shown to speed up digestion, and can help you digest some of those foods that you sometimes struggle with. Next, bad cholesterol: 3 teaspoons of cinnamon mixed with 2 tablespoons of honey and placed in green tea three times a day, and you will see your cholesterol lower in just days.(You may click to see the picture)
If you need to lose weight, you can benefit as well. A teaspoon each of honey and cinnamon, cooked with water, drunk twice a day, will help you to prevent fat from building up in the body. Honey and cinnamon can also help you to strengthen your immune system, preventing illnesses from both viruses and bacteria. A few other benefits include help with fatigue, reduction of joint inflammation/arthritis, and prevention of bladder infections. If you suffer from any of these ailments, or simply want to improve your health, do a little research and see if this is the right elixir for you and your needs.