Ailmemts & Remedies

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. Each episode, called apneas (Greek: ?p???a (ápnoia), from a- (a-), privative, p??e?? (pnéein), to breathe), lasts long enough so that one or more breaths are missed, and occurs repeatedly throughout sleep. The standard definition of any apneic event includes a minimum 10 second interval between breaths, with either a neurological arousal (a 3-second or greater shift in EEG frequency, measured at C3, C4, O1, or O2), a blood oxygen desaturation of 3-4% or greater, or both arousal and desaturation. Sleep apnea is diagnosed with an overnight sleep test called a polysomnogram.


Clinically significant levels of sleep apnea are defined as five or more episodes per hour of any type of apnea (from the polysomnogram). There are three distinct forms of sleep apnea: central, obstructive, and complex (complex is a combination of central and obstructive) making up 0.4%, 84% and 15% of cases respectively.  Breathing is interrupted by the lack of effort in central sleep apnea; in obstructive sleep apnea, breathing is interrupted by a physical block to airflow despite effort. In mixed sleep apnea, there is a transition from central to obstructive features during the events themselves.

Regardless of type, the individual with sleep apnea is rarely aware of having difficulty breathing, even upon awakening. Sleep apnea is recognized as a problem by others witnessing the individual during episodes or is suspected because of its effects on the body (sequelae). Symptoms may be present for years, even decades without identification, during which time the sufferer may become conditioned to the daytime sleepiness and fatigue associated with significant levels of sleep disturbance.

Breathing Problems During Sleep

Many people consider snoring a minor annoyance, but it can signal a potentially serious condition called sleep apnea (temporary interruptions in breathing during sleep).

An article in the June 13, 2001, issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association reports an association between sleep-disordered breathing and a genetic marker called apolipoprotein E ?. The authors speculate that this marker may be one of many genetic factors that make someone susceptible to developing sleep-disordered breathing.

Sleep apnea is disturbed or interrupted breathing during sleep. For those affected by sleep apnea, there can be many temporary interruptions in breathing, each usually lasting about 10 seconds, throughout the sleep period. These interruptions in breathing can occur as often as 20 to 30 times per hour.

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea:-

Because some of the symptoms of sleep apnea occur during sleep, they may be recognized first by people with whom one shares living quarters.

* Heavy snoring, although not everyone who snores has sleep apnea
* Struggling to breathe during sleep
* Interruption in breathing during sleep followed by a snort when breathing begins again
* Being excessively sleepy during the day
* Falling asleep during activities that require attention and concentration, such as driving, working or talking

If you are experiencing these symptoms, see a doctor; you may have sleep apnea or some other condition that needs medical attention.

Causes of Sleep Apnea:-

* Obstructive — Partial or complete obstruction of the airway, which can be caused by relaxation of the muscles of the throat, soft palate, and tongue during sleep
* Central — Problems with signals from the brain that control breathing

Risk factors for sleep apnea include

* Being overweight
* Having a physical abnormality in the nose, throat, or other parts of the upper respiratory tract
* Having high blood pressure


For mild cases of sleep-disordered breathing one can

* Sleep on one’s side instead of back
* Avoid drinking alcohol before sleeping
* Avoid using sleeping pills
* Avoid smoking or using other tobacco products
* Lose weight, if overweight

The most common medical treatment for sleep apnea is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), which is a therapy that uses pressure from an air blower to circulate air through the nasal passages and upper airway. The patient wears a mask over the nose that is connected to the air pressure hose, and the air pressure is adjusted to keep the airway open during sleep. Other therapies include dental appliances that change the position of the jaw and tongue, and various surgeries to keep the airway open during sleep.

Special situation: surgery and anesthesia in patients with sleep apnea syndrome

Many drugs and agents used during surgery to relieve pain and to depress consciousness remain in the body at low amounts for hours or even days afterwards. In an individual with either central, obstructive or mixed sleep apnea, these low doses may be enough to cause life-threatening irregularities in breathing.

Use of analgesics and sedatives in these patients postoperatively should therefore be minimized or avoided.

Surgery on the mouth and throat, as well as dental surgery and procedures, can result in postoperative swelling of the lining of the mouth and other areas that affect the airway. Even when the surgical procedure is designed to improve the airway, such as tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy or tongue reduction – swelling may negate some of the effects in the immediate postoperative period.

Individuals with sleep apnea generally require more intensive monitoring after surgery for these reasons.

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Bad Teeth Lead to Heart Woes

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Bad teeth may not just be all about that sudden shooting pain when having a cold drink.


A recent study by the Maulana Azad Dental College has shown a correlation between gum diseases and high levels of triglycerides in blood.

“Gum infection can affect blood vessels in the teeth and carry harmful bacteria to the heart. It is also an important marker of diseases like diabetes, osteoporosis, etc,”says Dr Mahesh Verma, principal, Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences.

Dental hygiene, doctors feel is often neglected for a variety of reasons. A demand for cosmetic correction and fixing of dental problem far exceeds the most basic need of oral hygiene, which can drastically reduce dental complications. Dentists say that 90% of Indians suffer from gum disease and a majority of them don’t even know about these.

Despite the knowledge that dental hygiene is a must, the common belief is that dental prophylaxis (cleaning of teeth and gums) damages teeth and weakens gums, thereby resulting in mobile teeth.

Dentists say it is a myth.”It is vice-versa. If you don’t get regular prophylaxis done every six months, it will result in chronic gum diseases and weaken the gums and result in mobile teeth or complete teeth loss. A lot of patients come to us with dental problem and we find that the root cause of their problem is chronic gum diseases.

Despite making them understand the importance of regular prophylaxis, patients don’t turn up the next time,”says Dr Pravesh Miglani, director dentistry, Fortis Healthcare.

The most common gum diseases are gingivitis and periodontitis. And dentists say that nearly 95% Indians suffer from some degree of gingivitis.”When the tartar, which is the mineralised form of plaque, is left unclean for long it starts affecting the gums.

Particles get deposited between the tooth and gums. Bacteria acting on these particles produces toxins that causes inflammation of the gums. It results in redness, swelling and itching of gums,”says Dr Ajay Sharma, senior consultant, dentist, Max Healthcare.

It can only be cleaned during prophylaxis and not by a normal toothbrush. As it is left untreated, over the years it develops pockets or cavity in periodontium and results in inflammation.

“It is not like other diseases that it happens in select cases. Gingivitis is seen in almost 99% cases and periodontitis is a stage after gingivitis.

Periodontitis is the most common problem in adults,”says Dr Bela Jain, senior consultant, dentist, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.

Sources: The Times Of India

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Sleep Apnea Can Lead to Memory Loss

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Loud snoring can seriously affect your memory.In what will come as a stern warning for 36 million Indians, American and Indian scientists have for the first time jointly discovered that people with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) suffer tissue loss in brain regions that help store memory.


This has been reported by researchers from Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, and UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) in the June edition of the journal ‘Neuroscience Letters‘ .

The study focused on structures called mammillary bodies – involved with the processing of recognition memory on the underside of the brain.

The team scanned the brains of 43 OSA patients, using MRI to collect high-resolution images of the entire brain, including slices of the mammillary bodies. The structures’ small size makes them difficult to measure by conventional MRI.

When they compared the results to images of 66 control subjects, the scientists discovered that OSA patients’ mammillary bodies were nearly 20% smaller, particularly on the left side.”The findings are important because patients suffering memory loss from other syndromes, such as alcoholism or Alzheimers disease, also show shrunken mammillary bodies,”said lead author Rajesh Kumar, assistant researcher in neurobiology from SGPIMS.

“Our findings, therefore, demonstrate that impaired breathing during sleep can lead to a serious brain injury that disrupts memory and thinking,”said principal investigator Ronald Harper, professor of neurobiology at UCLA.”The fact that patients’ memory problems continue despite treatment for their sleep disorder implies a long-lasting brain injury,”Harper added.

Sleep apnea occurs when a blocked airway repeatedly halts the sleeper’s breathing for 10 seconds, at least five times per hour of sleep. Untreated OSA can cause high blood pressure, ultimately causing heart attacks and stroke. It also increases risk of diabetes, impotency, irregular heartbeats and automobile accidents due to excessive daytime sleepiness.

ENT specialist from AIIMS K K Handa says nearly 60% of those who snore suffer from OSA.”I am not surprised by this finding, especially because OSA reduces oxygenation to brain tissues and the central nervous system. At present in India, even children are suffering from OSA,”Dr Handa added.

You may click to see:->

>Sleep Apnea Leads to Hypercapnia

Sources:The Times Of India

News on Health & Science

Flip-flops ‘Linked to Skin Cancer’

From cheap plastic foam to leather

Image via Wikipedia

They may be just perfect for hot weather and a fashion hit of the summer, but remember wearing sandals and flip-flops can put you at risk of developing skin cancer on your feet.


Researchers have earlier warned of some link between open-toed footwears and skin patches.

Now, medics have also joined the attack by saying that sporting them can increase a person’s chance of getting lesions as the skin becomes exposed to intense sunlight, a key cause of skin tumours, or melanomas.

Cancer that affects the feet is actually known as “acral melanoma” and typically occurs on the sole of the foot, between the toes or under the toenails. Research has revealed that only half of patients with foot melanomas survive.

Anthony Kontos, Head of the clinic at the Hospital of St John and St Elizabeth, who regularly treats patients with flip-flop injuries, said people often mistook skin cancer on the feet for bruising.

“With the increasing popularity of open-toed sandals and flip-flops, feet often have a sudden blast of intense sunlight. Our feet are enclosed in shoes most of the year and then we pack our sandals for a holiday in hot temperatures. This means feet are particularly susceptible to sunburn.

“People are generally aware of checking other parts of their body for suspicious moles but they’re unlikely to examine their feet,” British newspaper ‘The Daily Telegraph‘ quoted the podiatric surgeon as saying.

But, hey ladies, if you still want to sport those comfortable footwears apply sunscreen to feet, including the soles that is the advice from doctors.

However a British Skin Foundation Spokesman said, “The fact is that all types of skin cancer are on the rise. Women especially are susceptible because any lotion applied to the bridge of the foot gets rubbed off by sandals.”

Sources: The Times Of India

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Featured News on Health & Science

Oily Fish ‘Cuts Eye Disease Risk’

[amazon_link asins=’B001LF39SS,B009P052TK,B00EV7PZK8,B01MRWMY6Z,0955251214,B000UWE0AO,B01N0E7Q43,B06XCDWV2N,B000ZZB31A’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’998a2195-edf0-11e7-a72b-df03dec5c65c’][amazon_link asins=’B002VLZ8BW,B06XCDWV2N,B009P052TK,B00EV7PZK8,B01E527F2Y,B01MRWMY6Z,B000UWE0AO,B01KFQ7IG2,B003PGJM00′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’05ab8d31-78d7-11e7-b03d-85163c1761c4′]

Eating food rich in omega-3, such as oily fish, could help some people avoid one of the most common causes of vision loss, a research review suggests.

AMD causes a progressive loss of sight

The Annals of Ophthalmology review suggests omega-3 may cut the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) by a third.

However, the Australian researchers stop short of encouraging everyone to eat more omega-3 for this reason alone.

An estimated 500,000 people in the UK suffer from AMD in some form.

“Prevention of this condition remains a major public health concern”….Spokesman, RNIB

it is a progressive and irreversible condition caused by thinning and bleeding around the macula – the central portion of the retina.

People with AMD, mostly over the age of 60, lose the ability to see fine detail, and, in severe cases, can choose to become registered blind, even though they still have some peripheral vision left.

Studies have already linked omega-3 fatty acids with a variety of health benefits, the most significant being suggestions that it can help people with heart disease.

The University of Melbourne study added up the results of nine previous studies on omega-3 and AMD, a total of 88,974 participants, including more than 3,000 with AMD.


Doing this gives the results more statistical strength – making it less likely than in the original nine studies that the findings are simply due to chance or some other confounding factor.

Eating fish twice a week was linked to a reduced risk of AMD, and a 38% reduction in risk was found when those eating the most omega-3 were compared with those eating the least.

‘Raise awareness’

Dr Elaine Chong, who led the research, said that omega-3 fatty acids were a vital component of the retina, and it was possible that a shortage of the chemical could “initiate” the disease as retinal cells were constantly shed and renewed.

However, she was cautious about recommending a change in diet, as little of the research analysed was set up to provide solid evidence.

“Although this meta-analysis suggests that consumption of fish and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids may be associated with a lower risk of AMD, there is insufficient evidence from the current literature, with few prospective studies and no randomised clinical trials, to support their routine consumption for AMD prevention.”

A spokesman for the vision charity RNIB said that, given the high cost of treatment for one type of AMD, and the lack of treatment for the other, prevention was a “major public health concern”.

“The analysis of the existing evidence confirms that smoking is the only proven avoidable risk factor for AMD.

“We would welcome randomised controlled trials on the role that omega-3 fatty acids and fish consumption may be able to play in preventing AMD.

“In the interim we would encourage the government to do more to raise awareness of the link between smoking and blindness.”

Sources: BBC NEWS: 10Th. June, ’08
