News on Health & Science

A ‘cure’ for infertile men

German scientists claim to have found the cure for what is regarded the biggest cause of male infertility — blocked vessels in the testicle, reports BBC .

A simple surgical procedure can treat what some regard as a leading cause of male infertility, says a German team.

The team found that using a minimally invasive technique to correct blocked vessels in the testicle enabled some previously infertile men to conceive.

The findings were presented at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America. But other experts said the results were not conclusive because the team had not carried out a control study.

Some researchers believe varicose veins in the testicle, varicoceles, are a leading cause of male infertility.

Varicoceles, which are a tangled network of blood vessels, are caused by blood circulation problems. They are relatively common: about 10-15% of men are estimated to have them.

Although in many cases they are harmless, some believe they can lead to fertility problems because they cause warm blood to pool, increasing the scrotum temperature and reducing sperm count.

Previous reviews of research have found that using open surgery to remove the varicoceles in sub-fertile men have not made any difference to their ability to conceive, but the researchers in Germany used a different technique called embolisation.

This involves inserting a small catheter into the groin and steering it into the varicocele. A tiny platinum coil and a special fluid are then injected, via the catheter, to block off the faulty vein, diverting the blood flow through an alternative route.

Source:The Times Of India

Positive thinking

Self Determination

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We should always use our own mental power to take a decision……… must see the pros and cons, not once but may be multiple times but the decision should come from within and should never distract from it till the goal is reached.Every person has this power, only we are to cultivate it.

Our lives are defined by the decisions we make each day. When we choose one option over another, whether we are selecting a restaurant or considering a cross-country move, we shape our lives. The decision-making process can be empowering, allowing us to enjoy the benefits of self-determination. Yet it can also be a source of anxiety because decisions force us to face the possibility of dissatisfaction and inner conflict. As a result, many of us opt to avoid making decisions by allowing others to make them for us. We consequently turn our power over to spouses, relatives, friends, and colleagues, granting them the stewardship of our lives that is ours by right. Though the decisions we must make are often difficult, we grow more self-sufficient and secure each time we trust ourselves enough to choose.

Ultimately, only you can know how the options before you will impact your daily life and your long-term well-being. Within you lies the power to competently weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each selection. Even if you feel incapable of making a decision, your inner wisdom and your intuitive mind will give you sound counsel if you have faith in yourself. Try to come to your own conclusions before seeking the guidance of others, and even then, treat their suggestions as supplementary information rather than votes to be tallied. Before making your choice, release your fear of wrong decisions. Perceived mistakes can lead you down wonderful and unexpected paths that expose you to life-changing insights. If you can let go of the notion that certain choices are utterly right while others are entirely wrong, you will be less tempted to invite others to take the reigns of your destiny.

When your choices are your own, you will be more likely to accept and be satisfied with the outcome of those choices. Your decisions will be a pure reflection of your desires, your creativity, your awareness, and your power. Since you understand that you must live with and take responsibility for your decisions, you will likely exercise great care when coming to conclusions. As you learn to make informed and autonomous choices, you will gain the freedom to consciously direct the flow of your life without interference.

Help from:Daily OM

News on Health & Science


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A study of 1,449 men who reported having migraines found that they had a significant 24 percent increased risk of major cardiovascular disease and a 42 percent increased risk of heart attack. It’s not clear exactly why migraines affect the cardiovascular system, but studies of women with migraines have shown a similar increased risk of cardiovascular problems. Researchers from Harvard Medical School say that people with migraines should be aware of all their potential risk factors for heart disease, including high blood pressure and high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity, and try to reduce them as much as possible. These findings were presented this week at the 2006 American Heart Association Meeting in Chicago.

Source:ABC News

News on Health & Science

Please Pass the Milk (Hold the Barium Sulfate)

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The foul-tasting barium sulfate liquid that patients have to drink before a CT scan of the digestive system could be replaced by ordinary whole milk, a small study suggests.

Barium sulfate is used to distend the hollow digestive organs so they can be seen in the images produced by the scan. Presumably any liquid could do this, but some liquids, like water, move through the system too quickly, while barium sulfate lingers in the intestines. The researchers found that drinking whole milk before the scan has essentially the same effect, because its fat content is digested slowly. The research will be presented today at a meeting of the Radiological Society of North America.

“Our study is thus far limited with regard to numbers,” said Dr. Jeanne Baer, a radiologist at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital and the study’s senior author.  And before you can make firm recommendations you need better numbers. Therefore I can’t  say to forget about barium sulfate.

The scientists studied 168 patients scheduled for an outpatient CT scan. Before the scan, 62 of them drank about a quart of a diluted barium sulfate solution, and the rest drank whole milk.

The barium drink distended the small intestine somewhat more than the milk, but the definition of the intestinal walls was just as clear with milk as with barium. The contrast medium, given by injection to add definition to body tissues, was just as clear.

One additional significant benefit: the milk cost $1.39 per patient, while the barium sulfate cost $18.

Should a patient ask for milk instead of barium sulfate before a CT scan? “I would,” Dr. Baer said.

Source:The New York Times

Healthy Tips

Tips To Kick Start Your Weight Loss

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Quite simply, to lose weight and improve your condition, you have to eat less, eat more often, and eat better. But daily some form of physical exercise is a must.

Here are some simple steps to take:

9 Simple Diet Changes:

1. Plan your meals. It’s the best way we know of to stick to healthy eating goals. Use the weekly meal planners in the personal planner, and give preference to chicken, fish, and bean-based dishes.

2. Eat more often. The best approach for diabetes is to eat three moderate-sized meals (including breakfast!) and two healthy snacks a day.

3. Eat five servings of vegetables a day. By eating more vegetables, you’ll automatically eat more fiber and less fat. And vegetables are full of disease-fighting compounds. One serving is 1/2 cup canned or cooked vegetables or 1 cup raw vegetables.

4. Eat four servings of fruit a day. A serving of fruit is one piece of whole fruit, 1/2 cup cooked or canned fruit, or 1 cup raw fruit. Have fruit with breakfast and as snacks.

5. Switch to whole grains. Whole grains such as whole wheat bread and brown rice contain fiber, which blunts the rise of blood sugar. Aim for 3-6 servings a day. A serving is 1 slice whole wheat bread or 1/2 cup brown rice or whole wheat pasta.

6. Calcium-rich foods. They facilitate weight loss. Aim to get 2-3 servings a day of low-fat calcium foods such as milk, yogurt, and cheese. A serving is 1 cup milk or yogurt or 1 1/2 ounces nonprocessed cheese.

7. Eat beans 3-5 times a week. Beans are loaded with fiber, especially soluble fiber, which lowers cholesterol.

8. Focus on “good fats.” While saturated fats (the kind found in red meat, butter, and ice cream) contribute to insulin resistance, “good” fats help stabilize your blood sugar. Favor fish over red meat and olive or canola oil over butter.

9. Watch your portion sizes. Keep in mind that a main-dish serving of meat is only the size of a deck of cards, and pasta and cereal should be kept to less than 1 cup.
Take this quiz to discover how your current eating habits rate and zero in on what you’re doing right — and wrong — when it comes to eating for optimum health.

Help taken from:Change
