Healthy Tips

Some Health Questions And Answers

Q: My husband is unable to exercise regularly because of work pressures. So he walks 50km on Saturdays and Sundays. I think this is harmful. Please advise.


A: Your husband is part of a new 21st century phenomenon — the “weekend warrior” who works hard all week and then decides to cram the entire minimum fitness requirement (180 minutes a week) into two days. Though this is not really advisable, it is better than being a full time slug. Some precautions have to be taken though, like warming up and cooling down to prevent injuring unconditioned muscles, tendons and joints with unexpected over activity.

Goat’s milk

Q: My daughter has vitiligo (leukoderma). I was advised to give her milk from a black goat without boiling. Is this safe?


A: Goat’s milk is preferred over cow’s milk in many parts of the world for children who are artificially fed. Its composition is similar to that of human milk. It contains less fat than cow’s milk and is, therefore, more easily digestible. However, there is no conclusive evidence that it has any beneficial effects in vitiligo. The composition of milk does not vary depending on the colour of the goat. Raw milk (not boiled or pasteurised) can contain bacteria and cause disease. The common bacteria transmitted through raw milk (cow’s or goat’s) are salmonella, campylobacter, E. coli, toxoplasma and brucella. All these can cause fever and diarrhoea.

Fibroids & cancer:

Q: I have painful and heavy periods. The doctor says I have two fibroids but that no treatment is required as they are harmless. I am worried about cancer.

A: Fibroids occur during the reproductive phase of a woman’s life. They are usually harmless. They may delay conception or cause miscarriages. Periods may become prolonged, painful and irregular. Most of these symptoms can be tackled with medication. Problems can arise if the fibroid degenerates or outgrows its blood supply. If and when complications set in, surgery or some other intervention may be required. Fibroids are not cancerous, nor do they evolve into cancer.

Diabetes pill

Q: I have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and have been placed on metformin. I think it is a medication used for diabetes. My blood sugar is normal. Should I take the medication?

A: Women who suffer from PCOS generally have “insulin resistance” even when their blood sugar levels are normal. Metformin has been proven to improve ovulation and reduce androgen (male hormone) levels. Overall, when used in conjunction with the other medication (hormones) that you have been prescribed, it enhances their effect.

My chemist treats me:

Q: I find that my local pharmacy gives me a better deal than my doctor. The doctor wants tests and then I never recover for at least two days. If I tell my pharmacist my problem he promptly hands over some tablets and my recovery is immediate.

A: It sounds like your pharmacist is practising “shotgun therapy” where he gives you a mixture of medication for any ailment. He may even be adding a steroid. The response will be immediate. Unfortunately, at any time you might receive inappropriate treatment, precipitating a medical crisis or a serious drug reaction. In all matters it may be better to search for expert advice from a qualified person, rather than relying on someone who has learned through experience alone.

Oestrogen cream:

Q: After reaching menopause, I had some uncomfortable symptoms and my doctor put me on pills for hormone replacement. Later they were stopped because of dangerous side effects. I have vaginal dryness and was given oestrogen cream for regular use. Is this dangerous too?

A: Oestrogen creams have a local action and are useful for vaginal dryness. Like any other medication, you should follow the doctor’s recommended dosage regimen and go for regular check-ups. After menopause, taking calcium supplements and maintaining muscle strength with regular exercise are also important.

Preventing seizures:

Q: My son had seizures with fever at the age of one and now we are very worried.

A: Seizures with fever (febrile seizures) can occur in children without any brain infection. Unfortunately, they can recur if the temperature rises. Children usually outgrow them by the age of three years. Regular anti seizure medication is not needed unless the seizures have occurred more than three times. As soon as your son has fever, give him paracetamol (15mg/kg/ dose), remove his clothes, place him under a fan and sponge him with tepid water. Carry paracetamol with you when you travel. This will lower the temperature as soon as it begins to rise and prevent seizures.

Foot deformity:

Q: My son has a foot deformity and has been given special shoes. He does not like to wear it and prefers to go barefoot.


A: You have not specified the type of deformity. In general, if corrective shoes have been given, they should be used.

Questions on health issues may be emailed to Dr Gita Mathai at :

Sources: The Telegraph (Kolkata, India)

News on Health & Science

Macadamia Nuts Cut Heart Attack Risk

Macadamia integrifolia foliage and nutsImage via Wi

Macadamia nuts included in a heart healthy diet can effectively cut low-density cholesterol or bad cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular problems, according to a new study.

The researchers suggest that macadamia nuts should be included among nuts with qualified health claims.

“We looked at macadamia nuts because they are not currently included in the health claim for tree nuts, while other tree nuts are currently recommended as part of a heart healthy diet,” said Dr. Amy E. Griel, a recent Penn State Ph.D. recipient in nutrition and now senior nutrition scientist at The Hershey Company.

“Macadamia nuts have higher levels of monosaturated fats, like those found in olive oil compared with other tree nuts,” she added.

“Epidemiological studies showed that people who are frequent nut consumers have decreased risk of heart disease,” said Penny Kris-Etherton, co-author and distinguished professor of nutritional sciences.

The study involved participants who had slightly elevated cholesterol levels, normal blood pressure and were not taking lipid-lowering drugs.

The participants were randomly assigned either the macadamia nut diet or the standard American diet and provided all meals for the participants for five weeks. They then switched diets and continued eating only food provided by the researchers for another five weeks.

The findings revealed that Healthy Heart diet with macadamia nuts did reduce total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride levels compared with the standard American diet.

The macadamia nuts reduced total cholesterol by 9.4 percent and low-density lipoprotein by 8.9 percent.

“We found that the reduction in LDL or bad cholesterol we observed was greater than would be predicted by just the healthy fats in the nuts alone,” said Griel.

“This indicates that there is something else in the nuts that helps lower cholesterol,” she added.

Click to see :->Macadamia Nuts Are Heart-Healthy

Sources:The findings appear in the current issue of the Journal of Nutrition .

News on Health & Science

Devices that Don’t let Elderly Forget

Two transaxial slices through the head. The right image shows a normal brain; the left has differences that are interpreted as indication of Alzheimer's diseaseImage via Wikipedia

Equipped with devices such as a misplaced goods detector and a beeping pill case, a model house near Tokyo shows that a little bit of technology can help dementia patients live more independently.

“The greatest merit of these welfare devices is that the patients can do things on their own…rather than relying on other people,” said Takenobu Inoue, a director at the National Rehabilitation Centre for Persons with Disabilities, which runs the model house.

Dementia is a significant loss of mental skills that affect daily life, and is caused by factors such as strokes, tumours, head injuries and Alzheimer’s disease. The disease may weigh on heavy in Japan, where the population is ageing rapidly.

The government estimates that dementia patients in Japan will reach 3.2 million in 2025 from around 1.7 million in 2005. A majority of the 58 devices exhibited at the model house, which opened in December, came from European countries where research started over a decade ago, Inoue said.

In the kitchen, a gas stove made in Britain would speak and tell the user to turn off the gas if it senses anything burning. In the living room is the misplaced goods detector, which looks like a silver remote control.

By attaching small, colourful tags to things that people often misplace – such as mobile phones or keys – the detector can locate them by beeping.

There is also a pill case that notifies the user when it’s time for medicine by beeping and flashing a light. “Most people involved in dementia care in Japan do not know that there are devices that support the cognitive functions and help the daily lives of the patients,” Inoue said. “We hope to link the users and the developers of such devices to exchange information.”

Sources: The Times Of India

Positive thinking

Permission To Forgive Ourselves

Releasing Guilt…....CLICK & SEE
Learning to accept the things that we perceive as wrong can be a difficult task for many of us. Often we have been brought up to accept that it is normal to feel guilty about our actions and that by doing so we will make everything seem alright within ourselves. Even though we might feel that we have a reason to make up for the choices we have made, it is much more important for us to learn how to deal with them in a healthy and positive way, such as through forgiveness and understanding.

When we can look back at our past and really assess what has happened, we begin to realize that there are many dimensions to our actions. While feeling guilty might assuage our feelings at first, it is really only a short-term solution. It is all too ironic that being hard on ourselves is the easy way out. If we truly are able to gaze upon our lives through the lens of compassion, however, we will be able to see that there is much more to what we do and have done than we realize. Perhaps we were simply trying to protect ourselves or others and did the best we could at the time, or maybe we thought we had no other recourse and chose a solution in the heat of the moment. Once we can understand that dwelling in our negative feelings will only make us feel worse, we will come to recognize that it is really only through forgiving ourselves that we can transform our feelings and truly heal any resentment we have about our past.

Giving ourselves permission to feel at peace with our past actions is one of the most positive steps we can take toward living a life free from regrets, disappointments, and guilt. The more we are able to remind ourselves that the true path to a peaceful mind and heart is through acceptance of every part of our lives and actions, the more harmony and inner joy we will experience in all aspects of our lives.

Sources: Daily Om

Ailmemts & Remedies

Growth Disorders

Growth is one of the complex and amasing facts of life that most people take for granted, but it can be a cause for concern for parents who have a child who’s shorter than others of the same age and doesn’t appear to be growing any taller.

Children of the same age vary greatly in height due to factors such as diet, genetics, and ethnic background. In most cases, tall or short stature is not abnormal and is due to a family tendency to be taller or shorter than average or to reach final height later than usual. Tall or short stature is a cause for concern only if the child’s height is well outside the average range for his or her age. Abnormally short or tall stature may be caused by a number of disorders.

What are the types?
Normal growth depends on a nutritionally adequate diet and good general health and is controlled by specific hormones. disruption of any of these three important factors may lead to a growth disorder that results in a child having abnormally short or tall stature.
short stature:
A child may be shorter than normal if his or her diet is inadequate. a chronic illness, such as cystic fibrosis or severe asthma, may also result in poor growth. crohn’s disease, a type of inflammatory bowel disease, is another example of a chronic illness that may lead to short stature. babies who have intrauterine growth retardation may reach a shorter than average height i later life.

Sometimes, short stature is caused by insufficient production of the hormones that are necessary for normal growth. in some children, the pituitary gland does not produce enough growth hormone. insufficient production of thyroid hormones is another cause of poor growth.

short stature is also a characteristic feature of tuner syndrome, a genetic disorder that only affects girls. in addition, short stature may occur as a result of a skeletal abnormality such as achondroplasia, an inherited disorder in which the bones of the legs and arms are shorter than normal.

Tall stature:
children may be temporarily taller than others of the same age and sex if puberty occurs early. however, in such children, the final height is usually normal. in very rare cases, exaggerated growth caused by the overproduction of growth hormone results in excessive height known as gigantism. the overproduction may be due to pituitary gland tumor. boys with the chromosome disorder klinefelter syndrome may also grow taller than normal at puberty.

Causes of delayed growth:
There are a large number of medical, genetic and external factors that can delay or inhibit normal growth. These include conditions such as Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD) in children, Turner’s syndrome, Down’s syndrome, achondroplasia (defective growth of cartilage cells in the bones of the limbs) and various malfunctions of the endocrine system.

Chronic diseases and illnesses can also have a detrimental effect on growth including Inflammatory Bowel Disease IBD, chronic renal insufficiency and heart disease, as too can factors such as malnutrition, drug and alcohol abuse, neglect, chronic stress and lack of exercise. However, in many cases the cause of delayed or restricted growth is not known.

Many children are smaller than average during childhood yet end up reaching a normal adult height. But for some, a more normal adult height will not be achieved without treatment with supplemental human growth hormone (hGH). These include children with GHD and Turner’s syndrome.
A more common growth disorder is growth hormone deficiency (GHD). This is the condition of having too little GH. There are several possible explanations for its occurrence:

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A child can be born with GHD.
The condition also may arise because of damage to the hypothalamus or pituitary gland as a child or adult because of a tumor, an infection, or radiation to the brain — usually for the treatment of a tumor.
A deficiency in GH may also have an undefined cause. (In this case, it is said to be of idiopathic origin.)
Pituitary disorders, such as GH excess or GHD, are evaluated and treated by endocrinologists — medical specialists in hormone-related conditions. Because the diagnosis and treatment of such disorders require special expertise, primary care physicians who suspect patients have GH abnormalities should refer them to an endocrinologist.

One out of 2,500 to 5,000 children is born with a deficient growth hormone production resulting in impaired physical development, and another one in 2,000 to 2,500 girls are born with the genetic defect Turner’s syndrome. Both disorders may result in decreased final height, which may be improved by supplemental somatropin.

Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD):-

In children
A child with an inadequate production of growth hormone (reduced or non-existent) may have a normal height and weight at birth, but the child’s physical development following birth is severely impaired.

The under-secretion of human growth hormone during childhood and puberty slows bone growth and teeth development, and also causes the growing plates of the long bones to close before normal height is reached. In addition, other organs of the body fail to grow and the body proportions remain childlike.

Without treatment the child with GHD risks the development of a range of complications, as well as having a short stature.

Turner’s syndrome
Turner’s syndrome is a common genetic defect that affects girls and women and occurs in about one out of every 2,000 to 2,500 female births.

In Turner’s syndrome all or part of one of the two X-chromosomes is missing, but the reason why this happens is not known. This defect can cause a number of physical and medical problems and in some cases creates educational and behavioural concerns.

Characteristics of Turner’s syndrome
As the extent of the defect to the chromosome varies, every case of Turner’s syndrome is individual and each affected girl may have only a few of the possible characteristics that can be associated with the syndrome.

Short stature is a common characteristic of Turner’s syndrome resulting in a decreased final adult height and is generally accompanied by a failure of the ovaries and infertility.

Growth failure in Turner’s syndrome
The reasons for the growth retardation in Turner’s syndrome are not entirely understood, but patients are generally not deficient in growth hormone. The pituitary gland produces adequate amounts but the long bones do not respond.

The growth plates appear to be resistant to the action of the body’s GH, yet the hormone functions normally in controlling metabolism and organ development. By treating with supplemental hGH the resistance can be overcome, creating growth in the long bones. Female hormones may need to be given as well.

Being a genetic problem the affected individual will be faced with the consequences of the syndrome all her life, but can expect to lead a healthy life with appropriate care and treatment.

Growth Hormone Excess:
Excess growth hormone (GH) in children (gigantism) is extremely rare, occurring in fewer than 100 children in the United States.

Excess GH in adults (acromegaly) most commonly occurs in middle-aged men and women. Approximately 60 out of every million Americans have acromegaly.

Very infrequently, GH excess may run in families, or be one manifestation of a number of rare syndromes.

Frequent Sign & Symptoms:

The signs and symptoms depends upon the type of growth disorder. A child with a growth problem needs to be evaluated by a health care provider to determine the underlying health issues involved.

How is it diagnosed?
Your child’s height will be measured during routine checkups. if his or her height is consistently either lower or higher than the normal range, he or she will need to be measured frequently. If growth rates continue to be normal, tests may be performed to check hormone levels and to look for underlying disorders, such as genetic abnormality. in some cases, maturity of a child’s bones may be assesses by taking x-rays of the hand and wrist.

What is the treatment?
Treatment for growth disorders is most successful if started well before puberty when bones still have the potential for normal growth. short stature caused by an inadequate diet usually improves if the diet is modified while the child is still growing. If the growth disorder is a chronic illness, careful control of the illness can sometimes result in normal growth. growth hormone deficiency is usually treated by replacement of growth hormone. hypothyroidism is treated by replacing thyroid hormone.

Abnormal early puberty may be treated using drugs to halt the advancement gland tumor may be treated by removal of the tumor.

Treated early, most children with a growth disorder reach a relatively normal height, but, if treatment is delayed until puberty, normal height is more difficult to achieve. Abnormal stature may cause a child to be self-conscious and unhappy, and he or she may need support such as counseling.

Growth Hormone Excess: Treatment Options
Because excess GH — acting alone or together with excess IGF-1 — produces adverse health effects, reducing the levels to normal is desirable. Surgery, medication and/or irradiation of the pituitary gland may be appropriate to achieve these goals.

Growth Disorders Lifestyle and Prevention:
For children:
Because growth hormone is taken for years, it is good for parents of children with GHD to be aware of some safety precautions:

Carefully follow the directions for taking GH
Tell all doctors who care for your child that he or she is taking growth hormone
Make sure your child takes any other prescription drugs exactly as prescribed
Contact your child’s doctor immediately if you have any questions about treatment or signs or symptoms which suggest a complication of GH treatment.
In addition, encourage your child to have a healthy lifestyle. Eating a variety of healthy foods will help your child to grow and respond to growth hormone treatment. Be sure that your child gets regular exercise and plenty of sleep, too.

For adults:

Adults receiving GH treatment should also eat a balanced diet, get regular exercise, and plenty of sleep.

Some adults find their lives are much better after taking GH alone. Others may find they still need some help, particularly with the psychological symptoms of GHD. You may need medication to control anxiety or lift your mood.

Counseling may be helpful too. Some forms of therapy, such as cognitive-behavior therapy, can allow you to correct negative thoughts you may be having. You also may want to join a support group with other adults who have GHD. Talking to others who have been through the same thing can be healing.

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.This is purely for educational purpose.


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