News on Health & Science

Short-tempered adults face lung problems?

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Young adults who are short-tempered may face greater lung problems, says a study, the first to offer a detailed examination of the inverse link between hostility and pulmonary function.

Hostile or short-tempered people are often stubborn and impatient. They are frequently in fights or may say they feel like hitting something or someone. Such people often live isolated lives.

Anger and constant hostility also keep blood pressure high and increase chances of a man or woman having another health problem such as depression, heart attack or stroke, says a report.

Teens who say they often feel angry and hostile also more often feel anxious, stressed, sad and fatigued. They have more problems with alcohol and drug abuse, smoking and eating disorders than teens without high levels of anger.

In a study of 4,629 Blacks and Whites 18-30 year olds from four metropolitan areas in the US, psychologists examined whether the tendency to be hostile went along with having decreased lung function in otherwise healthy young adults.

“Recent research also demonstrates that greater hostility predicts lung function decline in older men,” the study’s lead author Benita Jackson of Smith College said.

“It’s remarkable to see reductions in lung function during a time of life we think of as healthy for most people,” Jackson said
Source:The Times Of India


Sharangat Mudra (Yoga Exercise)

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How to do the Exercise:



Exhale, and inhaling raise the hands upward from the sides and join the palms.
Exhaling, bend in the waist and touch the forehead on the floor keeping the hands straight. After taking the final position, continue smooth breathing.(as shown in the picture)

Position Like Yogamudra here too the abdomen gets folded. Further, attempt should be made to have this fold as compl

ete as possible. The frontward stretched arms greatly help in getting this fold. However, the hands should be kept as much outstretched as possible.
Keep the knees resting on the floor and the spinal column straight.
Place the forehead on the floor at farthest distance from the crossed legs. While outstretching the hands, keep the arms touching the ears. Keep the breathing normal.

Releasing : Exhale, and inhaling start raising the arms, neck and the trunk and straighten it in the waist. Keep the hands outstretched above the head.
Exhaling, bring both the hands down from the sides and take up Dhyana Mudra.

Duration: This Asana(exercise) should be maintained at least for one and half minute to have the desired benefits. After practice this duration can be increased to three minutes.
Benefits: This Asana prepares the Sadhaka mentally for the desired submission to the Almighty God.

Reference Book:- Yoga Pravesh

Herbs & Plants

Indian Sorrel

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Botanical name: Oxalis Corniculata
Indian name:
Family: Polygonaceae
Rumex (ROO-meks)
Species: vesicarius (ves-ee-KAR-ee-us)

Origin, Distribution and Composition
It is a small hairy annual herb. It has numerous branches which shoot out from the roots and creep to a length of 12 to 30 cms.The herb is indigenous to India. It grows wild during monsoon and on wet grounds.The flower of the plant is sour due to a high content oxalic acid and potassium oxalate. The herb is reach in vitamin B,iron and calcium. The leaves contain a small amount of cellulose. The stem of the plant is very thin, delicate and hairy. It has pale green compound leaves with delicate and thin smooth leaflets.It has also yellow flowers and cylindrical fruits containing many tiny seeds.


Healing Power and Curative Properties
The leaves are acrid, bitter and mildly astringent. It has a predominantly acid taste. It advisable to mix the herb with other milder tasting herbs. The juice of 15 grams of this herb, mixed with five grams of basil (tulsi)juice, may be taken with 100 ml of tender coconut water. This raw juice can also be mixed with cooked greens. The leaves have a cooling effect and act as an appetizer.

The leaves are acrid, bitter and mildly astrigent.It has a predominently acid taste.It is advisable to mix the herb with other milder testing herbs.

Indian sorrel leaves has a cooling effect and act as an appetizer.They are very much useful in relieving symptoms of fever.An infussion of the leaves can bring temperature down.

Stomach disorder:
Fresh leaves of the plant are useful stimulating the stomach and aiding its action.The leaves can also be eaten as an appitizer.

The leaves beneficial in mild cases of disentery and enteritis. They should be boiled in butter milk and given twice a day.Fresh juice of the leaves ,mixed with honey or sugar is also very useful in dysentery.

The leaves are antiscorbutic and are useful in the prevention and treatment of scurvy, a defficiency caused by the lack of vitamin C. An infution of the leaves can be taken for this purpose.

The herb is beneficial in the treatment of jaundice. A tablespoon of fresh juice mixed with butter-milk made of cow’s milk can be taken once daily in the treatment of this disease.

Excessive Thirst
Indian sorrel curbs excessive thirst caused by diabetes or severe heat. The same method of intake as for jaundice can be followed.

Skin Disorders
The leaves are useful in certain skin diseases like warts, corns and other excrescences of the skin. They can be locally applied in these conditions. The juice of the whole plant mixed with onion is also applied to remove warts. A poultice of the leaves applied over an inflammation relieves pain, and when applied over boils, ripens them. The juice mixed with black pepper and ghee, gives relief from red spots and eruptions on the skin caused by biliousness.

Eye Disorders
The herb is very useful in the prevention and treatment of eye disorders. A few drops of the leaf juice put into the eyes every day keeps the eyes free from strain and prevents opacity of the cornea and cataract. The leaves are quite effective when applied locally for correcting the opacity of cornea.

The juice of the leaves mixed with castor oil is useful in insomnia. The juice should be mixed in an equal quantity of castor oil and heated to remove the watery content. It should then be cooled and stored in a bottle. When the scalp is massaged with this oil before going to bed, it will induce good sleep and also provide coolness to the eyes.

As the Indian sorrel contains high concentration of oxalic acid, its use should be avoided by persons suffering from gout, rheumatism and calculi or stone in the urinary tract.

Parts of plant are poisonous if ingested.

The information presented herein  is intended for educational purposes only.Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.

Source:Miracle of herbs and

News on Health & Science

Experts find miracle pill for liver cancer

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NEW DELHI: American scientists may have found the world’s first drug that prolongs survival of liver cancer patients in the final stage of the deadly disease.

Sorafenib, a pill that zeroes in on malignant cancer cells and cuts off the blood supply feeding the tumour, was found to increase chances of survival by over 44% or about three months. Presently, these patients have no available treatment option. Experts also say that in such cases, patients don’t live for more that six months.

A large scale multinational trial, conducted by researchers from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York and Hospital Clinic of Barcelona,

Spain, found the drug to work on tumours within the liver and those that have spread elsewhere.

Presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s annual meeting in Chicago on Monday, the study also found that tumours after being attacked by the drug didn’t grow.

Lead author of the study Dr Josep Llovet said such a survival advantage has never happened with liver cancer and is a major breakthrough in the disease’s management.

According to Dr Subhash Gupta, head of department, liver surgery, Apollo Hospital, Sorafenib holds great promise for patients on whom aggressive options like a mix of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy fail.

Liver cancer, a hard to treat disease, is diagnosed in more than half a million people globally each year. It is primarily caused by exposure to the Hepatitis B and C viruses and is the third biggest cause of cancer deaths worldwide, according to the World Health Organisation. It kills 622,000 people globally each year. In India, about 100,000 people suffer from the disease annually. Of these, just about 100-200 undergo a liver transplant. Most patients can’t afford a transplant as it costs nearly Rs 15 lakh.

Dr Gupta said: “Once detected early, liver cancer can be addressed by either a transplant or other techniques. However, most patients in India are detected in the very late stage for which there are no effective treatments. At an average, I see three to four patients in such a category every week. Sorafenib will come as a boon for these patients.”

In the study which started in March 2005, 602 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, the most common form of liver cancer, were divided into two groups — one that received two doses of Sorafenib daily and another that received dummy pills. On an average, Sorafenib patients survived 10.7 months versus almost 8 months for those on dummy pills.

The study was halted early in February 2007 because of the good results and patients on dummy pills were switched to Sorafenib.

Sorafenib attacks cancer with a targeted double-barreled approach. It zeros in on malignant cells themselves and cuts off the blood supply feeding the tumour. It is believed to work on tumours within the liver and those that have spread elsewhere. In the study, tumours didn’t shrink or disappear but in many cases they also didn’t grow.

“You are not curing the disease but you are delaying the progression of the disease significantly and strikingly,” said Llovet.

The Times Of India

Positive thinking

The Real Thing

Love Should Feel Good
Often in our lives, we fall prey to the idea of a thing rather than actually experiencing the thing itself. We see this at play in our love lives and in the love lives of our friends, our family, and even fictional characters. The conceptualizing, depiction, and pursuit of true love are multi million-dollar industries in the modern world. However, very little of what is offered actually leads us to an authentic experience of love. Moreover, as we grasp for what we think we want and fail to find it, we may suffer and bring suffering to others. When this is the case, when we suffer more than we feel healed, we can be fairly certain that what we have found is not love but something else.

When we feel anxious, excited, nervous, and thrilled, we are probably experiencing romance, not love. Romance can be a lot of fun as long as we do not try to make too much of it. If we try to make more of it than it is, the romance then becomes painful. Romance may lead to love, but it may also fade without blossoming into anything more than a flirtation. If we cling to it and try to make it more, we might find ourselves pining for a fantasy, or worse, stuck in a relationship that was never meant to last.

Real love is identifiable by the way it makes us feel. Love should feel good. There is a peaceful quality to an authentic experience of love that penetrates to our core, touching a part of ourselves that has always been there. True love activates this inner being, filling us with warmth and light. An authentic experience of love does not ask us to look a certain way, drive a certain car, or have a certain job. It takes us as we are, no changes required. When people truly love us, their love for us awakens our love for ourselves. They remind us that what we seek outside of ourselves is a mirror image of the lover within. In this way, true love never makes us feel needy or lacking or anxious. Instead, true love empowers us with its implicit message that we are, always have been, and always will be, made of love.
Source:Daily Om
