
Enjoy a Happy Digestive System Once and for All


When it comes to staying healthy — and keeping your digestive system happy and working well, probiotics are an option used all over the world.

The reason? Science now recognizes that 80% of your immune system is actually living right in your digestive tract. Incredible, but true.

And while any honest healthcare professional will admit that no one probiotic is the solution for everyone, New and Improved Complete Probiotics consistently providing support for digestive and immune health with a high percentage of success for most people .


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Positive thinking

The Cycle Of Life

Aging Parents

For most of us a natural part of the cycle of life is when our roles as children start to shift from that into caretaking roles where are parents are concerned. This can be as major moving a parent into a retirement facility, or coming to the realization that it’s necessary to check in with them more often than usual. Whatever the case, such a shift is momentous as it signals a time of confronting our own mortality as we confront that of our parents. In addition, it can bring up issues about how well they cared for us when we were young. We may also find ourselves consumed with fear at the thought of losing them, even if we’ve been on our own for a very long time.

Talking to other friends and family who are going through similar experiences can be a large source of support. They can help us look at both the unresolved past and the unfolding present, and we are free to talk only about ourselves. Sometimes we need the kind of undivided attention a friend can offer in order to deal with the material that comes up at this time of our lives.

In many ways, this time of life signals a rebirth as we examine our individual past, as well as our familial past. As our parents’ lives move toward completion, we are able to see what they did with their time on earth, what we have done so far with our time, and what we might want to do with the time we have left. These challenges and blessings are all part of the cycle of life.

Sources: Daily Om

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News on Health & Science

Probiotics Found to Help Your Gut`s Immune System

Probiotic bacteria, which are living microorganisms that have beneficial effects on human health, have mostly been studied as treatments for different gastrointestinal diseases and allergies. However, not much is known about what kind of effects they have on the immune system in healthy adults.

A new study shows that probiotics can modulate immune responses via your gut‘s mucosal immune system.

It was found that probiotics have an anti-inflammatory potential. They caused a decrease in serum CRP levels, and a reduction in the bacteria-induced production of proinflammatory cytokines.

Sources: * Eurekalert June 11, 2008

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