Herbs & Plants

Sthal-Padma (Land-Lotus )

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Botanical Name :Hibiscus mutabilis
Family: Malvaceae
Genus: Hibiscus
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Malvales
Species: H. mutabilis
Common Name::  Sthal-Padma (Land-Lotus ),Cotton Rose, Dixie rosemallow
Other Names :Confederate rose or the cotton rosemallow

Habitat :Hibiscus mutabilis is native to E. Asia – China, Japan. It grows in the thickets in S. Japan .Woodland Garden; Sunny Edge; Dappled Shade.  It cannot grow in the shade. It prefers moist soil.

Hibiscus mutabilis is a deciduous Shrub growing to 3 m (9ft) by 3 m (9ft).   It behaves more like a perennial further north  and is frost tender. It is in flower from August to October, and the seeds ripen from September to November. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Insects.

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Flowers can be double or single and are 4 to 6 inches in diameter; they open white or pink, and change to deep red by evening. The ‘Rubra’ variety has red flowers. Single blooming flowers are generally cup-shaped. Bloom season usually lasts from summer through fall. Propagation by cuttings root easiest in early spring, but cuttings can be taken at almost any time. When it does not freeze, the Confederate rose can reach heights of 15 to 18 feet with a woody trunk; however, a much bushier, 5 or 6 feet plant is more typical and provides more flowering. These plants have a very fast growth rate. The Confederate rose was at one time very common in the area of the Confederate States of America, which is how its common name was derived. It grows well in full sun or partial shade, and prefers rich, well-drained soil.

Floral colour change
Flowers are white in the morning, turning pink during noon and red in the evening of the same day. Under laboratory conditions, colour change of petals was slower than that of flowers under outdoor conditions (Wong et al., 2009). Temperature may be an important factor affecting the rate of colour change as white flowers kept in the refrigerator remain white until they are taken out to warm, whereupon they slowly turn pink (Ng, 2006).

The red flowers remain on plants for several days before they abort (Wong et al., 2009). Weight of a single detached flower was 15.6 g when white, 12.7 g when pink and 11.0 g when red. Anthocyanin content of red flowers was 3 times that of pink flowers and 8 times that of white flowers. There was a significant increase in phenolic content with colour change. Overall ranking of AOP of H. mutabilis flowers was red > pink > white.

Subramanian and Nair (1970) postulated that anthocyanins in pink and red flowers of H. mutabilis are synthesized independently since there is no reduction in phenolic content. However, Lowry (1976) suggested that anthocyanins are formed through direct conversion from flavonols as they have structural similarities.


Prefers a well-drained humus rich fertile soil in full sun. Prefers a warm but wet winter. This species is not very hardy in Britain, it is frost-tender and top growth will be killed by even a slight frost. However, the roots are somewhat hardier and the plant can resprout from the base after a few degrees of frost. The plant can probably be grown outdoors in the mildest areas of the country especially if given a good mulch in the winter. It is widely cultivated in tropical and occasionally in temperate areas as an ornamental plant, there are many named varieties.

Seed – sow early spring in a warm greenhouse. Germination is usually fairly rapid. Prick out the seedlings into individual pots when they are large enough to handle. If growing them as annuals, plant them out into their permanent positions in early summer and protect them with a frame or cloche until they are growing away well. If hoping to grow them as perennials, then it is better to grow them on in the greenhouse for their first year and to plant them out in early summer of the following year. Cuttings of half-ripe wood, July/August in a frame. Overwinter them in a warm greenhouse and plant out after the last expected frosts.

Edible Uses
Edible Parts: Leaves; Root.

Edible Uses: Rutin.

Leaves. The leaves contain rutin, but the report does not say what quantity. Root – it is edible but very fibrousy. Mucilaginous, without very much flavour.

Medicinal Uses:
Antiphlogistic; Demulcent; Depurative; Expectorant; Febrifuge.

The leaves are anodyne, antidotal, demulcent, expectorant and refrigerant. With the flowers, they are applied to burns, swellings and other skin problems. The flowers are antiphlogistic, depurative, febrifuge, pulmonary and stimulant. A decoction is used in the treatment of lung ailments.

Leaves and flowers of H. mutabilis are emollient and cooling, and are used to treat swellings and skin infections (Dasuki, 2001). Mucilage from flowers and leaves is used by midwives to facilitate delivery during labour.

Other Uses
A fibre from the bark is used for making cords and rope.

Disclaimer:The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.

Sthal-Padma (Land-Lotus ) - Hibiscus mutabilis

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Healthy Tips

Exercise for Kids — Tips for Parents

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Here are some tips on getting your child fit from U.S. News & World Report:
click & see
Encourage a little bit at a time. Minutes spent playing kickball can add up over the course of a day.

Advocate for well-maintained, safe sidewalks and bike paths in your neighborhood.  Volunteer to supervise the use of school facilities after hours. Children are more likely to want to play outside if it’s safe.

Practice what you preach. It’s not hard to find activities the whole family can do together.

Don’t underestimate the value of some video games. So-called “active-play” video games can encourage regular exercise.

Don’t let other activities or physical disabilities limit your child. All children need exercise every day.

*U.S. News & World Report June 2, 2010
*2010 Shape of the Nation Report: Status of Physical Education in the USA (PDF)

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News on Health & Science

Diabetes Stem Cell Therapy Patients Show Remarkable Improvement

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Cellonis, a Beijing and HK-based biotech company, with its new personalized diabetes treatment concept has demonstrated an amazing improvement in their treated patients’ conditions. The ongoing clinical study shows the treatment’s best case could reconstruct a patient’s natural insulin production and even reverse later complications like kidney failure. Treated patients may have the chance to return to the normal activities non-diabetes sufferers take for granted.

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The clinical study, jointly conducted by scientists and doctors of the Cellonis clinical research team, aims to help patients be free from insulin and oral drugs, by reconstructing their natural insulin production damaged by either autoimmune disorder (T1DM) or hyperglycemia and also improve insulin sensitivity (T2DM). Using injections of autologous stem cells from the patient’s bone marrow, the research team believes that this therapy could help patients return to a life without annoying everyday injections and drugs.

“Most of the patients in our clinical study are now taking less synthetic insulin or oral drugs for BG control,” says Dr. Chase Dai, Chief Medical Officer at Cellonis. “We appear to have restored the biological insulin producing function of the body. We are excited to see that some patients have been treatment-free for five months now, and we believe the effect of the stem cell therapy can last much longer. We were also encouraged by some other happy surprises during the clinical study.

“For example, this therapy appears to reverse chronic kidney failure. It was a surprise for all of my team to observe that the kidney function of a 75- year-old patient improved remarkably.”

This patient had suffered from diabetes for years, gradually developing diabetic foot and nephropathy. He can now walk freely after having been confined to bed or a wheelchair for six months, and his quality of life has improved significantly. Moreover, he only needs kidney dialysis one time a week instead of three times. In a follow-up visit he excitedly told us that he was hopeful that in the near future he could be completely rid of diabetes.

Diabetes, an increasingly spreading disease, can lead to life-threatening diseases such as blindness, amputation, strokes, or kidney failure in its natural course. Current treatments, including insulin, cannot change this situation.

“We believe that our stem cell therapy will bring promising hope for patients suffering from diabetes and its complications,” comments Cindy Hao, CEO of Cellonis. “Personalized diabetes therapies for patients of various conditions will be developed by Cellonis in the near future. We believe what we have restored for patients will not only be their natural insulin production, but also a normal life filled with the activities non-diabetes sufferers can enjoy daily.”

Cellonis Biotechnologies focuses on R&D and the clinical application of novel personalized stem cell therapies and immunotherapies for patients with diseases including cancer, diabetes and central nervous system disorders.

You may click to see:->

Diabetes Hope – Successful Pilot Study of Immature Adult Stem Cells


Pancreas cells to produce insulin

Source: Elements4Health June 24th. 2010

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News on Health & Science

Ginkgo Biloba Special Extract Protects against Alzheimer’s Disease

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For the very first time, a medicine has been shown to protect against the development of Alzheimer’s disease. French scientists were able to demonstrate that taking 240 mg of Ginkgo extract EGb 761® per day regularly over a period of at least 4 years can cut the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by nearly 50%. to see the pictures.

“Meta-analyses of the data by independent scientists consistently substantiate the efficacy of EGb 761® at the onset of cognitive decline.”

“The results of the GuidAge study are remarkable”, according to Prof. Michael Habs. “It is the first time ever that a protective effect against Alzheimer’s disease has been demonstrated for a medicine. The multifaceted effects of the plant extract appear to positively influence the complex developmental processes of dementia.”

The GuidAge study was a large-scale study, in which 2854 elderly people with memory complaints were randomly assigned to receive either 240 mg/day of the patented Ginkgo special extract or a placebo for five years. Of those subjects taking the study medication for at least 4 years 29 out of 966 (3.0 %) taking placebo developed Alzheimer’s disease; in contrast only 15 out of 947 (1.6 %) treated with EGb 761® developed the disease (p=0.03). The result of this prospectively planned analysis shows that the Ginkgo special extract can lower the risk of dementia by 47%.

The brain pathology that leads to overt Alzheimer’s disease develops over the course of many years. It is therefore not surprising that those study participants who developed dementia early in the study gained less protective benefit from EGb 761® treatment, because they already had the disease. When these subjects as well as those who left the study prematurely, i.e. all study participants were included in the analysis, the overall treatment effect was still detectable, although not statistically significant.

The results were commented on as follows by Prof. Ralf Ihl: „There have been hints that Ginkgo biloba may exert a preventive effect. With the findings of this study we have first scientifically verifiable results suggesting that the extract may be useful for preventing the development of Alzheimer’s disease.“

The result of the GuidAge study agrees with the findings of two earlier cohort studies carried out in France, which also suggested a protective effect of EGb 761®. A study funded by the US National Institute on Aging as well found a dementia-protective effect in those subjects, who had taken their medication regularly. In another US study, a protective effect was not found, however. But towards the end of this study, the medicine was actually only taken by little more than half of the subjects. The results of the GuidAge study now again confirm the importance of a regular and long enough intake of 240 mg EGb 761® per day: A very high proportion of 93% of the participants took their medication regularly during the whole treatment period. Once again the excellent long-term safety profile of EGb 761® was confirmed.

Animal models also showed that EGb 761® intervenes in several of the processes decisive to the development of Alzheimer’s disease: the formation of harmful protein-compounds (so-called ?-amyloid) is inhibited and the nerve cell damage caused by these as well as by ageing processes reduced so that energy generation in the nerve cells can be maintained. The patented special extract EGb 761® contains a particularly high proportion of plant substances that are unique to Ginkgo, ginkgolides and bilobalide, and that are especially important for the protection of nerve cells.

The efficacy of EGb 761® in the treatment of dementia diseases has been confirmed recently in several meta-analyses of available studies. EGb 761® can also improve cognitive performance in people who do not yet show significant impairment. In summarizing the study results, Dr. Reiner Kaschel concluded: “Meta-analyses of the data by independent scientists consistently substantiate the efficacy of EGb 761® at the onset of cognitive decline.”

Tebonin® is a phytopharmaceutical for the treatment of decreasing mental capacity. It contains the patented Ginkgo special extract EGb 761®, developed and manufactured by Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co. KG, Karlsruhe. EGb 761® is widely recognized as the best researched phytopharmaceutical world-wide and is available in more than 80 countries.

Click to see: Ginkgo Biloba Protects Your Memory
Source: Elements4Health.June 23rd.2010

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Health Alert

Morning Sickness, All Day Long

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Pregnancy sometimes causes nausea and vomiting. It is dismissed as normal morning sickness. In some cultures, vomiting is actually taken as proof of pregnancy.
Morning sickness, however, is not necessarily confined to the morning, though 80 per cent of pregnant women fall in this category
. It can occur at any time of the day or night. The remaining 20 per cent of the women may show other signs of pregnancy such as eating ravenously.

Vomiting usually starts around the sixth week — around two weeks after the period is missed. It settles around the twelfth week, and then disappears around the fifth month. Any strong smell can precipitate waves of nausea — be it garbage or spices being fried in the kitchen.

Baffled scientists put forward many theories to explain this strange phenomenon. It was touted as an unconscious rejection of the pregnancy. Women were unsympathetically told to “control themselves”. Some blamed it on the hormonal changes during the period, which causes relaxation of the smooth muscles of the oesophagus and gall bladder and slows digestion.

Scientists have now discovered that the nausea is due to sensitivity to a hormone called HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin). The vomiting coincides with peak levels of this hormone (six to 12 weeks).

The sensitivity varies and is genetically determined. Women who vomit during pregnancy often have mothers and sisters who had the same problem. It also tends to recur in each succeeding pregnancy, though, if the tolerance levels to HCG build up, the vomiting in the second pregnancy can be less than that in the first.

Excessive vomiting causes 1 per cent of the women who vomit to become morbidly ill. They lose 5 per cent or more of their pre-pregnancy weight. The violent retching can cause tears in the esophagus, resulting in blood in the vomit. The inability to retain any food in the stomach can result in dehydration severe enough to affect the kidneys. Blood may begin to clot in the veins. The brain may be affected as a result of electrolyte imbalance or dehydration. Loss of vitamins, particularly thiamine, may cause delirium.

This severe vomiting is also known as hyperemesis gravidarum (in Latin, gravid means pregnant, and hyper is excessive). It is more likely in younger women who are underweight before the pregnancy, pre-diabetic (abnormal GTT values) or have migraine headaches.

Persistent hyperemesis can be a danger signal. It can occur if the levels of HCG are higher than normal. This occurs when it is a twin pregnancy or if the baby has a chromosomal abnormality like trisomy 18 or 21. Or, it may not be a pregnancy at all but a tumour called hydatidiform mole that mimics pregnancy. An ultrasound examination at this stage will pick up all the above abnormalities.

Well meaning advice to tackle morning sickness with bed rest is counterproductive. The reclining position may further aggravate reflux from the stomach. Moreover, inactivity may lead to loss of muscle mass. This may make it difficult to withstand the rigours of labour and childbirth.

• To tackle morning sickness, consider the following.

• A good diet with adequate vitamins, particularly folic acid.

• Exposure to fresh air. Try going for a walk outdoor for half an hour in the morning and evening.

• Eat several small meals instead of three regular ones.

• Avoid anything that triggers the vomiting even if it touted as being “good for the baby”.

Ginger helps as lozenges, ginger tea or lime juice. Supplements are available but since the other additives in the capsules are not known, it is probably better and safer to use the natural product.

Peppermint can be sucked as lozenges or peppermint oil used as inhalations.

Try acupressure. The pressure point to reduce nausea is located in the middle of the inner wrist, three finger-breadths away from the crease and between the two tendons. Locate and press firmly, one wrist at a time for three minutes.

Despite this, if uncontrollable vomiting occurs, with aversion to food, loss of weight, dark coloured urine, loss of consciousness, headache, confusion or fainting, it is better to seek medical help. Hyperemesis can be fatal.

An initial evaluation will rule out a correctable cause like a urinary tract infection, acid dyspepsia, chromosomal abnormalities or a hydatidiform mole. Intravenous fluids (IV) can be given to restore hydration, electrolytes, vitamins and nutrients.

If anti-nausea medications are used, the danger to the baby has to be weighed against the risk to the mother. Strict medical supervision and documentation of the dose and duration of treatment are required.

Source : The Telegraph ( Kolkata, India)

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