Herbs & Plants

Prunella Vulgris

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Botanical Name : Prunella vulgris
Family :Lamiaceae or Labiatae, Mint Family
Genus: Prunella
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Lamiales
Species: P. vulgaris
Common Names :Self-Heal , Self-heal, Heal-all, Blue Curls, Heart-of-the-Earth, Brunella Carpenter-weed

Other Names: In Germany it is known as Kleine Braunelle In the United States, as Lance Selfheal, Aleutian selfheal, Heal-all, Carpenter weed, Heart-of-the-earth, Blue Curls (generically) and as Hook Heal. In Finland it is called Niittyhumala and in Poland it is Glowienka pospolita.

Parts Used: whole herb

Habitat :
Heal-all is  found throughout Europe, Asia, Japan and the United States of America, as well as most temperate climates. Its origin seems to be European, though it has been documented in other countries since before any history of travel. In the United Kingdom it is abundant throughout Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and England. In the Republic of Ireland it is currently abundant in the west in counties Galway and Clare, the south-west in Kerry, the south coast and is also found around the central basin of Ireland. It is often found growing in waste ground, grassland, woodland edges, usually on basic and neutral soils.

It is  a perennial herb, grows from 1 to 2 feet high, with creeping, self-rooting, tough, square, reddish stems branching at leaf axis. The leaves are lance shaped, serrated and reddish at tip, about an inch long and 1/2 inch broad, grow on short stalks in opposite pairs down the square stem. The flowers grow from a clublike, somewhat square, whirled cluster, immediately below this club are a pair of stalkless leaves standing out on either side like a collar. Flowers are two lipped and tubular, the top lip is a purple hood, and the bottom lip is often white, it has three lobes with the middle lobe being larger and fringed upwardly. Flowers bloom at different times depending on climate and other conditions; Mostly from June to August.

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The flowers are arranged in several whorls at the end of a stem, forming a tight cluster. The upper lip of the flower forms a hood and there is a small lobed lower lip. It blooms throughout June to September. For medicinal purposes, the whole plant is gathered when the flowers bloom, and dried. The leaves and small flowers of heal-all are edible.
Unlike most labiates there is a very clear distinction between bracts and leaves.  Stem-base creeps and roots at nodes, then turns upright.  Flower has upper lip hooded, lower lip 3-lobed, the middle lobe largest and toothed.  Calyx also 2-lipped, the upper lip broad and shallowly 3-toothed, the lower lip deeply 2-toothed.  Calyx closed in fruit.  Stamens with a projection at tip that is pressed against the upper lip of the flower.

It is grown in any damp soil in full sun or in light shade. Seeds are sown in very early spring in a flat outdoor area.

Prunella Vulgaris thrives in any damp soil in full sun or in light shade. It will grow thicker in a part shade environment. Prunella vulgaris is a good plant for growing in the spring meadow. Sow seed in very early spring in a flat outdoors, or give a short cold and moist conditioning treatment before sowing in a warm place. As Prunella Vulgaris is related to the mint family, it transplants and spreads easily. Some not so enlightened people might consider it a weed.

Click here to see Free Google Video of Prunella Vulgaris in my garden of weeds.

Click here to buy Organic Prunella Vulgaris Herb Seed

Harvesting Information: Gather flowering tops, and dry in small bunches for later herb use, or tincture fresh. Store in cool, dry, dark, place for best shelf life.

Edible Uses:
Heal-all is both edible and medicinal. It can be used in salads, soups, stews, or boiled as a pot herb. It has been used as an alternative medicine for centuries on just about every continent in the world[citation needed], and for just about every ailment, Heal-All is something of a panacea, it does seem to have some medicinal uses that are constant.

The plant’s most useful constituents are betulinic acid, D-camphor, delphinidin, hyperoside, manganese, oleanolic acid, rosmarinic acid, rutin, ursolic acid, and tannins.

Medicinal Actions & Uses:
Astringent* Styptic* Antiscrofulous*
Prunella Vulgaris is one of the latest herbs making headlines as a natural treatment for herpes. Next to Jewelweed and possibly Ginseng, this is the herb  mostly asked about lately.
The whole plant is medicinal as alterative, antibacterial, antipyretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, astringent, carminative, diuretic, febrifuge, hypotensive, stomachic, styptic, tonic, vermifuge and vulnerary. It is taken internally as a medicinal tea in the treatment of fevers, diarrhoea, sore mouth and throat, internal bleeding, and weaknesses of the liver and heart. Clinical analysis shows it to have an antibacterial action, inhibiting the growth of pseudomonas, Bacillus typhi, E. coli, Mycobacterium tuberculi, which supports its use as an alternative medicine internally and externally as an antibiotic and for hard to heal wounds and diseases. It is showing promise in research for cancer, AIDS, diabetes, and many other maladies.

A cold water infusion of the freshly chopped or dried and powdered leaves is a very tasty and refreshing beverage, weak infusion of the plant is an excellent medicinal eye wash for sties and pinkeye. Prunella is taken internally as a medicinal tea in the treatment of fevers, diarrhea, sore mouth and throat, internal bleeding, and weaknesses of the liver and heart. Clinical analysis shows it to have an antibacterial action, inhibiting the growth of pseudomonas, Bacillus typhi, E. coli, Mycobacterium tuberculi, which supports its use as an alternative medicine internally and externally as an antibiotic and for hard to heal wounds and diseases. It is showing promise in research for herpes, cancer, AIDS, diabetes, and many other maladies.

Heal all was once proclaimed to be a holy herb and was thought to be sent by God to cure all ailments of man or beast. It was said to drive away the devil, which lead to the belief that Heal-All was grown in the Witches garden as a disguise. The root was also used to make a tea to drink in ceremonies before going hunting by one Native American tribe to sharpen the powers of observation.

Recent research shows that application of Prunella Vulgaris is helpful in controlling herpes outbreaks.

click here to read more.
Prunella : Herbal Remedy May Help Combat Endometriosis and Cancer

Disclaimer:The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.


Health Problems & Solutions

Some Health Quaries & Answers


Q: My husband and I both have corns on our feet. His corns fell off after he applied corn caps. Mine did not even though I used the same caps. The caps keep falling off instead.

[amazon_link asins=’B01M3NWQD6,B002SEQTXS,B005M1UPLQ,B00ZEMPFF4,B01BIBVKMG,B004JCFBZO’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’e9c8ae9b-f8b9-11e6-8eef-b52cd8fd2165′]CORNY REMEDY :-

A: If the corn caps worked for your husband, trying the same brand makes sense. For self-treatment to be successful, the foot has to be dry when you apply the caps. Also, do not walk barefoot even in the house. When you have a bath, tie your leg in a plastic bag so that the caps do not get wet. You need to leave them on as long as possible.

Even though the lesions appear similar, in your case the diagnosis may be something else like warts. If they are still present after three months of self-treatment with corn plasters, consult a dermatologist and consider having them surgically removed.


Q: My uncle was travelling in a car sitting next to the window. After he reached home he found that he could not move the right side of his face, or even close the eye. Is this a stroke?

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A: This sounds more like “Bell’s palsy” than a stroke. It is an isolated paralysis of the facial nerve. It is common in persons between 15-60 years of age and in diabetics. It occurs because the facial nerve passes through a narrow bony canal in the ear before its branches enter the facial muscles. Exposure to cold can cause the nerve to swell up. It then becomes compressed. The pressure causes the paralysis. This can also occur as a result of an infection with the Herpes Simplex virus.

Treatment is with antiviral agents, steroids and physiotherapy. Recovery is usually complete.


Q: My six-year-old son has no control over his bowel movement. His pants and underwear are constantly soiled because part of the motion leaks out. It is not diarrhoea. This happens in school too, and it is becoming a problem.

[amazon_link asins=’B00A0ID90A,B000AV5LZ8,1501122983,B0154FF8OS,1623157900′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’efb9b81d-f8ba-11e6-b633-d598b4cf909e’]

A: If your son had control of his motion initially and has now lost it, he probably suffers from a condition called “encopresis”. It occurs when the child does not go to the toilet when he feels the urge. This results in chronic constipation. Once the rectum is full of impacted stools, liquid motion from above can leak out of the anus causing this problem.

Treatment of encopresis focuses on clearing the colon of retained, impacted stool and encouraging healthy bowel movement. This means training your son to go to the toilet as soon as the urge to defecate occurs. Also, try to send him to the toilet every day at a fixed time.

The diet should contain dietary fibre in the form of four to five helpings of fruits or vegetables a day.


Q: I developed dark patches on my arms and legs. I went to one of the clinics advertised on television and they diagnosed macular amyloidosis (I don’t know what that is) and advised laser treatment. I am a bit nervous about this.

[amazon_link asins=’B000FNG2KO,B00EFTGP9W,B014OLZAJ6,B01BI63K4W,B01H64JLK2′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’2d3a58ff-f8bb-11e6-8e7d-87c4ffea77e6′]

A: Macular amyloidosis is a skin condition in which itchy lesions appear as flat dusky-brown or greyish spots that may eventually form patches of darkened skin. It is found symmetrically distributed over the upper back between the shoulder blades, on the chest, sometimes on the arms, and rarely on the legs.

The diagnosis has to be made after a biopsy. All dark patches are not macular amyloidosis (yours seem non-itchy) nor do they require expensive treatment like laser therapy. Go to a dermatologist, confirm the diagnosis and then start treatment. Usually anti histamines and topical steroids are tried initially. Do not believe everything said in advertisements on television.


Q: My daughter has polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Each time the doctor puts her on tablets, and she is alright for a few months. As soon as the treatment is discontinued, her periods become irregular.

[amazon_link asins=’B01LWMIHNN,B01N1S3ANG,B01LOVLH8M,B00UE4P0U2,B015MM787I,0805078282′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’88fa0c64-f8bb-11e6-9c19-2d1a57416937′]

A: PCOS occurs because of an inherited abnormal gene for food metabolism. As a result the sufferer tends to become obese, develop acne and have irregular periods. The gene will always be present. The tendency to manifest the gene can be controlled if —

* Your daughter jogs 40 minutes a day

* She maintains her BMI at 23 (BMI is weight divided by height in metre squared).

Pills or exercise — the choice is hers.


Q: A relative tried to rape me during my childhood. Now I have abdominal pain all the time. I think I have an infection.

A: Since you are worried, and with reason, test your blood for VDRL, HIV and HbAg. Also, do an ultrasound of the abdomen and pelvis. If all these are normal, you have nothing to worry about.

Move on with your life and forget the past. Almost 95 per cent women face unwelcome unwanted sexual advances at some time in their life. Take lessons in karate, Kung Fu or some other martial art. It will make you more confident and ensure nothing like that happens again.

Source: The Telegraph ( Kolkata, India)

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News on Health & Science

Scientists Discover How Red Wine and Green Tea Stops Prostate Cancer

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In what could lead to a major advance in the treatment of prostate cancer, scientists now know exactly why polyphenols in red wine and green tea inhibit cancer growth. This new discovery explains how antioxidants in red wine and green tea produce a combined effect to disrupt an important cell signaling pathway necessary for prostate cancer growth. This finding is important because it may lead to the development of, or improve current treatments that could stop or slow cancer progression.

“Not only does SphK1/S1P signaling pathway play a role in prostate cancer, but it also plays a role in other cancers, such as colon cancer, breast cancer, and gastric cancers,” said Gerald Weissmann, editor-in-chief of The FASEB Journal. “Even if future studies show that drinking red wine and green tea isn’t as effective in humans as we hope, knowing that the compounds in those drinks disrupt this pathway is an important step toward developing drugs that hit the same target.”

Scientists conducted in vitro experiments which showed that the inhibition of the sphingosine kinase-1/sphingosine 1-phosphate (SphK1/S1P) pathway was essential for green tea and wine polyphenols to kill prostate cancer cells. Next, mice genetically altered to develop a human prostate cancer tumor were either treated or not treated with green tea and wine polyphenols. The treated mice showed reduced tumor growth as a result of the inhibited SphK1/S1P pathway. To mimic the preventive effects of polyphenols, another experiment used three groups of mice given drinking water, drinking water with a green tea compound known as EGCg, or drinking water with a different green tea compound, polyphenon E. Human prostate cancer cells were implanted in the mice and results showed a dramatic decrease in tumor size in the mice drinking the EGCg or polyphenon E mixtures.

“The profound impact that the antioxidants in red wine and green tea have on our bodies is more than anyone would have dreamt just 25 years ago,” Weissmann added. “As long as they are taken in moderation, all signs show that red wine and green tea may be ranked among the most potent ‘health foods’ we know.”

You may also click to see:->
? *How Much Alcohol Increases Breast Cancer Risk?
*Soy for Prostate Cancer, But What About Possible Unwanted Effects?
*Study Confirms Indoor Tanning and Melanoma Link
*Omega 3 Curbs Precancerous Growths in Those Prone to Bowel Cancer
*Smoking and Excessive Alcohol are Risk Factors for Bowel Cancer


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News on Health & Science

High Heels are Heath-Wreckers

Like the tall Lara Dutta or the shorter Rani Mukerji, you might want to flaunt stilettos to look glamorous and sleek. But experts feel this style statement can cause serious harm to the body if proper care is not taken.
“Increased pressure puts the forefoot at risk of injuries such as stress fractures, bunions and hammer toes. Knee pain is also common when high heels are involved,” says Ashish Jain, M.S. (orthopaedics), consultant joint replacement specialist at Max Hospital.

“The heel height causes increased strain on the knee joint and associated tendons. The quadriceps muscle group in the front of the thigh works harder, increasing pressure on the kneecap by up to 26 percent.”

“This can ultimately increase the incidence of osteoarthritis of the knee and quadriceps tendonitis,” Jain added.

Jain also spoke of other hazards
. :-

He revealed that when the heel is constantly elevated, the calf muscle and Achilles tendon can contract and shorten. Wearing high heels habitually can result in a woman not being able to tolerate a flat shoe. On occasions, this can even require surgery to lengthen the Achilles tendon.

Sometimes the tight fit of many heels will force the toes to conform to its shape. The pressure of the shoe itself can cause corns to form. Furthermore, the compression of the metatarsal bones can cause pressure on the nerves that run between them.

“The toenails are also at risk as the incidence of in-growing toenails and nail infections is higher in heel wearers. In-growing toenails can be very painful, unsightly and require surgery to correct,” Jain added.

Women feel high heels like gladiator sandals, tip toes and others add a touch of elegance and glamour to one’s overall style and the legs appear longer and slimmer. Thus, to look special in that chic footwear and not experience painful after effects, many are going in for dermal fillers.

“It has been observed that women are undergoing filler injections to plump up the underside of their feet, thus filling them out and providing padding inside the foot to relieve the pain that comes from wearing high heels,” said Satish Bhatia, dermatologist and skin surgeon, Lady Ratan Tata Medical and Research Centre.

“This trend is rising despite the fact that the effect does not usually last for more than six-seven months,” Bhatia added.

Given that certain industries like hospitality, aviation and fashion place a premium on height and appearance, wearing heels becomes a norm, thus making women opt for the expensive solution to ease pain arising out of use of high heels.

“The dermal filler injection is injected in the ball of the foot to ease the pain caused by wearing high heels. The injection costs between Rs.12,000 and Rs.15,000,” he added.

Rajesh Malhotra, professor of orthopaedics, AIIMS, threw light on a few other ways of curing the pain arising out of extended use of stilettos.

“The best way to avoid pain is that one stops wearing high heels at all because they are the cause of the problem. But if that is not possible then there are a few treatments,” he said.

“The entire body pressure is on the ball of the foot; so among many treatments one is that we put the metatarsal bar on the sole of the footwear so that the entire body weight is not on the ball of the foot, which results in less pain,” Malhotra told.

If it is very essential to wear heels, the maximum height advised by doctors is not more than an inch.

“The height of the heel also changes the amount of weight on the forefoot. A one-inch heel will increase the pressure by 22 percent, a two-inch heel by 57 percent and a three-inch heel by 76 percent. So anything not more than an inch is fine,” said Jain.

The Times Of India. June 12. 2010

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Herbs & Plants

Brahmi (Bacopa monniera)

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Botanical Name :Bacopa monniera
Family :Scrophulariaceae/PLANTAGINACEAE Plantain Family
Genus: Bacopa
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Lamiales
B. monnieri
Common Names :  Bacopa , Water hyssop, Brahmi, Coastal Waterhyssop, Thyme-leafed gratiola,
International Naming:
(Niirpirami) in Tamil
Phak mi, Phrommi , in Vietnamese
Lunuwila in Sinhalese (Sri Lanka)

Habitat: Native in India,Bangladesh,Burma.It commonly grows in marshy areas throughout India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, China, Taiwan, and Vietnam, and is also found in Florida and other southern states of the USA where it can be grown in damp conditions by the pond or bog garden.. Wetlands and muddy shores.

Bacopa Monniera is a genus of 70-100 aquatic plants in the family Plantaginaceae. The plants are annual or perennial, decumbent or erect stemmed plants. Crushed Bacopa leaves have the distinct scent of lemons.It is a  creeping herb with numerous branches, small oblong leaves, and light purple flowers. In India and the tropics it grows naturally in wet soil, shallow water, and marshes. The herb can be found at elevations from sea level to altitudes of 4,400 feet, and is easily cultivated if adequate water is available. Flowers and fruit appear in summer and the entire plant is used medicinally.   Brahmi is also the name given to Centella asiatica, particularly in north India, although that may be a case of mistaken identification that was introduced during the 16th century.

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Bacopa Monniera is used prominently in Ayurveda, a holistic medicine system from India, and has been used since approximately the 6th century AD.
Bacopa monnieri in Hyderabad, India.The leaves of this plant are succulent and relatively thick. Leaves are oblanceolate and are arranged oppositely on the stem. The flowers are small and white, with four or five petals. Its ability to grow in water makes it a popular aquarium plant. It can even grow in slightly brackish conditions. Propagation is often achieved through cuttings.

Edible uses:
It is used in Vietnamese cuisine, where it is called rau ng bin. It is used in cháo cá, a variety of rice congee made with fish and  mushrooms.

Active Constituents and Pharmacokinetics:
Compounds responsible for the pharmacological effects of Bacopa include alkaloids, saponins, and sterols. Many active constituents–the alkaloids Brahmine and herpestine, saponins d-mannitol and hersaponin, acid A, and monnierin–were isolated in India over 40 years ago. Other active constituents have since been identified, including betulic acid, stigmastarol, beta-sitosterol, as well as numerous bacosides and bacopasaponins. The constituents responsible for Bacopa’s cognitive effects are bacosides A and B.5. (5-9)

Medicinal Actions & Uses:

Traditional uses: Bacopa has been used in traditional Ayurvedic treatment for epilepsy and asthma. It is also used in Ayurveda for ulcers, tumors, ascites, enlarged spleen, inflammations, leprosy, anemia, and gastroenteritis.

It has antioxidant properties, reducing oxidation of fats in the bloodstream. However, anti-epilepsy properties seem to be in very high toxic and near lethal doses, so it’s only used—at much lower non-toxic dosage—as a (cognitive) additive to regular epilepsy medication. Studies in humans show that an extract of the plant has antianxiety effects.

It is listed as a nootropic, a drug that enhances cognitive ability. In India, this plant has also been used traditionally to consecrate newborn babies in the belief that it will open the gateway of intelligence. Laboratory studies on rats indicate that extracts of the plant improve memory capacity and motor learning ability.   Recent studies suggest bacopa may improve intellectual activity. The sulfhydryl and polyphenol components of Bacopa monniera extract have also been shown to impact the oxidative stress cascade by scavenging reactive oxygen species, inhibiting lipoxygenase activity and reducing divalent metals. This mechanism of action may explain the effect of Bacopa monniera extract in reducing beta-amyloid deposits in mice with Alzheimer’s disease.

It is used in Rebirthing therapy to accelerate trauma release and make continuous breathing easier. Bacopa monnieri is a well known nootropic plant reported for its tranquilizing, sedative, cognitive enhancing, hepatoprotective and antioxidant action.(ref name: m mujassam)

Common uses:
Memory, attention and other cognitive functions, occasional panic and anxiety, mental/physical fatigue, immune system response

Pharmacology and Phytochemicals:
Much modern research has focused on the activity Bacopa Monniera demonstrates in the Central Nervous System. Recent studies indicate that Bacosides, B. Monniera’s primary components, enhance nerve impulse transmission, possibly helping improve concentration, learning, memory, and attention span as well as other higher order cognitive functions. Preliminary lab results also suggest it influences that production and availability of Serotonin.

Scientists state that B. Monniera likely affects multiple systems in the body in order to promote emotional well-being, mental sharpness, and physical endurance.

Mechanisms of Action:
Bacopa Monniera has been identified in clinical study as an adaptogen that increases resistance to a wide range of chemical, physical, and biological stressors.

Bacopa monnieri displays in vitro antioxidant and cell-protective effects. In animals, it also inhibits acetylcholinesterase, activates choline acetyltransferase, and increases cerebral blood flow.

Several studies have suggested that Bacopa monnieri extracts may have protective effects in animal models of neurodegeneration. Small clinical trials in humans have found limited evidence supporting improved free memory recall, with no evidence supporting other cognition-enhancing effects.


A standardized Bacopa monniera preparation was evaluated for safety and tolerability in 23 healthy adult volunteers.   Participants took 300 mg of the extract daily for 15 days, followed by 450 mg/daily for the subsequent 15 days. No adverse effects were observed in biochemical, electrocardiographic, hematological or clinical parameters in the post-treatment vs. the pre-treatment period. There were some reports of mild gastrointestinal symptoms that resolved spontaneously.

Bacopa Monnieri might agonize (strengthen) cytochrome p450 liver isoenzymes “7-pentoxyresorufin O-dealkylase” (CYP2B1/2?) and “7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylation” (CYP1A1), especially under stressful conditions.

Known Hazards:  Aqueous extracts of Bacopa monnieri may have reversible adverse effects on spermatogenesis, sperm count, and fertility in male mice.

The most commonly reported adverse side effects of Bacopa monnieri in humans are nausea, increased intestinal motility, and gastrointestinal upset.

Disclaimer:The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.


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