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Botanical Name :Alchornea floribunda
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Subfamily: Acalyphoideae
Tribe: Alchorneae
Genus: Alchornea
Species: A. floribunda
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Malpighiales
Common Names:Niando,Iporuru, Iporoni, Macochihua,Christmas Bush, Tekei, Agyama, Mbom, Diangba, Alan, Elando, Mulolongu, Kai, Sumara Fida
Habitat :Alchornea floribunda is native to Sudan, Uganda, Cameroon, Central African Republic, the Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea (incl. Bioko), Gabon, São Tomé and Príncipe, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.
Alchornea floribunda is a small evergreen tree that grows up to 10 meters in height. The flowers are dark red, and the fruit are capsules that are smooth, hairy and ranging from green to red in color. Each fruit contains two bright red seeds. A. floribunda is found growing primarily in forest undergrowth in Africa. It may be propagated through seed or stem cuttings and needs very moist soil…….CLICK & SEE THE PICTURES
You may click to see : pictures of Alchornea floribunda plant.
TRADITIONAL USES: Members of the Byeri group of the Fang in Gabon, a precursor to today’s Bwiti tribe, are said to have once consumed large amount of the root of A. floribunda, which they called alan, as part of initiation rituals. It is said that the effects are weaker and not as long lasting as those of iboga (Tabernanthe iboga), the entheogen which they now use most commonly in these rituals. During this initiation ritual, the initiate would be shown the skulls of his or her ancestors, and the alan root was said to help them to communicate with the spirits of these dead invidivuals. A. floribunda is still used today by the Byeri alongside iboga, and on its own as an aphrodisiac.
The related species A. laxiflora is used by the Yoruba people of Nigeria to deflect negative magical attacks back to the originator. In Peru, A. castaneifolia has been used as an ayahuasca additive and a treatment for rheumatism by many different tribes.
TRADITIONAL PREPARATION: In order to enjoy the aphrodisiac effects of A. floribunda, the Bwiti macerate the root cortex and steep it in palm wine for several days. The root is also sometimes combined with iboga to potentiate the effects of both plants. The root bark may also be sun-dried and powdered, then mixed with food and consumed prior to a ritual or a battle to give strength.
The plant has psychedelic and aphrodisiac properties. The powdered rootbark is used for traditional medicine.Indigenous Amazonian peoples and Venezuelan’s use the Iporuru roots for everything from treating arthritis to an aphrodisiac to an added ingredient for making Ayahuasca.
The leaves of A. floribunda are sometimes eaten in the Congo as an antidote for poison, and the leaf or root sap is applied to the skin to treat irritation and wounds.
In the Ivory Coast, the leaves of A. cordifolia are consumed internally and used in baths as a sedative and antispasmodic. The root bark and leaves are commonly used treat parasites, venereal diseases, ulcers, and many other ailments. The leaves may also be chewed to relieve mouth ulcers. In Nigeria, a decoction of the fruit is taken by women to prevent miscarriage and to treat other reproductive troubles.
TRADITIONAL EFFECTS: Consumption of A. floribunda is said to produce intense excitement and incredible ecstasy. This is followed several hours later by depression, vertigo and eventual collapse. At this point in the experience, the Bwiti believe that the soul is able to journey to the land of the ancestors and to communicate with them. A. floribunda has been known to cause overdose and death in certain situations, which is perhaps why it is no longer commonly used as an entheogen, even by the Bwiti.
Several species of Alchornea, including A. cordifolia and A. hirtella have been found to contain numerous alkaloids, including possibly yohimbine. When a decoction of powdered A. floribunda was given to dogs, it was found to increase the sensitivity of the sympathetic nervous system to epinephrine.
The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.
One reply on “Alchornea floribunda”
Great article about alchornea floribunda. Yes you are right that A. castaneifolia is used as an additive for ayahuasca and it is also used in many tea recipe. It has anti-inflammation properties which is helpful for people with arthritis. If you want to know more about ingredients used for creating Ayahuasca, Here is a good site https://www.soul-herbs.com/ayahuasca-recipe/