Herbs & Plants

Indian Sorrel

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Botanical name: Oxalis Corniculata
Indian name:
Family: Polygonaceae
Rumex (ROO-meks)
Species: vesicarius (ves-ee-KAR-ee-us)

Origin, Distribution and Composition
It is a small hairy annual herb. It has numerous branches which shoot out from the roots and creep to a length of 12 to 30 cms.The herb is indigenous to India. It grows wild during monsoon and on wet grounds.The flower of the plant is sour due to a high content oxalic acid and potassium oxalate. The herb is reach in vitamin B,iron and calcium. The leaves contain a small amount of cellulose. The stem of the plant is very thin, delicate and hairy. It has pale green compound leaves with delicate and thin smooth leaflets.It has also yellow flowers and cylindrical fruits containing many tiny seeds.


Healing Power and Curative Properties
The leaves are acrid, bitter and mildly astringent. It has a predominantly acid taste. It advisable to mix the herb with other milder tasting herbs. The juice of 15 grams of this herb, mixed with five grams of basil (tulsi)juice, may be taken with 100 ml of tender coconut water. This raw juice can also be mixed with cooked greens. The leaves have a cooling effect and act as an appetizer.

The leaves are acrid, bitter and mildly astrigent.It has a predominently acid taste.It is advisable to mix the herb with other milder testing herbs.

Indian sorrel leaves has a cooling effect and act as an appetizer.They are very much useful in relieving symptoms of fever.An infussion of the leaves can bring temperature down.

Stomach disorder:
Fresh leaves of the plant are useful stimulating the stomach and aiding its action.The leaves can also be eaten as an appitizer.

The leaves beneficial in mild cases of disentery and enteritis. They should be boiled in butter milk and given twice a day.Fresh juice of the leaves ,mixed with honey or sugar is also very useful in dysentery.

The leaves are antiscorbutic and are useful in the prevention and treatment of scurvy, a defficiency caused by the lack of vitamin C. An infution of the leaves can be taken for this purpose.

The herb is beneficial in the treatment of jaundice. A tablespoon of fresh juice mixed with butter-milk made of cow’s milk can be taken once daily in the treatment of this disease.

Excessive Thirst
Indian sorrel curbs excessive thirst caused by diabetes or severe heat. The same method of intake as for jaundice can be followed.

Skin Disorders
The leaves are useful in certain skin diseases like warts, corns and other excrescences of the skin. They can be locally applied in these conditions. The juice of the whole plant mixed with onion is also applied to remove warts. A poultice of the leaves applied over an inflammation relieves pain, and when applied over boils, ripens them. The juice mixed with black pepper and ghee, gives relief from red spots and eruptions on the skin caused by biliousness.

Eye Disorders
The herb is very useful in the prevention and treatment of eye disorders. A few drops of the leaf juice put into the eyes every day keeps the eyes free from strain and prevents opacity of the cornea and cataract. The leaves are quite effective when applied locally for correcting the opacity of cornea.

The juice of the leaves mixed with castor oil is useful in insomnia. The juice should be mixed in an equal quantity of castor oil and heated to remove the watery content. It should then be cooled and stored in a bottle. When the scalp is massaged with this oil before going to bed, it will induce good sleep and also provide coolness to the eyes.

As the Indian sorrel contains high concentration of oxalic acid, its use should be avoided by persons suffering from gout, rheumatism and calculi or stone in the urinary tract.

Parts of plant are poisonous if ingested.

The information presented herein  is intended for educational purposes only.Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.

Source:Miracle of herbs and

News on Health & Science

Experts find miracle pill for liver cancer

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NEW DELHI: American scientists may have found the world’s first drug that prolongs survival of liver cancer patients in the final stage of the deadly disease.

Sorafenib, a pill that zeroes in on malignant cancer cells and cuts off the blood supply feeding the tumour, was found to increase chances of survival by over 44% or about three months. Presently, these patients have no available treatment option. Experts also say that in such cases, patients don’t live for more that six months.

A large scale multinational trial, conducted by researchers from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York and Hospital Clinic of Barcelona,

Spain, found the drug to work on tumours within the liver and those that have spread elsewhere.

Presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s annual meeting in Chicago on Monday, the study also found that tumours after being attacked by the drug didn’t grow.

Lead author of the study Dr Josep Llovet said such a survival advantage has never happened with liver cancer and is a major breakthrough in the disease’s management.

According to Dr Subhash Gupta, head of department, liver surgery, Apollo Hospital, Sorafenib holds great promise for patients on whom aggressive options like a mix of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy fail.

Liver cancer, a hard to treat disease, is diagnosed in more than half a million people globally each year. It is primarily caused by exposure to the Hepatitis B and C viruses and is the third biggest cause of cancer deaths worldwide, according to the World Health Organisation. It kills 622,000 people globally each year. In India, about 100,000 people suffer from the disease annually. Of these, just about 100-200 undergo a liver transplant. Most patients can’t afford a transplant as it costs nearly Rs 15 lakh.

Dr Gupta said: “Once detected early, liver cancer can be addressed by either a transplant or other techniques. However, most patients in India are detected in the very late stage for which there are no effective treatments. At an average, I see three to four patients in such a category every week. Sorafenib will come as a boon for these patients.”

In the study which started in March 2005, 602 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, the most common form of liver cancer, were divided into two groups — one that received two doses of Sorafenib daily and another that received dummy pills. On an average, Sorafenib patients survived 10.7 months versus almost 8 months for those on dummy pills.

The study was halted early in February 2007 because of the good results and patients on dummy pills were switched to Sorafenib.

Sorafenib attacks cancer with a targeted double-barreled approach. It zeros in on malignant cells themselves and cuts off the blood supply feeding the tumour. It is believed to work on tumours within the liver and those that have spread elsewhere. In the study, tumours didn’t shrink or disappear but in many cases they also didn’t grow.

“You are not curing the disease but you are delaying the progression of the disease significantly and strikingly,” said Llovet.

The Times Of India

Positive thinking

The Real Thing

Love Should Feel Good
Often in our lives, we fall prey to the idea of a thing rather than actually experiencing the thing itself. We see this at play in our love lives and in the love lives of our friends, our family, and even fictional characters. The conceptualizing, depiction, and pursuit of true love are multi million-dollar industries in the modern world. However, very little of what is offered actually leads us to an authentic experience of love. Moreover, as we grasp for what we think we want and fail to find it, we may suffer and bring suffering to others. When this is the case, when we suffer more than we feel healed, we can be fairly certain that what we have found is not love but something else.

When we feel anxious, excited, nervous, and thrilled, we are probably experiencing romance, not love. Romance can be a lot of fun as long as we do not try to make too much of it. If we try to make more of it than it is, the romance then becomes painful. Romance may lead to love, but it may also fade without blossoming into anything more than a flirtation. If we cling to it and try to make it more, we might find ourselves pining for a fantasy, or worse, stuck in a relationship that was never meant to last.

Real love is identifiable by the way it makes us feel. Love should feel good. There is a peaceful quality to an authentic experience of love that penetrates to our core, touching a part of ourselves that has always been there. True love activates this inner being, filling us with warmth and light. An authentic experience of love does not ask us to look a certain way, drive a certain car, or have a certain job. It takes us as we are, no changes required. When people truly love us, their love for us awakens our love for ourselves. They remind us that what we seek outside of ourselves is a mirror image of the lover within. In this way, true love never makes us feel needy or lacking or anxious. Instead, true love empowers us with its implicit message that we are, always have been, and always will be, made of love.
Source:Daily Om

Health Problems & Solutions

Few Health Questions and Answers


Q: Regarding weaning food. Many varieties are available in the market. What do you recommend I start with?

Weaning can begin with simple preparations like powdered rice cooked in water and milk with a little sugar .

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A: Weaning should not be started till at least the 120th day. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends breastfeeding exclusively for six months. Homemade preparations are superior to the packaged, ready-to-eat premixes available in the market. You could begin with powdered rice cooked in water and milk with a little sugar and no salt. The consistency should be like that of breast milk. Start with one feed, gradually increasing the number after a week or so.

Careful dosage :
Q: How is the dosage of medicine for children calculated? My mother says I can give my daughter, aged seven, half a tablet of the usual adult medicines.

A: Dosage of medicine for children has to be carefully calculated based on the body weight; it is not a matter of giving one tablet to an older child and half to a smaller one!

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In case of Paracetamol, the dosage is 10-15 mg/kg/dose every 4-6 hours. For many antibiotics, it is 20 or 40 mg/kg/day while for others it is 8 mg/kg/dose. Consult a paediatrician who will weigh the child and assign the dosage appropriately. Do not self-medicate.

Unlatching baby
Q: My baby sucks so hard at my breast that I am unable to pull his mouth loose when needed. Please & see

A: Pulling yourself backwards or trying to pry the child loose will not work. Instead, insert your little finger into the corner of his mouth to reduce the suction effect. His mouth can then be pried loose.

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Master check-up
Q: I am a 50-year-old woman. I want to have a master health check-up. What tests should I ask for?

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You need the following tests in addition to the regular ones offered as part of the check-up

Get your weight and height measured to calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI). This should be between 25 and 27. A high BMI indicates obesity and places you at risk for diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, osteoporosis and cancer

Blood tests to screen for diabetes, cholesterol and triglycerides

A bone densitometry if you are post menopausal

A pap smear for cervical cancer

Breast evaluation by mammogram and monthly self-examination

Dental check-up

Eye check-up

The normal values are usually noted on the side. If any of your results are not in the normal range, please follow it up with the concerned consultant. If the follow-up of check-up is not done adequately, your money is wasted.

Facial hair
Q: I am a 23-year-old woman. My problem is that I have a moustache. I think it was there earlier but of late it has become very noticeable. My mother says I should leave it alone. However, I feel self-conscious. What should I do?

A: Please check with an endocrinologist/dermatologist/gynaecologist if you have other associated symptoms like menstrual irregularities or more-than-normal hair on your arms and legs. In the meanwhile, you can always go to a beauty parlour and have the hair on your upper lip removed by threading or waxing. Hair-removing creams can cause allergies. Also, please avoid shaving.

Foul odor

Q: I have terrible body odor in summer. Please help.

A: Perspiration is odourless. The smell arises due to the action of skin bacteria on the sweat. To avoid this .

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Wear cotton clothes which will allow the sweat to evaporate and not trap it inside

Bathe twice a day with Neko soap. The bacterial cell wall is destroyed by this soap

Do not apply the soap directly. Use a loofa or wash rag

Avoid talcum powder

Use a deodorant stick or spray.

Nagging cough
Q: I have diabetes and hypertension. Both are well controlled with diet and medication. I have a terrible hacking cough though. I have seen several doctors but to no avail   all they have done is take X-rays and prescribe antibiotics. I do not have fever or sputum so I don’t think I need these antibiotics.

A: Some anti-hypertensive medications cause cough. You can try adding Vitamin C 500 mg at night to your current medication. Also, you can take a cough suppressant like codeine linctus. Avoid exposure to allergens such as incense sticks, cigarette smoke and mosquito repellents (mats, coils as well as liquids). Take steam inhalation twice a day.

[amazon_link asins=’B008X8O0LQ,B004UNYE7S,B06XWLK75T,B00P5VLW38,B008X8O35Y,B06XWK29MT,B00E1NWG04,B008X8O2QE,B00YVETA8Y’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’581ce35a-1b49-11e7-95cf-6d2619e4719b’]

Tummy trouble

Q: My stomach sticks out, making me look very ugly. Will a tummy trimmer work?

A: Spot reduction of the stomach alone is not possible unless you opt for liposuction. You need to go on a diet, exercise and reduce weight overall. In the process, you can also tone up your stomach with crunches or a trimmer.

[amazon_link asins=’B01AXMH3IQ,B01N6V6GLF,B014YQI8FY,B01IBIZHF0,B019YZB2IK,B000UVVX28,B00T41USLC,1605298204,B005VRLT6Q’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’af1f5cb7-1b49-11e7-a5b7-79d54c223797′]

Answered by :Dr Gita Mathai ,paediatrician with a family practice at Vellore.India

Published in the Telegraph (Kolkata,India)

Herbs & Plants

Indian Pennywort(Thankuni)

[amazon_link asins=’B01JOV5GFE,B00KLGP814,B01900LQSU,B00K2E0B8A,B004DMFN26,B00FSVLCLC’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’4b657bc9-f90a-11e6-8771-d556be3a8991′]
Botanical Name: Centella asiatica
Family:    Apiaceae
Genus:    Centella
Species:    C. asiatica
Kingdom: Plantae
Order:    Apiales

Indian Name: Khulakudi or Brahmamanduki


Grows in the warmer regions of both hemispheres, it is a slender, creeping plant abundant in swampy areas of India, Sri Lanka, China, South Africa and in tropical areas of Central and South America.

Centella grows in tropical swampy areas. The stems are slender, creeping stolons, green to reddish-green in color, connecting plants to each other. It has long-stalked, green, rounded apices which have smooth texture with palmately netted veins. The leaves are borne on pericladial petioles, around 2 cm (0.79 in). The rootstock consists of rhizomes, growing vertically down. They are creamish in color and covered with root hairs.

The flowers are white or pinkish to red in color, born in small, rounded bunches (umbels) near the surface of the soil. Each flower is partly enclosed in two green bracts. The hermaphrodite flowers are minute in size, less than 3 mm (0.12 in), with five to six corolla lobes per flower. Each flower bears five stamens and two styles. The fruit are densely reticulate, distinguishing it from species of Hydrocotyle which have smooth, ribbed or warty fruit. The crop matures in three months, and the whole plant, including the roots, is harvested manually.

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Active Constituents:
Flavonoids, glycosides ,saponin glycosides, triterpenoids (asiaticosides)

Medicinal Actions:
Adaptogen, alterative, anti-pyretic, anti-spasmodic, diuretic, nervine, tonic, vulnerary

Medicinal Uses:
Centella is well known as a tonic in Chinese medicine. It is considered to be bitter, pungent, with cold properties entering the spleen, liver and kidney meridians. It is said to clear heat and promote water metabolism and is a yin tonic.

Centella is known to increase the tensile binding strength of connective tissue and to reduce scar tissue formation associated with wound healing. It has demonstrated wound-healing action in treatment of dermal ulcers, dermal tuberculosis and leprosy. It is also said to promote longevity in a manner similar to Panax ginseng and Ganoderma. It is shown to have action in the immune system to reduce fever, has been use as a “blood cleanser”. Some ability to act as an anti-microbial has been demonstrated in tests on animals.

It has been used as a trophorestorative, which means it has a sedative action to reduce anxiety, yet helps focus thinking and to promote memory. It is said to calm the mental chatter, promoting calm and clarity. It probably has this action due the adaptogenic action of restoring the normal stress response in maladapted individuals.
Infusion: 1 Tbl/cup H2O BID – TID
Tincture (1:5): 2-5 ml TID
Fluid Extract (1:1.5, 1:3): 1-4 ml TID
Powder Extract: 100 mg – 200 mg TID

Origin, Distribution and Composition:
Indian pennywort is a perennial wild creeper which grows horizontally and is small and smooth. It has slender branches and small internodes. A number of leaves shoot out at each node on the upper. side and numerous roots grow into the soil at each node. The creeper thus has abundant leaf growth and new plants shoot out of various nodes.
Edible Uses:
In Myanmar cuisine, raw pennywort is used as the main constituent in a salad made also with onions, crushed peanuts, bean powder and seasoned with lime juice and fish sauce.
Centella is used as a leafy green in Sri Lankan cuisine, being the most predominant of all locally available leafy greens, where it is called gotu kola (???? ???). The adjective gotu in Sinhalese, is translated as “an inverted conical shape” (like the shape of a colander) and kola as “leaf”. It is most often prepared as malluma (???????), a traditional accompaniment to rice and curry, and goes especially well with vegetarian dishes, such as dhal, and jackfruit or pumpkin curry. It is considered quite nutritious and is often the very first leafy green a weaning toddler is introduced to. In addition to finely chopped gotu kola plants, the gotu kola malluma almost always contains grated coconut, diced shallots, lime (or lemon) juice, and sea salt, and may also contain finely chopped green chilis, chili powder, turmeric powder, chopped carrots as additional ingredients. The Centella fruit-bearing structures are discarded from the gotu kola malluma due to their intense bitter taste. A variation of the nutritious porridge known as kola kenda is also made with gotu kola by the Sinhalese people of Sri Lanka. Gotu kola kenda is made with well-boiled red rice with some extra liquid, coconut milk first extract, and gotu kola purée. The porridge is accompanied with jaggery for sweetness. Centella leaves are also used in modern sweet “pennywort” drinks and herbal teas. In addition the leaves are served stir-fried whole in coconut oil, or cooked in coconut milk with garlic or dhal.

In Indonesia, the leaves are used for sambai oi peuga-ga, an Aceh type of salad, and is also mixed into asinan in Bogor.
In Vietnam and Thailand, this leaf is used for preparing a drink or can be eaten in raw form in salads or cold rolls. In Bangkok, vendors in the famous Chatuchak Weekend Market sell it alongside coconut, roselle, chrysanthemum, orange and other health drinks.
In Malay cuisine the leaves of this plant are used for ulam, a type of Malay salad.

It is one of the constituents of the Indian summer drink thandaayyee.
In Bangladeshi cuisine mashed centella is eaten with rice.

Centella is widely used in various Indian Regional cuisines. It is known as vallarai in Tamil. It is an important component of unave marunthu concept which translates to food is medicine. Vallarai Kootu is a dish made out of centella and Dal. Vallarai thuvaiyal/thugaiyal, poriyal, spice podi (to be mixed with rice and ghee) and chutney are all various applications of centella in home cooking.

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The leaves of the plant are simple or of one blade, thickish, almost round or kidney-shaped and yellowish green in color. The fruits are small, flat circular and hard. The fresh leaves have an aroma due to the presence of an oily matter called vellarine. The aroma is lost on drying.
The stems are slender, creeping stolons, green to reddish green in color, interconnecting one plant to another. It has long-stalked, green, reniform leaves with rounded apices which have smooth texture with palmately netted veins. The leaves are borne on pericladial petioles, around 20 cm. The rootstock consists of rhizomes, growing vertically down. They are creamish in color and covered with root hairs.

The flowers are pinkish to red in color, born in small, rounded bunches (umbels) near the surface of the soil. Each flower is partly enclosed in two green bracts. The hermaphrodite flowers are minute in size (less than 3 mm), with 5-6 corolla lobes per flower. Each flower bears five stamens and two styles. The fruit are densely reticulate, distinguishing it from species of Hydrocotyle which have smooth, ribbed or warty fruit.

The crop matures in three months and the whole plant, including the roots, is harvested manually.

Indian pennywort is indigenous to India. It was known to Sanskrit writers from ancient times. This plant is found throughout India both in the plains and hilly tracts upto 2000 metres. It grows abundantly in moist areas and river banks, thriving in shade.

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Several other substances have been isolated from the herb, These include an essential oil, a fatty oil, sitosterol, tannin and a resinous substance. The dry plant yields an alkaloid, hydrocotylin. The leaves and roots contain a bitter principle, vellarine, pectic acid and resin. The leaves of the plant have a mixed taste-sweet, sour, astringent and bitter. The cellulose content is very low.

Uses : : It is Tonic, Diuretic and Alterative. It is used in treatment of leporasy and known to ameliorate the symptoms of the disease and improves general health of the patient. It is a brain tonic and stimulates hair growth.

Healing Power and Curative Properties

The herb corrects the disordered processes of nutrition, by which organism ingests, digests, absorbs, utilizes and excretes food substances and restores the normal function of the system. It counteracts inflammation and is a mild purgative. It also increases the secretion and discharge of urine.

All the parts of the creeper are used both for therapeutic and culinary purposes.

Improving Memory
The leaves of the Indian pennywort are considered beneficial in improving memory. The powder of the leaves taken with milk in small doses for this purpose helps in correcting the disorders.

Dysentery in Children
The leaves of the plant are an effective remedy in the early stages of dysentery in children. Three or four leaves can be taken with cumin and sugar in addition to applying a paste of the leaves on the navel.

Bowel Complaints
In case of bowel complaints amongst children, half a cup of an infusion of its leaves with fenugreek (methi) can be taken, in a single dose.

Nervous Disorders
The herb is effective in nervous disorders including nervous debility. A powder of the leaves dried in shade and taken in doses of 3 to 6 decigrams, thrice a day’ for adults, is effective. Reduce the dose to 0.75 to 2.5 decigrams for children.

Female Sterility
Indian pennywort is effective in female sterility when combined with another herb called chotakulpha, (trichodesma Indicum). The two herbs should be uprooted when matured and dried in the shade for use. An equal quantity of both herbs should be taken, powdered with sugar candy in the ratio 2:1. Three grams of this powder should be taken both in the morning and evening with cow’s milk for 3 consecutive days after menstruation. However, the woman using this recipe should be free from menstrual pain, leucorrhoea, obesity or any such disease. If she has any, these should be treated before going in for this remedy.

The drug is useful in treating elephantiasis of the scrotum and legs, which is marked by gross swelling. The juice extracted from a portion of the fresh plant or the dried stem and leaves of the plant ground with water, should be applied locally to the affected parts. A poultice of the fresh leaves or an ointment made of four grams of the leaf extract with 30 grams of lanoline is equally efficacious.

Skin Disorders
Indian pennywort is a common household remedy for skin diseases like chronic and persistent eczema, chronic ulcers and syphilitic sores. A fine powder of the dried leaves can be used as a dust in skin eruptions and syphilic ulcers. To check fever associated with these diseases, the juice of the leaves should be taken thrice a day in doses of I to 5 drops.

Dosage: the drug is generally given as a decoction in doses of 30 to 60 ml or as powder in doses of 21 to 6 decigrams thrice a day. The leaves of the plant can be taken in doses of 30 to 60 grams. The juice of the leaves can be taken in doses of 60 to 100 ml and the decoction of the leaves from 120 to 150 ml.

Precautions: It is advisable to take the raw juice of the leaf in small doses as the juice is very potent and an excess intake may lead to coma.

Other Uses:
The leaves of Indian pennywort have culinary uses too and can be used for making soup, raw chutney, tea, raw juice and chapatis (mixed with wheat flour).

The information presented herein  is intended for educational purposes only.Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.


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