News on Health & Science

‘Firstborn of younger moms more likely to reach 100’

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WASHINGTON: Children of younger mothers may live longer as the women are less likely to have acquired latent infections that could harm the health of the foetus, scientists reported on Sunday.

Researchers Natalia Gavrilova and Leonid Gavrilov of the University of Chicago studied 991 centenarians born in the United States between 1875 and 1899 for the study.

The younger mothers are less likely to have acquired various infectious diseases during their life that could damage the health of the foetus, the researchers were quoted in the online edition of New Scientist as saying.

The researchers used US Census and Social Security Administration records to reconstruct the family histories of 198 of them, searching for anything they had in common.

It turned out that first-born children were 1.7 times as likely as their siblings to live to be 100. An even stronger predictor of longevity was how young their mother was when they were born.

Those whose mothers were less than 25 years old were twice as likely to survive beyond a century, the researchers found in their research.

Younger mothers may also have better-quality eggs, according to the new American research.

Source:The Times Of India

Healthy Tips

Choosing the Right Vitamin

[amazon_link asins=’0757002331,B00THEGVCG,B00FFB5VWG,B07FM57G7Q,B00RTMCEEC,0757004717,B01MXHPNCL,B00J190L5K’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’506ccbd6-8dbe-11e8-95eb-597cc6f8e450′]

Learn to navigate the supplements aisle with these tips:

Been vitamin shopping lately? If you have, you probably needed to visit the pain-relief aisle afterward for something to deal with the headache all the choices caused. Here’s what clinical nutritionist Shari Lieberman, Ph.D., author of The Real Vitamin and Mineral Book, recommends to make it easier to choose the right ones:

  • Choose natural versions, rather than chemically synthesized versions, when buying fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and beta-carotene.
  • Avoid additives like coal tars, artificial coloring, preservatives, sugars, starch, and other ingredients that you simply don’t need with your vitamin.
  • Don’t worry about chelated minerals. Chelation means the minerals have an added protein to enhance absorption. But they’re often more expensive, and the studies on whether they really are absorbed faster than nonchelated minerals are sparse.
  • Don’t worry about time-release formulations. These supplements may actually take longer to be absorbed and provide you with lower blood levels of the vitamin or mineral.

From:Stealth Health


Clean Your Arteries With Meditation

[amazon_link asins=’089529415X’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’815322a6-cc18-11e7-bfa2-21a8aed85f27′]

Enter the right state of mind and reduce plaque levels!

Learning to meditate could actually help your body clean out its arteries, according to a study published in Stroke, a journal of the American Heart Association.

The researchers assigned 60 African American men and women with high blood pressure to either a transcendental meditation (TM) program or a control group. The TM group practiced meditation 20 minutes twice a day. After seven months researchers found that the people in this group lowered their plaque levels (measured by carotid intima-media thickness, or IMT, which reflects the level of fatty substances deposited on the artery walls), reducing their overall heart attack risk up to 11 percent and their stroke risk up to 15 percent. The other group had no reduction; in fact, their plaque levels increased.

“Cardiovascular disease is associated with psychological stress,” explained Amparo Castillo-Richmond, M.D., the study’s lead author. “Previous research has found that the TM program decreases coronary heart disease risk factors, including hypertension, oxidized lipids, stress hormones, and psychological stress.” Moreover, according to the researchers, the state of “restful alertness” brought on by meditation may trigger the body’s self-repair mechanisms.

A later study found that when it comes to reducing atherosclerosis, the overall effectiveness of a program that involved meditation and yoga along with a high-fiber, low-fat diet, aerobic exercise, and antioxidant supplements was even greater than in studies involving cholesterol-lowering drugs.

From:Cut Your Cholesterol

Health Alert

If Dog Or Cat Bites Children

[amazon_link asins=’B01DLK4LUA,B07C5XHZSL,B07D1RGHKS,B077ZQB5PB,B071KCQ45R,B00QKRQ5Q0,B07BXS8QHK,B012C0140U,B07BZZWXNG’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’8e323103-6546-11e8-8215-7dd5774d1aaf’]

What Parents should do when dog or cat bites children ?

Remain calm and reassure your child that everything will be okay!

Superficial bite from a family household pet who is immunized & in good health:
1.Wash the wound with soap and water under pressure from a faucit for at least five minutes, but do not scratch as this may bruise the tissue. Apply an antiseptic cream or lotion.

2. Watch for signs of infection at the site, such as increased redness or pain, swelling, or drainage, or if your child develops a fever. Call your child’s physician or healthcare provider right away if any of these occur.

3.Check to make sure your child’s Tetanus immunization is correct.

For Deeper bites or puncture wounds from any animal,or from any bite from a strange animal.
1.If the bite or scratch is bleeding, apply pressure to it with a clean bandage or towel to stop the bleeding.

2.Wash the wound with soap and water under pressure from a faucet for at least five minutes, but do not scrub as this may bruise the tissue.

3.Dry the wound and cover it with a sterile dressing. Do not use tape or butterfly bandages to close the wound as this could trap harmful bacteria in the wound.

4.Call your child’s physician or health care provider for help in reporting the attack and to decide if additional treatment, such as antibiotics a Tetanus booster or a rabis vaccination is needed

News on Health & Science

Could Stem Cells Make You More Beautiful?

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Stem Cells Could Have Cosmetic Applications, but They’re Likely Far Off.

The prospect is a tantalizing one. To erase wrinkles and fine lines, or to get bigger breasts, without cosmetic surgery. Forget silicone, forget collagen. All you would need is stem-cell therapy.

Realistically speaking, though, such applications remain a pipe dream.

Of course, it wouldn’t be the first time a medical therapy had been bent in the direction of aesthetics. Take a look at Botox   the deadly botulinum toxin initially used to treat spasms is now used to improve the appearance of frown lines.

And while stem-cell applications for the vanity market may have to wait, some researchers have begun to research the possibilities of stem cells in plastic and reconstructive medicine.

“Stem-cell research appears promising for medicine and particularly for plastic surgery,” said Dr. Ronald Friedman, director of the West Plano Plastic Surgery Center and a board-certified plastic surgeon practicing in Plano, Tex.

“Hair follicular stem cells, tooth stem cells and skin stem cells all show therapeutic promise,” said Denis English, editor in chief of the journal Stem Cells and Development and director of cell biology at the Center of Excellence for Aging and Brain Repair at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Fla. “These can restore hair to a bald man, teeth to those in need and skin to scarred patients.”

The use of stem cells to regenerate tissue is believed to hold promise because stem cells can be nudged to develop into specialized cell types. And some researchers have turned an eye toward stem cells for this very purpose.

In October, a University of Pittsburgh team led by Dr. Peter Rubin received a three-year grant from the National Cancer Institute to explore the possibility of using stem cells derived from a patient’s own fat. Rubin, assistant professor of plastic surgery and co-director of the university’s Adipose Stem Cell Center, used those stem cells to create a durable, shaped piece of replacement tissue.

The research may one day allow breast cancer survivors to take advantage of a natural replacement after a mastectomy.

But with these possible applications in reconstruction, could cosmetic applications be far behind?

“Naturally, the public shows more interest in applications like breast augmentation,” said Dr. Peter Constantino, director of the Center for Facial Reconstruction and Restoration at Roosevelt Hospital in New York.

“In our society, there is such a huge demand for these rejuvenation surgeries, despite their significant risks, that the pragmatist in me cannot deny the likelihood that it will not be long before someone offers a two-stage procedure starting with liposuction followed by injection of these autologous stem cells for breast augmentation or into the face to rejuvenate,” said Dr. Daniel Salomon of the department of molecular and experimental medicine at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, Calif.

Real-World Applications Still Far Off
Though initial research into the potential of stem cells in reconstructive surgery is promising, actual applications    particularly those of a purely cosmetic nature    are still distant.

“This is still very far in the future, except for tabloid speculation,” said Dr. Garry Brody, professor emeritus of plastic and reconstructive surgery at the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine in Los Angeles. “By the time it becomes practical    and affordable    I suspect it will be beyond our lifetimes.”

“Stem cells do have the potential to revolutionize things, but it is not “just around the corner,'” said Constantino. “You can’t just inject ‘fat’ stem cells into a breast and just assume that it’s going to make a nice-looking breast. You could just end up with something fairly lumpy and unappealing.”

The cosmetic applications of stem cells are “25 to 30 years away, at the earliest,” said Thoru Pederson of the department of biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, Mass.

Yet some studies are already under way.
“We are starting to see clinical trials with stem cells for reconstructive surgery,” Rubin said. “A group from Japan reported on enriching liposuctioned fat with fat-derived stem cells and using the material successfully for breast enlargement.”

Cosmetic Uses of Stem Cells a Low Priority
Most experts agree, however, that many other potentially curative and life-saving applications of stem cells take precedence over cosmetic uses.

“Applications to rejuvenation or enhanced personal appearance are much harder to justify at this point and will be driven more by market forces in affluent countries   not just the U.S. certainly    rather than by science,” Salomon said.

“In my opinion, use of any cells for cosmetic surgery is still problematic,” said Dr. Darwin Prockop, director of the Center for Gene Therapy at Tulane University Health Sciences Center in New Orleans. “The trials that can be justified are in patients with terminal diseases in which the potential risks and benefits are carefully evaluated.”

“In all honesty, the more promising (and more quickly realized) aspects of stem cell use in plastic and reconstructive surgery will probably be in producing skin replacement grafts on a large scale,” Constantino said. “This could help many, many burn and chronic wound patients.”

But for now?
“Though there is an enormous amount of promise with stem cells in plastic and reconstructive surgery, the devil is in some pretty important details,” Constantino said.

Source:ABC News.
