People often think they shouldn’t eat avocado because it is a “fatty” fruit. But this creamy teardrop-shaped fruit contains oleic acid, the same monounsaturated fat found in olive oil and known to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. A study published in the Archives of Medical Research showed that people with moderately high cholesterol levels who ate a diet high in avocados increased their levels of HDL (good) cholesterol by 11% and decreased their levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and total cholesterol.http://myhealingkitchen.com/medical-conditions/heart-disease/heart-disease-healing-food/arteries-love-avocado/
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2.Whole Grains.
The soluble fiber found in whole grains such as whole-wheat bread, brown rice, and oatmeal binds the cholesterol in your meal and drags it out of your body, Madden says. “And, when your body needs to utilize cholesterol in the future, it draws on your blood cholesterol supply, effectively lowering your total blood cholesterol level and your risk for heart disease.” And oatmeal isn’t just for breakfast; you can enjoy it any time of day with these easy recipes.
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3.Olive Oil :
A 2011 study found that people ages 65 or older who regularly used olive oil (for both cooking and as a dressing) were 41 percent less likely to have a stroke compared to those who never use olive oil in their diet. Use a little olive oil instead of butter or drizzle some over pasta, salad, or veggies to take advantage of its high mono- and polyunsaturated fats, Madden says. “And although it’s a healthier option, remember to use these oils sparingly, as all fats still contain the same number of calories.”
[amazon_link asins=’B004ZK3L8Y,B00BOTZTDO,B003QJF33Q,B00QGWM5HC,B0027EOTKO,B003VKQT9C,B0044B6ZBO,B00BGBL114,B015T2O8RO’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’913f6a60-105b-11e7-8df3-dd34b23d9878′]
Grabbing a handful of nuts is a heart-healthy way to beat the afternoon itch for a cookie, Madden says. “Almonds are very high in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, and fiber, while walnuts are a great plant-based source of an omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid.” According to the American Heart Association, monounsaturated fats can help reduce levels of bad cholesterol in your blood and lower your risk of heart disease and stroke.
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5.Plant Sterols:
Sterols are compounds that compete with the cholesterol in your food for absorption within your digestive tract, Madden says. “Sterols have been shown to lower both total and LDL cholesterol and can be found in certain brands of fortified orange juice, margarine spreads, and milk.” Just be sure to check the label—make sure the margarine is trans fat-free and that “partially hydrogenated oil” does NOT appear on the ingredient list.
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6.Salmon (or Other Fatty Fish)
Fatty fish such as mackerel, herring, tuna, and salmon are chock full of omega-3 fatty acids, Madden says. “Eating fish twice a week can reduce your risk of developing heart disease by decreasing inflammation and lowering triglyceride levels, and it may even help boost your HDL levels.” Try any of these heart healthy and delicious salmon recipes for dinner tonight.
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Asparagus is one of the best, natural artery-clearing foods around, says Shane Ellison, an organic chemist and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures. “Asparagus works within the 100,000 miles of veins and arteries to release pressure, thereby allowing the body to accommodate for inflammation that has accumulated over the years.” It also helps ward off deadly clots, Ellison says. We just love the versatile vegetable’s crunch in this salad recipe.
[amazon_link asins=’B000NIF4OG,B008DZ2JT4,B0014EW3HY,B017NVB1KG,B01NGWHY2C,B00BHFBTNE,B00G0JSW1Y,B00GJBFM5M,B005EKI454′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’3117ac50-105c-11e7-81f5-75c703197f46′]
Pomegranate contains phytochemicals that act as antioxidants to protect the lining of the arteries from damage, explains Dr. Gregg Schneider, a nutritionally oriented dentist and expert on alternative medicine. A 2005 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that antioxidant-rich pomegranate juice stimulated the body’s production of nitric oxide, which helps keep blood flowing and arteries open.
[amazon_link asins=’B004O4BB4W,B001FWXU1I,B00DZGF59M,B00VHKDV94,B00IDXQW5I,B007K5DYDI,B003GAJQ92,B001TNW23U,B00TQ2X690′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’4f51403b-105c-11e7-b35a-0de8245ea18c’]
Broccoli is rich in vitamin K, which is needed for bone formation and helps to keep calcium from damaging the arteries, Dr. Schneider says. Not to mention, broccoli is full of fiber, and studies show a high-fiber diet can also help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Enjoy this veggie for dinner tonight with this side dish recipe.
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The spice turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory,” Dr. Schneider says. “It contains curcumin which lowers inflammation—a major cause of arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries.” A 2009 study found that curcumin helps reduce the fatty deposits in arteries by as much as 26 percent. Sounds like a good reason to try some in this delicious recipe for spicy chicken soup from pop star Rihanna.
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11. Persimmons:
Forget the old ‘an apple a day’ adage—it seems eating a daily persimmon is a better way to keep the doctor away. Research shows the polyphenols found in this fruit (which has twice as much fiber and more antioxidants than an apple) can help decrease levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.
[amazon_link asins=’B00DVEXF4A,B0074U5EX2,B003W3OY6I,B005K8MG9U,B00UPQK34M,B00KGJLTY6,B01CO34FRE,0143007009,B002X8KYFS’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’455f0ec1-105d-11e7-9f91-a386527c34b6′]
12. Orange Juice.
A 2011 study published online in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that drinking two daily cups of 100-percent orange juice can help reduce diastolic (resting) blood pressure. OJ contains an antioxidant that has been found to help improve blood vessel function.
[amazon_link asins=’B01LYR34WA,B001AQTUK4,B0074A2P66,B000VA2WAA,B0077LS23M,B000VA5XJ2,B003T2VM1M,B00G1XQ3JC,B01BJ5JQ36′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’619d48ba-105d-11e7-a1d9-af857131584f’]
13. Spirulina.
A daily 4,500mg dose of this blue-green algae (usually found in supplement or powder form) can help relax artery walls and normalize blood pressure. It may also help your liver balance your blood fat levels—decreasing your LDL cholesterol by 10 percent and raising HDL cholesterol by 15 percent, according a recent study.
[amazon_link asins=’B00XV4SNJ2,B01LBA88ME,B01LBD9Q6I,B0039ITKR4,B00X6GU3JS,B01GGDI0QA,B01MQ25L8W,B00HCBN674,B01E67SEC8′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’824d5b71-105d-11e7-9a2c-a3640fa5d79a’]
Just one teaspoon a day of antioxidant-rich cinnamon can help reduce fats in the bloodstream, helping to prevent plaque build up in the arteries and lower bad cholesterol levels by as much as 26 percent, according to recent research. Sprinkle some on your morning coffee or on these delicious crepes.
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Research shows that potassium-rich cranberries can help reduce LDL cholesterol levels and help raise the good HDL levels in your body, and regular consumption of the holiday favorite may help reduce your overall risk of heart disease by as much as 40 percent.
[amazon_link asins=’B00Z14YIR6,B001D0DMME,B06XDTDD3C,B00OAEVSTY,B0001N47YG,B000H7ELTW,B000W0633G,B008EL7N7U’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’b976e8dc-105d-11e7-a961-675d806a535c’]
According to researchers in The Netherlands, people who drank more than two, but no more than four, cups of coffee a day for 13 years had about a 20 percent lower risk of heart disease than people who drank more or less coffee or no coffee at all. Moderation is the key to coffee’s heart-health benefits—the caffeine is a stimulant which can cause a temporary increase in blood pressure, and in excess, can lead to irregular heart beat.
[amazon_link asins=’B010ULFOWC,B006CQ1ZHI,B0071H5VTU,B007Y59HVM,B00THPH2F0,B00FL6PCF6,B001G2F5R4,B008P731LK,B00PV4FG3Q’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’d581683b-105d-11e7-a0a7-4d2ec1ecaef9′]
Believe it or not, cheese could help lower your blood pressure! A recent study from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School found that people who eat three servings a day of low-fat dairy have lower (three points less) systolic blood pressure than those who eat less. Here are some tasty, low fat picks to start snacking on today.
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18.Green Tea.
Green tea is rich in catechins, compounds that have been shown to decrease cholesterol absorption in your body. Another bonus? It may help prevent cancer and weight gain, too!
[amazon_link asins=’B01G0S3Y44,B006N3I99C,B0017T2MWW,B008798Y2M,B003D4F2US,B0017T6S1I,B00PFDH0IC,B0016BFR4G,B00DDT116M’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’14b4e913-105e-11e7-af90-459f16352da7′]
Talk about a perfect snack—watermelon is not only a diet-friendly food, but it can help protect your heart too! A Florida State University study found that people given a 4,000mg supplement of L-citrulline (an amino acid found in watermelon) lowered their blood pressure in just six weeks. Researchers say the amino acid helps your body produce nitric oxide, which widens blood vessels.
[amazon_link asins=’B00946ATE8,B000HYG21K,B00WW6P2P8,B001GM60J6,B01MV7LCB9,B004CH6HJU,B018EY0M1U,B01MQUCXLT,B01B2DSZZU’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’395373f9-105e-11e7-bd1e-197c20b7aab9′]
20. Cucumber.
The flesh of cucumbers is primarily composed of water but also contains vitamin C and caffeic acid, both of which help soothe skin irritations and reduce swelling—which is why cucumbers are often used to help swollen eyes and sunburn.
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Resources: The Times Of India