Botanical Name : Cuscuta epithymum
Family: Convolvulaceae
Genus: Cuscuta
Species: C. epithymum
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Solanales
Common Names: Dodder, Hellweed, Strangle-tare, Clover Dodder, Lesser Clover Dodder, Lesser Dodder, Thyme Dodder . Common names for the genus Cuscuta: are Dodder, Love Vine, Angel’s Hair, Tangle Gut, Strangle Vine, Devil’s Gut, Witches’ Shoelaces
In Spain it is called Azafrán borde o cabellos de monte
Habitat : Cuscuta epithymum is native to Europe. It can now be found throughout the world. In North America, it is found in the United States (CA, CT, IA, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, MO, MT, ND, NE, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SD, VA,VT,WA,WV,WY) and Canada (BC, NB, ON) Cuscuta epithymum is known for infesting crops – particularly legumes, in Europe and around the world. It was spread globally, introduced by the seed trade. C. epithymum is documented from Oceana, Calhoun, Hillsdale, Washtenaw, Macomb, and St. Clair countie.
Cuscuta epithymum is a parasitic plant assigned to the Cuscutaceae or Convolvulaceae family, depending on the taxonomy. It is red-pigmented, not being photosynthetically active. It has a filiform habit, like a group of yarns. Its leaves are very small, like flakes. Its flowers, disposed in little glomerules, have a white corolla, with the androecium welded to the corolla.
Flowering Time: Mid-July to late September….CLICK & SEE
Pollinator: Cuscuta epithymum is capable of both cross-pollination and self- pollination. Many different species of insects may contribute to pollination. One study indicated that ants were some of the main pollinators, while another observed visits to the flowers by species of bees, wasps, flies and other insects, collectively from 8 families of insects .
Fruit Type and Description: The fruit is a globose, circumscissile capsule, topped by the withered corolla. Fruits usually contain 4 seeds ....…CLICK & SEE
Seed Description: Seeds are very small, about 1mm in length. Rough, angled, and compressed-ovoid. The hilum is short, oblong, and transverse. The shape of a seed depends on how many seeds it developed with, because they develop alongside each other in the ovary. One Cuscuta epithymum plant was reported to produce 16,000 seeds .
Medicinal Uses:
A mild laxative and a well regarded hepatic. It is of value for the treatment of bladder and liver troubles. It is also considered a remedy for kidney complaints.
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