News on Health & Science

Pregnancy Exercise ‘Helps Baby’

Exercise during pregnancy can be good for the developing baby as well as for the mother, research suggests.

Aerobic exercise during pregnancy ‘can benefit baby’

A team from the Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences suggest it is linked to better foetal heart health and nervous system development.

The findings from their pilot study of 26 women are being presented to the American Physiological Society’s conference in New York.

A UK expert said pregnant women should discuss exercise levels with their GP.

The researchers wanted to see if maternal exercise had cardiovascular benefits for the foetus.

They also wanted to see if foetuses whose mothers exercised had increased breathing movements compared to non-exercise exposed foetuses.

Foetal breathing is a “practice” movement where a baby developing in the womb gets ready to breathe after it is born.

It is also a sign of how well the respiratory system and central nervous system are developing.

Moderate exercise
The scientists used a non-invasive device to measure the magnetic fields produced by the electrical activity of maternal and foetal heart rates.
“Keep within your comfort zone so that you can still hold a conversation” Says Patrick O’Brien, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
It was also able to pick up foetal movements including breathing, body movements, hiccups and sucking.

The women studied were aged between 20 and 35 and were checked between the 36th and 38th weeks of pregnancy.

They were classed as exercisers if they did moderate intensity aerobic exercise such as moderate to vigorous walking, stationary bicycling and running for at least 30 minutes, three times per week. Most were doing more.

The researchers then compared them with pregnant women who did not exercise regularly.

Dr Linda May, who led the study, said: “Foetal breathing movement and the nervous system were more mature in babies exposed to exercise.”

She said further research was needed, both to look at more pregnancies and to evaluate the health of babies once they had been born.

But she said understanding more about how to improve the development babies’ nervous system could aid understanding of cot death.

“Some researchers think it has to do with something being wrong in the central nervous system, which affects respiration.

“Babies aren’t able to wake up and breath for themselves if they need to.”

She said this study had shown the babies of women who exercised had a more mature respiratory system, suggesting they would fare better after birth.

‘Do not overheat’
Dr May said it was safe for women to exercise while pregnant. But she said the team did not yet have evidence about what the minimum beneficial level of exercise in pregnancy was.

Patrick O’Brien, a consultant obstetrician and spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists said the study was interesting and worth following up, although it was small.

He added: “This is an interesting finding and one which should encourage women to keep healthy when pregnant.

“Pregnant women should consult their midwives and doctors on the types of exercise they could do when pregnant and how much.”

Mr O’Brien said excessive exercise during pregnancy could be dangerous for the unborn baby if a woman becomes too hot or lets their heart rate go over 130 beats per minute.

But he said there was is no increased risk of miscarriage or premature labour linked to exercise.

He advised: “Keep within your comfort zone so that you can still hold a conversation.”

Sources: BBC NEWS:April 17,09

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No Baby Blues

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It’s difficult to believe but true that despite our 1.2 billion  population in India, many of our young adults have difficulty in producing children. They may be called “sterile, infertile or sub fertile”. But before a couple is labelled “infertile”, they should have had at least 12 months of regular contraception-free intercourse.

Worldwide, infertility affects 7-10 per cent of the population. Although women actually produce the babies, if the reasons for the infertility are investigated the woman is at fault in a third of the cases; in a third it is the man and in the remainder either both are responsible or no real cause can be found.

Before embarking on a planned pregnancy, the woman should have had immunisations for measles, mumps rubella (MMR) and hepatitis B (3 doses). She should also start folic acid supplements (5mg/day). Children born with physical or mental defects because these basic facts were forgotten are a human tragedy. Both partners need to keep their body mass index (BMI, or weight in kilograms divided by height in metre squared) at around 23 and be physically active for around 40 minutes a day. They also need to treat any existing underlying disease like diabetes, high blood pressure or thyroid problems.

Studies show that caffeine (found in tea, coffee and cola drinks) affects fertility. Women who drink alcohol can produce babies with “foetal alcohol syndrome”. It also reduces the sperm count in men. Smoking affects the quality of the sperms and inhaled passive smoke is bad for the growing baby. Sperm counts may be reduced by inhaling hazardous chemicals in the work place or by working in high temperatures.

Women ovulate cyclically and the egg is released 14 days before the next period. For a woman to conceive, intercourse must take place around this time and the sperm count must be optimal. Initially, if a menstrual calendar is maintained, the fertile days can be calculated. A semen analysis for sperm count is a non-invasive simple test. Also, after intercourse lie down, don’t douche, and avoid lubricants and cleansing agents.

If these simple methods fail in a couple where the woman menstruates regularly and the man has a normal sperm count, a visit to a reproductive medical unit is warranted. Further investigations to establish the patency of the tubes and quality of the sperm may be needed. Depending on the problem, medication or surgical correction of a specific defect may be needed.

Conservative medical treatments are usually tried for periods varying from 6 months to a year. If they fail, assisted reproductive technology (ART) techniques are started.

In IUI (intrauterine insemination) the woman is scanned during her most fertile period to determine ovulation. Healthy treated sperms from her partner are then inserted into the uterus. The technique is used when the sperm count is low, the motility unsatisfactory or if donor sperm is being used.

In GIFT (gamete intra-fallopian transfer), eggs and sperms are collected, mixed and then placed in the woman’s fallopian tube. Fertilisation takes place naturally in the body.

In IVF (in vitro fertilisation) the eggs are harvested and fertilised with sperm in the laboratory. The resulting embryos are then placed in the uterus. This is used in cases where the fallopian tubes are blocked, the fertility unexplained or when several attempts with the other forms of ART have failed. It can result in multiple pregnancies. Some clinics offer “natural cycle IVF”. This involves collecting and fertilising the one egg released during the normal monthly cycle. It avoids the side effects of fertility drugs and multiple pregnancies are less likely.

In ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) a single sperm is injected into the centre of an egg. This is used when the male partner has a very low sperm count or if other problems with the sperm have been identified.

Donor eggs from other women can be used if the woman has no eggs of her own, or if she is over 40 and the eggs are of poor quality. Sperm from donors can be used if the husband has a low count (oligospermia) or no sperms (azoospermia). Surrogate mothers can be hired to carry the baby to term.

There is no right time to seek medical help, but if sexual intercourse at least three times a week without contraception for a year has been unsuccessful, it is probably time for proactive action. If, however, the woman has periods at intervals less than 21 days or more than 90 days, the flow is unpredictable (if it starts it does not stop and if it stops it does not start) or if there has been pelvic infection in the past, an evaluation should be done at the earliest. In men, if the testes are not felt in the scrotum, or there is a hydrocoele (swelling) or a past prostate infection, investigation and treatment should be started sooner.

Sources:The Telegraph (Kolkata,India)

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Health Quaries

Some Health Quaries & Answers

Q: I like to avoid breakfast as I feel it is unnecessary. I also think I am more likely to lose weight in this way.

[amazon_link asins=’B01IFOMP6O,B011VSQEUE,B00T0NE37O,B00DILEFNQ’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’ab7098c5-4817-11e7-b5e0-85b6237dd573′]

A: Many studies have shown that 40 minutes of exercise followed by a healthy breakfast is the best way to kickstart your day. It prevents “mid morning blues” and reduces the craving for food and hence the total consumption of calories during the day.

Dog bite bother

Q: I got bitten on the cheek by my neighbour’s dog. They say that they were unable to complete the schedule of immunising the dog.

[amazon_link asins=’B00089WVUA’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’e86af28c-4817-11e7-827b-b18de405ec2d’]

A: Dog bites are dangerous as they can transmit rabies. The safest course of action is to clean the wound thoroughly with soap and water and then leave it open. Take a single injection of tetanus toxoid and then proceed to take the anti-rabies injections as per schedule of the injection package. The newer vaccines are given in the arm. They are safe and produce fewer side effects than the older vaccine which was given around the umbilicus. The vaccine is freely available. You need not go to a government hospital for treatment as earlier.

Better safe than sorry

Q: I was told that only the semen contains disease causing organisms, and so using a condom just before ejaculation is enough to prevent diseases like AIDS.

[amazon_link asins=’B0073R7TWU,B010MR7F6W,B00RPCJ8MM,B0070YFJGO’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’3e43918f-4818-11e7-a942-6154bb1df11b’]

A: During sex the skin of the vagina is in close contact with that of the penis even before ejaculation. Small abrasions are enough to transmit infection. Be safe. Use a condom from the beginning of the intercourse. You have only one life. Why endanger yourself?


Q: My wife has just had a baby. How soon can we have intercourse? I don’t want another child before 3-4 years. Can we use the i-pill?

[amazon_link asins=’0262016583,B006ZU4CVC,B0000EH8TU,B000XYSW9O’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’8fca3cab-4818-11e7-b410-11eb38cbb376′]

A: Intercourse can be resumed six weeks after childbirth, provided the attending physician hasn’t advised otherwise. You need to use contraception even if your wife doesn’t begin menstruating after six weeks or if she is breast feeding. You can use condoms, or opt for the insertion of an IUCD (intrauterine contraceptive device), also called a “loop”, or take regular injections (every 12 weeks) of a long acting progesterone or take “progesterone only” pills daily. Combined (estrogen-progesterone) pills are not advisable for breast feeding mothers.

The i-pill is intended only for emergency contraception. It is not meant for use on a regular basis.

Rash riddle

Q: My one-year-old son developed rashes on both his cheeks. The doctor said it is allergy to cow milk. Although I’ve stopped giving him milk, the rash has not improved. How is that possible?

[amazon_link asins=’B017EZ2EWA,B01FH81TFE,B01N1QJNNJ,B01NAHKGXX’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’0bd489d6-4819-11e7-9528-215d2f82918a’]

A: What you are describing is eczema, an allergic skin reaction. You may have stopped giving him milk but he may be receiving milk indirectly in biscuits or pre-packaged ready to eat weaning cereals. This may perpetuate the problem.

Help, I’m fat

Q: I am 32 years old and weigh 97kg. I calculated my BMI and it is 37. I read recently that if the cholesterol values are high, it is not possible to lose weight no matter what you do. This is very discouraging.

[amazon_link asins=’B00S8PW6P6,B01H3ZWRJQ,B00LOCLMBO,B004VMUS9Q’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’49b4feb7-4819-11e7-bb2f-db5a522041db’]

A: You do urgently need to lose weight and this cannot be achieved by diet alone. You need a sensible low fat 1,500-calorie diet and at least an hour of exercise. Brisk walking is probably sufficient. Consult your physician for your cholesterol values and appropriate treatment. Safe medications are now available to lower cholesterol and also to control appetite.

Twin trouble

Q: What are the chances of having twins? The number of twins seems to be increasing in general and I am worried.

[amazon_link asins=’B00NNR2F78,B013RMKCV4,B00TXP0DBY,B000FKMKRG’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’87d90b06-4819-11e7-8a90-ef7eb9971907′]

A: Twins occur in around 30 out of 1,000 pregnancies. The percentage may seem to be high. In fact, pregnancies after fertility medication or in vitro fertilisation (test tube babies) are more likely to be multiple.

Your chance of having twins is greater if there is a family history of twins.

The Telegraph (Kolkata, India)

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News on Health & Science

Major Threat to Human Fertility and Very Existence of Human Life On Earth

fertilityA long-term feeding study commissioned by the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety confirms genetically modified (GM) corn seriously affects reproductive health in mice.

Non-GMO advocates, who have warned about this infertility link along with other health risks, now seek an immediate ban of all GM foods and GM crops to protect the health of humankind and the fertility of women around the world.

Feeding mice with genetically modified corn developed by the US-based Monsanto Corporation led to lower fertility and body weight, according to the study conducted by the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna. Lead author of the study Professor Zentek said there was a direct link between the decrease in fertility and the GM diet, and that mice fed with non-GE corn reproduced more efficiently.

Other studies have also found that offspring of rats fed GM soy showed a five-fold increase in mortality, lower birth weights, and the inability to reproduce.

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Is Pre-Eclampsia Autoimmune ?

[amazon_link asins=’052183189X,B01A1N7XDM’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’finmeacur-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’7f59bf53-d1ea-11e7-a59d-692c3cad1dbe’]

Researchers from University of Texas-Houston Medical School have revealed that pregnancy-induced high blood pressure or pre-eclampsia might be an autoimmune disease.
In the study conducted using a mouse model, researchers injected the mice with pre-eclampsia with certain human autoantibodies that have been found in women with the disorder.

During the analysis, they team noticed that the mice showed multiple features of the disorder with dangerously high blood pressure, protein in the urine, and placental abnormalities,

The mice were then injected with a substance that blocks the activity of autoantibodies. This prevented the development of pre-eclampsia.

The team including Dr Yang Xia, Ph.D., and Rodney E. Kellems, Ph.D., Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; and Susan M. Ramin, M.D., Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Science hope that the new findings would help in improving diagnosis and treatment of pre-eclampsia.

Xia, the senior author, said that unlike antibodies that attack foreign substances and clear diseases from the body, autoantibodies attack their own cells and cause conditions in which a person’s immune system attacks the body’s own organs and tissues.

“This collaborative research is important because of its potential to lead to a possible cure of pre-eclampsia in pregnant women. Using the animal model we were able to prevent pre-eclampsia in pregnant mice,” Nature quoted Dr Susan Ramin, study co-author as saying.

“I don’t want to overstate the implications, but this is clearly a very exciting time for all of us involved in the research. We plan to focus our efforts in expanding this research to pregnant women,” she added.

Preterm births have serious implications on the infant’s heath. Infants are likely to die in the first month of life and those who survive face the risk of including learning disabilities, cerebral palsy, blindness, hearing loss, and other chronic conditions including asthma.

Sources: The Times Of India


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