Fruits & Vegetables

Governor’s Plum

Botanical Name:Flacourtia indica
Family: Salicaceae
Order: Malpighiales
Genus: Flacourtia
Species: F. indica

Synonyms: Flacourtia ramontchi

Common Names: Governor’s plum, Ramontchi, Batoko plum, Madagascar plum and Indian plum

Names in Other Languages:
Spanish: ciruela de Madagascar, ciruela de gobernador, ciruela gobernadora;
French: marromse, grosse prune-café, jujube Malgache, prune pays, prunier d’Inde, prunier de Madagascar, Flacourtie d’Inde;
China: ci li mu; nuo nuo guo, Cìzi,Dà gu? cì lí mù, Sh?n l?z? , Nuó nuó gu? , Mù gu?n gu?, Xì xiáng lè gu?, Y? l?z?
Germany: Batokopflaume, Madagaskar-Pflaumenbaum, Echte Flacourtie, Ramontchi;
Hungary: batokószilva, maronszilva, kormányzószilva, ramoncsi;
India: bilangra, kandai, cottaikkalaa, katai, kondari, kondai, kukai, sottaikala, kurumuli;
Indonesia: duri rukem, rukem minced, rukam sepat;
Japan: ramonchii, indo rukamu ;
Kenya: mgo, mkingii, michongoma, mkingili, ngovigovi, mugovigovi;
Laos: mak keng, mak ken;
Myanmar: nayuwai;
Philippines: bitongol, palutan, bolong;
Portugal: ameixa da Mauricia, cerezo del gobernador, ameixa de Madagascar;
Sri Lanka: uguressa;
Thailand: ta khop pa, ma kwen pa;
Zimbabwe: munhunguru, mutudza, mutombototo, mutunguru;
Hindi: bilangada, bilangra, ibalaanagara, kañcu;
Marathi: athruna, ambut ,
Tamil: cottai-k-kala, Cottaikkalaa, Sottaikala, Mutunguru, sottaikala;
Malayalam: Kurumuli, Cherumullikkachedi, Aghori, Karimulli, Karkkadappazham, Kodumundi, Kattukara, Mullikkachedi, ramontchi, Oushadakkara, Vayankkaitha, Karimulli
Konkani: babhuli tambat
Sanskrit: shruvavrikksha, Vikankata;
Veitnamese: ân do, muôn quân;
Afrikaans: Goewerneurspruim;
Burmese: Naywe, Nayuwai;
Laotian: Mak keng, Mak ken;
Shona: Munhunguru, Munhunguru, Mududwe, Mutombototo, Mutunguru, Mutudza;
Sinhalese: Uguressa;
Swahili: Mchongoma, Mgo, Michongoma, Mkingii, Mkingili, Mkingila, Ngovigovi, Mugovigovi;
Bengali: Bincha, Bewich, Bainchi;
Burmese: Nayuwai, Naywe;
Laotian: Mak ken, Mak keng

Habitat: Governor’s plum is native to much of Africa and tropical and temperate parts of Asia. F. indica and F. ramontchi are sometimes treated as separate species.

Governor’s plum is a bushy shrub or tree with a spiny trunk and branches. In shrub form it grows up to 25 feet (7.6 m) and as a tree it reaches a maximum height around 50 feet (15 m). The drooping branches bear oval leaves. The seeds are dispersed by birds. The fruit contains ten small seeds having a fleshy inner part which is white or yellow. Usually the fruit is green and it turns purple when it got ripened. It has sweet taste with light acidic tang.
Bark is Rough, pale, powdery, grey, brown, Spines are Spiny, drooping, Leaf is Elliptic, ovate to round, scalloped or toothed, Length: 2.5-5 cm


*Flowering Season :December-April
*Flower : Inconspicuous, greenish to yellow
*Sepals : 5 to 6, ovate, acute-rounded, pubescent, Length and Breadth: 1.5-2.5 mm; white; Diameter: 5 mm

The family Salicaceae includes well-known species such as kei apple (Dovyalis caffra) louvi (Flacourtia inermis), paniala (F. jangomas), and rukam (F. rukam).

The plant is known as an occasionally invasive introduced species in some areas. It has been cultivated in Florida in the United States and today it occurs as a weed in some parts of the state.

Edible Uses:
Governor’s plum fruit itself is a pome about an inch thick and red ripening purple. It is very fleshy and has 6 to 10 seeds in layered carpels. The pulp is yellow or white and sweet with an acidic tang.

*Fruits are consumed raw or stewed.
*It is used to make jellies and jams.
*Ripe fruits are dried and kept for later use.
*It is used to make wines, jelly, preserves or jam.
*The pulp is also used in pie and cakes.

Medicinal Uses:
Most parts of the plant are used for cough, pneumonia, and bacterial throat infection. It has also been used for diarrhea.

Traditional uses:
*The roots and leaves help to treat snakebite.
*The bark is an effective treatment for arthritis.
*It is a cure for cough, bacterial throat infection and pneumonia.
*The bark is used to treat intermittent fever.
*The bark infusion is used as a gargle for the hoarseness.
*It is used for parturition as a tonic and antiviral.
*Leaves are regarded as an antidote for snake bites.

Other Uses: The tree is planted as a living fence; it was one of the species used for the Indian Inland Customs Line. The wood is used for firewood and small wooden tools such as plow handles.

Known Hazards:
*Allergic people should avoid Governor’s plum.
*Some allergic reactions might be experienced.
*It should be consumed in limited amounts

Disclaimer : The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplement, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.


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