Healthy Tips

How The Bacteria In Your Gut Can Make You Fat

..Two new studies show that obese people have different intestinal bacteria than slim people. What’s more, the microbes in an overweight body are much more efficient at extracting calories from food………click & see

One study looked at mice, the other looked at humans. In both, a family of bacteria known as firmicutes were more plentiful in the obese (20 percent more). Bacteria called bacteroidetes were also much more abundant in those of normal weight (the obese had almost 90 percent fewer bacteroidetes).

Most likely because of the firmicutes, the obese mice were more efficient at taking calories out of complex sugars and depositing those calories in fat. When these microbes were transplanted into the normal-weight mice, those mice started to gain twice as much fat.

As obese people lost weight, their bacteroidetes increased, while the numbers of firmicutes decreased.
Dr. Mercola‘s Comment:

Having the right bacteria in your gut has an enormous influence on your health. In fact it is likely that one of the main benefits of eating healthy is that it will nurture the right types of bacteria growing in your colon.

There is a wealth of evidence demonstrating that the nutritional cause of many diseases is related to an imbalance of bacteria in your gut, a problem easily rectified by eating a diet that has minimal processed high quality, preferably organic foods.

This is one of the reasons why taking antibiotics can be so dangerous as they kill beneficial bacteria in your gut and can lead to overgrowth of yeast that the late Dr. William Crook helped to bring to consciousness.

This new report gives more credence to infectobesity, the study of microbes and viruses in your gut that may be responsible for some cases of obesity.

Influencing the bacteria growing in your body for the positive is easy by making better food choices, starting with reducing, with the plan of eliminating, sugars and most grains from your daily diet. Ideally, your gut should contain a ratio of 85 percent “good” bacteria to 15 percent non-beneficial bacteria, but the high-sugar Western diet has caused this ratio to actually reverse in many people.

You can also use a high quality probiotic as an “insurance policy” to make sure you colon is balanced with good strains. Many of you may know that I recommend supplements very sparingly but for the patients that are seen in my Chicago area clinic nearly everyone is given an omega-3 supplement and a high quality probiotic.

On Vital Votes, Dr. Jason Lauer from Waukehsa, Wisconsin, says:

“Much can be said about lifestyle and the biochemical environment our choices create inside the body. Recall the work of Bruce Lipton, PhD (in the archives on this site) showing how the environment we create through lifestyle influences genetic expression.

“Along with proper lifestyle, supplementing with a probiotic and a pure and potent source of omega 3 fat are a scientific no brainer.”

Suppliments our body needs

Basic Types of Suppliments

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Anyone who has strolled down a dietary supplement aisle is aware of — and possibly overwhelmed by — the huge variety. Counting different brands and combinations of supplements, there are literally thousands of choices available. You’ll hardly encounter this many in one location, but even a far more limited selection in your local supermarket can be confusing.

One reason for so much variety is that marketers are constantly trying to distinguish their own brands from others, and so they devise different dosages, new combinations, and creatively worded claims for their products. At the same time, scientists have found new and better ways of extracting nutritional components from plants and synthesizing nutrients in a laboratory — discoveries that have resulted in many new products.

To make informed decisions, it’s essential to understand the terms used on supplement labels, as well as the properties and characteristics of specific supplements. But to avoid feeling overwhelmed by all the choices facing you, it’s useful first to learn the basic types of supplements that are available and the key functions they perform in helping to keep you healthy.


A vitamin is a chemically organic substance (meaning it contains carbon) essential for regulating both the metabolic functions within the cells and the biochemical processes that release energy from food. In addition, evidence is accumulating that certain vitamins are antioxidants — substances that protect tissues from cell damage and may possibly help prevent a number of degenerative diseases.

With a few exceptions (notably vitamins D and K), the body cannot manufacture vitamins, so they must be ingested in food or nutritional supplements. There are 13 known vitamins, and these can be categorized as either fat-soluble (A, D, E, and K) or water-soluble (eight B vitamins and C). The distinction is important because the body stores fat-soluble vitamins for relatively long periods (months or even years); water-soluble vitamins (except for vitamin B12), on the other hand, remain in the body for a short time and must be replenished more frequently.


Minerals are present in your body in small amounts: All together, they add up to only 4% of body weight. Yet these inorganic substances, which are found in the earth’s crust as well as in many foods, are essential for a wide range of vital processes, from basic bone formation to the normal functioning of the heart and digestive system. A number of minerals have been linked to the prevention of cancer, osteoporosis, and other chronic illnesses.

As with vitamins, humans must replenish their mineral supply through food or with supplements. The body contains more than 60 different minerals, but only 22 are considered essential. Of these, seven — including calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and sulfur — are usually designated macrominerals, or major minerals. The other 15 minerals are termed trace minerals, or microminerals, because the amount that the body requires each day for good health is tiny (usually it’s measured in micrograms, or millionths of a gram).


Herbal supplements are prepared from plants –– often using the leaves, stems, roots, and/or bark, as well as the buds and flowers. Known for centuries as medicinal agents, many plant parts can be used in their natural form, or they can be refined into tablets, capsules, powders, tinctures, and other supplement formulations.

Many herbs have several active compounds that interact with one another to produce a therapeutic effect. An herbal supplement may contain all of the compounds found in a plant, or just one or two of the isolated compounds that have been successfully extracted. For some herbs, however, the active agents simply haven’t been identified, so using the complete herb is necessary to obtain all its benefits.

Of the hundreds of remedies that are surfacing in the current rebirth of herbal medicines, the majority are being used to treat chronic or mild health problems. Increasingly, herbs are also being employed to attain or maintain good health — for example, to enhance the immune system, to help maintain low blood cholesterol levels, or to safeguard against fatigue. Less commonly, some herbs are now recommended as complementary therapy for acute or severe diseases.

Nutritional supplements

These nutrients include a diverse group of products. Some, such as fish oils, are food substances that scientists have concluded possess disease-fighting potential. Flavonoids, soy isoflavones, and carotenoids are phytochemicals — compounds found in fruits and vegetables that work to lower the risk of disease and may alleviate symptoms of some ailments.

Other nutritional supplements, such as DHEA, melatonin, and coenzyme Q10, are substances present in the body that can be re-created synthetically in a laboratory. A similar example is acidophilus, a “friendly” bacterium in the body that, taken as a supplement, may aid in the treatment of digestive disorders. Amino acids, which are building blocks for proteins and may play a role in strengthening the immune system and in other health-promoting activities, have been known to scientists for many years. Only recently, however, have they been marketed as individual dietary supplements.

Source:Your Guide to Vitamin, Minerals and Herbs (Reader’s Digest)

Ailmemts & Remedies


Although half the people over age 50 and three-quarters of those over age 75 develop cataracts, the condition isn’t an inevitable part of aging. Recent studies show that certain lifestyle strategies can lessen your chance of developing this serious but treatable vision disorder….

Gradual and painless blurring or dimming of vision.
Increased sensitivity to sun glare or car headlights at night
Seeing halos around lights
Changes in color perception………..CLICK & SEE

When to Call Your Doctor
If you begin to develop cataract symptoms.
Reminder: If you have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before taking supplements.

What It Is
The eye‘s lens is normally transparent; it refracts and focuses light on the retina, which allows a clear image to form. When the proteins in the lens break down, they clump together and form opaque spots called cataracts. These spots hinder light from being transmitted properly to the retina, and vision becomes cloudy or blurry. The degree of impaired vision depends on the cataract’s size, density, and location on the lens.

What Causes It
Cataracts may develop as a result of age-related body changes; but some experts now think that the majority of cases can be attributed to smoking or to lifetime exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun. A low level of antioxidants (vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, and selenium) may also be a factor. These compounds can squelch free radicals — unstable oxygen molecules — that can damage the lens. (Normally, the lens has a high concentration of glutathione, an antioxidant produced by the body.) In addition, having diabetes or being overweight increases the risk of cataracts, probably because high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood contribute to the destruction of lens proteins. Injury to the eye can cause cataracts too.

How Supplements Can Help
Taking supplements before a cataract appears may postpone its development or prevent it altogether. In the early stages of a cataract, supplements may slow its growth. Only surgery will remove a cataract, however.

What Else You Can Do

Quit smoking.
Protect your eyes from UV rays by wearing sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat when outdoors
Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables; they’re good sources of antioxidants.

Supplement Recommendations

Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Ginkgo Biloba
Alpha-lipoic Acid
Grape Seed Extract
Flaxseed Oil

Vitamin C
Dosage: 1,000 mg twice a day.
Comments: Reduce dose if diarrhea develops.

Vitamin E

Dosage: 400 IU a day.
Comments: Check with your doctor if taking anticoagulant drugs.

Dosage: 400 mcg a day.
Comments: Don’t exceed 600 mcg daily; higher doses may be toxic.

Dosage: 80 mg 3 times a day.
Comments: Standardized to contain 25% anthocyanosides. May be included in nutritional supplement eye formulas.

Ginkgo Biloba

Dosage: 40 mg 3 times a day.
Comments: Standardized to have at least 24% flavone glycosides.

Alpha-lipoic Acid

Dosage: 150 mg a day.
Comments: Take in the morning with or without food.

Grape Seed Extract
Dosage: 100 mg twice a day.
Comments: Standardized to contain 92%-95% proanthocyanidins.

Flaxseed Oil

Dosage: 1 tbsp. (14 grams) a day.
Comments: Can be mixed with food; take in the morning.
Disclaimer : The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplement, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.

Source:Your Guide to Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs (Reader’s Digest)


Few Warning Signs of Kid’s Immunodeficiency

Most PARENTS are no strangers to infections. Just about every child has had their share of colds and coughs and infected cuts or the flu. Some youngsters have had first-hand experience with infections that are even more serious   pneumonia and meningitis.

Usually, we expect our kids to quickly recover from an infection. We count on our body’s immune defenses (sometimes with the help of antibiotics) to get rid of any germs that cause infection, and to protect our kids against new germs in the future.

Some children, however, are born with an immune defense system that is faulty. They are missing some or, in the worst cases, almost all of the body’s immune defense weapons. Such youngsters are said to have a primary immunodeficiency (PI).

There are over 70 different types of PIs. Each type has some what different symptoms, depending on which parts of the immune defense system are deficient. Some deficiencies are deadly, while some are mild. But they all have one thing in common: they may open the door to multiple infections.

If your child is affected by more than one of the following conditions, speak to their doctor about the possible presence of Primary immunodeficiency.

Eight or more new ear
infections within 1 Year……………..
Recurrent, deep skin or organ abscesses

Two or more serious sinsus
infections within 1 year………………
Persistent thrush in the mouth or elsewhere on skin after age 1.

Two or more months on
antibiotics with little effect…………
Need for intravenous antibiotics to clear infections

Two or more pneumonias
within one year………………………
Two or more deep- seated infections in one year

Failure of an infant to gain
weight or grow normally………….
A family history of Primary Immunodeficiency

Source:  Kid’


Blood Pressure

Hypertension…. The pressure of blood against the walls of arteries is recorded as two numbers….the systolic pressure (as the heart beats) over….. the diastolic pressure (as the heart relaxes between beats). Normal blood pressure is less than 120 milliliters of mercury systolic and less than 80 milliliters mercury diastolic.

Nearly 50 million Americans have high blood pressure. If left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to strokes, heart attacks, and kidney failure. Conversely, controlling elevated blood pressure can cut strokes 35 to 40 percent and heart attacks 20 to 25 percent. Often, dietary and other lifestyle changes are sufficient to keep blood pressure controlled. If not, it may be necessary to add blood pressure medications such as diuretics, ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, or calcium channel blockers.

(Source:     NYT Guide to Essential Knowledge )
