Healthy Tips

Best Sleeping Positions For Back Pain

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If you’re waking up sore and achy every morning and your mattress is new, you may need to re-evaluate how you’re sleeping, says Scott D. Boden, M.D., director of the Emory Spine Center in Atlanta. Lying flat on your back forces your spine into an unnatural position, which can strain your muscles, joints, and nerves. “Your spine isn’t meant to be straight,” he says. “It has three natural curves: one in your lower back, one in the middle of your back, and one near your neck.” His advice:

  • Lie on your side in the fetal position with your knees bent and a pillow tucked between your legs. This will take the most stress off your back.
  • If you must sleep on your back, prop a big, fluffy pillow under your knees to reduce the pressure on the sciatic nerve in your lower back.
  • Use a small pillow or a rolled-up towel under your neck as long as it doesn’t push your chin too far forward.
  • Don’t sleep on your stomach. Sleeping facedown can exaggerate the arch at the base of your spine and cause strain.  Advice…..Sew or tape a tennis ball to the front of your nightgown or nightshirt. We guarantee your stomach-sleeping days will be over.

Source:Reder’s Digest


34 Clever Uses Of Lemon

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Discover this popular fruit’s 34 clever uses.Around the House
Eliminate fireplace odor

There’s nothing cozier on a cold winter night than a warm fire burning in the fireplace — unless the fire happens to smell horrible. Next time you have a fire that sends a stench into the room, try throwing a few lemon peels into the flames. Or simply burn some lemon peels along with your firewood as a preventive measure.

Get rid of tough stains on marble

You probably think of marble as stone, but it is really petrified calcium (also known as old seashells). That explains why it is so porous and easily stained and damaged. Those stains can be hard to remove. If washing won’t remove a stubborn stain, try this: Cut a lemon in half, dip the exposed flesh into some table salt, and rub it vigorously on the stain. But do this only as a last resort; acid can damage marble. Rinse well.

Make a room scent/humidifier

Freshen and moisturize the air in your home on dry winter days. Make your own room scent that also doubles as a humidifier. If you have a wood-burning stove, place an enameled cast-iron pot or bowl on top, fill with water, and add lemon (and/or orange) peels, cinnamon sticks, cloves, and apple skins. No wood-burning stove? Use your stovetop instead and just simmer the water periodically.

Neutralize cat-box odor

You don’t have to use an aerosol spray to neutralize foul-smelling cat-box odors or freshen the air in your bathroom. Just cut a couple of lemons in half. Then place them, cut side up, in a dish in the room, and the air will soon smell lemon-fresh.

Deodorize a humidifier

When your humidifier starts to smell funky, deodorize it with ease: Just pour 3 or 4 teaspoons lemon juice into the water. It will not only remove the off odor but will replace it with a lemon-fresh fragrance. Repeat every couple of weeks to keep the odor from returning.

Clean tarnished brass

Say good-bye to tarnish on brass, copper, or stainless steel. Make a paste of lemon juice and salt (or substitute baking soda or cream of tartar for the salt) and coat the affected area. Let it stay on for 5 minutes. Then wash in warm water, rinse, and polish dry. Use the same mixture to clean metal kitchen sinks too. Apply the paste, scrub gently, and rinse.

Polish chrome

Get rid of mineral deposits and polish chrome faucets and other tarnished chrome. Simply rub lemon rind over the chrome and watch it shine! Rinse well and dry with a soft cloth.
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Taken From :Extraordinary Uses For Ordinary Things

Chest Rub

This medicine cabinet staple solves more than your ailments.Repel ticks and other bugs

Going for a walk in the woods? Smear some chest rub on your legs and pants before you leave the house. It will keep ticks from biting and may spare you from getting Lyme disease. Pesky biting insects like gnats and mosquitoes will look elsewhere for victims if you apply chest rub to your skin before venturing outdoors. They hate the smell.

Chest Rub – Natural Cold Medication,

Make calluses disappear

Coat calluses with chest rub and then cover them with an adhesive bandage overnight. Repeat the procedure as needed. Most calluses will disappear after several days.

Soothe aching feet

Are your feet aching after that long walk in the woods? Try applying a thick coat of chest rub and cover with a pair of socks before going to bed at night. When you wake up, your feet will be moisturized and rejuvenated.

Stop insect-bite itch fast

Apply a generous coat of chest rub for immediate relief from itchy insect bites. The eucalyptus and menthol in the ointment are what do the trick.

Treat toenail fungus
If you have a toenail fungus (onychomycosis), try applying a thick coat of chest rub to the affected nail several times a day. Many users and even some medical pros swear that it works (just check the Internet). But if you don’t see results after a few weeks, consult a dermatologist or podiatrist.

Taken From:Extraordinary Uses Of Ordinary Things

News on Health & Science

Stay Cool Live Longer

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NEW YORK: For the first time new research has revealed how change in body temperature impacts the longevity of warm-blooded animals, including humans.

Bruno Conti of the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, and other researchers were conducting studies on how to prolong life and found that the lifespan of warm-blooded animals could be lengthened by slightly lowering their core body temperature, reported the health portal News Medical.

Lowering the body temperature of mice extended their lifespan by up to 20 per cent, the researchers said.

The mice in the study published in the journal Science were allowed to eat as much food as they wanted while their core body temperature was lowered modestly. This was done by focusing on the hypothalamus, a brain structure that acts as the body’s thermostat.

The median life span in females was extended by about 20 per cent and in males by about 12 per cent.

The researchers say the male mice weighed roughly 10 per cent more than the females, which could have been down to the diminished energy needed to maintain a lower body temperature.

But the practice is unlikely to apply to humans as the technique, though “technically feasible”, is essentially impractical and information on the safety of such an approach is scant, the researchers said.
Source: The Times Of India


Unbelievable Use Of Butter

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Check out these 12 unbelievable uses for butterKeep mold off cheese

Why waste good cheese by letting the cut edges get hard or moldy? Give semi-hard cheeses a light coat of butter to keep them fresh and free of mold. Each time you use the cheese, coat the cut edge with butter before you rewrap it and put it back in the fridge.

Make cat feel at home

Is the family feline freaked out by your move to a new home? Moving is often traumatic for pets as well as family members. Here’s a good way to help an adult cat adjust to the new house or apartment: Spread a little butter on the top of one of its front paws. Cats love the taste of butter so much they’ll keep coming back for more.

Get rid of fishy smell

Your fishing trip was a big success, but now your hands reek of fish. What to do? Just rub some butter on your hands, wash with warm water and soap, and your hands will smell clean and fresh again.

Swallow pills with ease

If you have difficulty getting pills to go down, try rolling them in a small amount of butter or margarine first. The pills will slide down your throat more easily.

Soothe aching feet

To soothe tired feet, massage them with butter, wrap in a damp, hot towel, and sit for 10 minutes. Your feet will feel revitalized … and they’ll smell like popcorn too.

Remove sap from skin

You’ve just gotten home from a pleasant walk in the woods, but your hand is still covered with sticky tree sap that feels like it will never come off. Don’t worry. Just rub butter on your hand and the gunky black sap will wash right off with soap and water.

Keep leftover onion fresh

The recipe calls for half an onion and you want to keep the remaining half fresh as long as possible. Rub butter on the cut surface and wrap the leftover onion in aluminum foil before putting it in the fridge. The butter will keep it fresh longer.

Zap ink stain on doll’s face

Uh-oh, one of the kids used a pen to draw a new smile on that favorite doll’s face. Try eliminating the kiddy graffiti by rubbing butter on it and leaving the doll face-up in the sun for a few days. Wash it off with soap and water.

Treat dry hair

Is your hair dry and brittle? Try buttering it up for a luxuriant shine. Massage a small chunk of butter into your dry hair, cover it with a shower cap for 30 minutes, then shampoo and rinse thoroughly.

Cut sticky foods with ease

Rub butter on your knife or scissor blades before cutting sticky foods like dates, figs, or marshmallows. The butter will act as a lubricant and keep the food from sticking to the blades.

Emergency shave cream

If you run out of shaving cream, try slathering some butter onto your wet skin for a smooth, close shave.

Prevent pots from boiling over
You take your eye off the pasta for two seconds, and the next thing you know, the pot is boiling over onto the stovetop. Keep the boiling water in the pot next time by adding a tablespoon or two of butter.

Taken From:Extraordinary Uses For Ordinary Things
