Healthy Tips

Olive Oil Protects Against Heart Attack

Portuguese researchers have identified a vital component of olive oil that gives greatest protection from heart attack and stroke.
No wonder why heart attack rates are relatively lower and human lifetime is over world averages in the Mediterranean islands.

Olive oil, which is an essential part of Mediterranean cuisine, is full of monounsaturated fats.  It lowers bad LDL cholesterol and reduces your risk of developing heart disease.
Lead researcher Fatima Paiva-Martins from University of Porto has discovered an antioxidant called DHPEA-EDA that protects red blood cells from damage more than any other part of olive oil.

“These findings provide the scientific basis for the clear health benefits that have been seen in people who have olive oil in their diet,” said Paiva-Martins.

During the study, research team led by Paiva-Martins compared the effects of four related polyphenolic compounds on red blood cells subjected to oxidative stress by a known free radical generating chemical.

Heart disease is caused partly by reactive oxygen, including free radicals, acting on LDL or “bad” cholesterol and resulting in hardening of the arteries. Red blood cells are particularly susceptible to oxidative damage because they are the body’s oxygen carriers.

They found that DHPEA-EDA was the most effective and protected red blood cells even at low concentrations.

The new discovery, Paiva-Martins believes, can lead to the production of “functional” olive oils specifically designed to reduce the risk of heart disease.


and The study  published in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research.

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Healthy Tips

The Best & Healthy Way to Eat Eggs

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Raw, hands down…. that many of you, especially women, will find this particularly difficult to accept. This is primarily because of the slimy texture but if you whip them up in a shake you won’t even know they are there.

Raw eggs are better because cooking them will damage the valuable nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin, bioflavanoids present in egg yolk that are incredibly important for your vision.

Heating the egg protein also changes its chemical shape, and the distortion can easily lead to allergies.

Further, when an egg is overcooked, such as when it is scrambled, the cholesterol in it becomes oxidized, or rancid, and oxidized cholesterol can increase your levels of inflammation and lead to numerous health problems.

So if you want to get the maximum health benefits that eggs have to offer, choose organic varieties and eat them raw. The next best would be soft-boiled and then sunny-side up, with the yolk still very runny.

If you are worried about getting salmonella from eating raw eggs, as many people initially are, please read my past article on the topic — Raw Eggs for Your Health — to address your concerns. The risk is actually very, very small.

Remember the MYTH :Brown eggs are better than white eggs.  Fact:NOT TRUE : The nutritional content of egg has got nothing to do with the outer  shell colour.

Related Links:
Eggs are the Better Breakfast Choice
A Novel Way to Consume Raw Eggs
Eggs-aggerated Health Myth Debunked

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Healthy Tips

The Sunny Side of Eggs

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Despite decades of advice that the cholesterol in eggs is bad for you, researchers now report evidence that eggs might actually reduce high blood pressure.

………………CLICK & SEE

The scientists found egg proteins that, in laboratory simulations of the human digestive process, seem to be as good as common prescription medications for lowering blood pressure.

However, it should be noted that funding for the research came from livestock and poultry industry groups. And the researchers emphasized that further study is needed to determine if the proteins actually work in humans.


Live Science February 23, 2009

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry February 11, 2009, 57 (2), pp 471–477

Dr.Mercola‘s Comments:-
Eggs are one of the healthiest foods you can eat, and it’s a shame they’ve been vilified for so long in the United States. As a result, egg consumption has been going down for the last 40 years, all because of concerns about cholesterol.

But the idea that eggs are unhealthy is a complete myth, one that’s easily debunked if you look at the evidence.

In this latest study, researchers identified several different peptides in eggs that act as potent ACE inhibitors, which are drugs used to lower high blood pressure. This means they may actually lower your risk of heart disease, not raise it as health officials like to say they do.

One particularly skewed belief is that eggs are bad for your heart; however, eating eggs on a daily basis may prove to hold numerous health benefits, especially a decreased risk of heart disease.

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Keeping & Maintaining Beautiful Hair

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Three main things are needed for a good-looking head of hair – haute hair – good health, the right attention to cleanliness, and caution when using cosmetic treatments.


1. Adequate Diet
Hair growth depends on an adequate diet. A widespread diet problem which causes loss of hair is iron deficiency Anaemia. The cause is too little iron in blood, brought on by a diet containing too little meat, eggs, cereals or peas and beans. Fresh fruits and vegetables are also needed to provide vitamin C, which enables the body to absorb iron.

2. Cutting the hair
Although cutting the hair is not essential to its well-being, it is easier to keep the scalp clean if the hair is kept reasonably short. Regular cutting does not make the hair grow strong or faster.

3. How hair can be damaged
Although scalp hair is hardy, and can withstand a lot of abuse, it can be damaged by too much or inexpertly applied perming, dyeing – Blonde to Brunette, bleaching and massage. The amount of beautying the hair can take varies from person to person. Occasionally the scalp is allergic to the dye and becomes inflamed and swollen. To prevent this occuring, the dye should be tested by applying it to a small area on the arm. If a patch of inflammation has developed, the dye must not be used on the hair.

Most people who bleach their hair do so with hydrogen peroxide. If the peroxide is repeatedly applied, it may make the hair brittle. Hair SOS If this happens the hair may turn rough, develop split ends, or become thinned or shortened.

Now, How to Maintain Good Hair?
Maintaining your hair is very easy. But in order to have sleek, beautiful hair you must be quite dedicated. These few steps will enhance your entire look immensely.

1. Brush hair regularly to loosen dead skin cells and help brush out old hair styling creams/sprays. This also stimulates the scalp and helps to promote healthy hair growth.

2.Wash hair with good-quality shampoo and conditioner chosen specifically for your hair type. (The most gentle you can find for your hair, as this will prevent over-drying.)

3. Towel-dry hair, squeezing hair between the towel. Do NOT rub the hair, this can weaken the follicle and make the hair brittle and dull. The cuticle of the hair will not lie flat, so it will not be smooth or shiny.

4.A “tiny” amount of olive oil or a similar oil can be used to give hair shine and to condition it. Beware of going overboard — too much will make hair look like an oil slick.

5. Get a haircut to suit your face shape. If in doubt as to what would suit you best, ask your hairdresser.

6.Frizz-control serum can be used in small quantities to tame frizzies, but make sure you do not use too much, and wash once a week with a deep-cleanse shampoo to avoid build-up which will leave hair looking dull and flaky.

7.Once a week, massage hair and scalp with coconut oil, wrap in gladwrap or a showercap, and leave overnight. In the morning, rinse well with water, and shampoo and condition as normal.

8.If you have dry hair, massage your head with your scalp nightly, for 5 minutes. This, like brushing, stimulates the oil glands to produce the amounts of natural serum needed to have glossy, moisturised hair.

9.Don’t wash your hair too often, for this will dry out your hair.

10. Putting too much heat in your hair can cause damage to the hair shaft and hair.

11. When brushing or combing hair, be gentle. Combing too roughly will cause your hair to break off each time you brush or comb.

12. Use some type of hair conditioner or oil creames to your hair, this will avoid dullness and dry looking hair.

13. Give yourself a hot oil treatment at leasts twice a month to maintain healthy shiny hair.

14.When blowdrying your hair, put a oil or cream in it before you blow your hair to prevent the damages from the heat of the blow dryer onto your hair.

1. Straightening and blowdrying your hair too often can damage your hair, so make sure you use a heat protectant spray first.
2.Also, try to have days off (eg, on the weekend) where you do not heat-style your hair. Use a ceramic straightner when possible.
3.If you have coloured hair, put hair wax in it before swimming in chlorinated water or the sea. This will prevent it drying out too much, and from fading.

4.Try to give your hair a break a few times a week, and do not heat-style. Instead, experiment with up-dos — a simple ponytail or chignon looks clean and requires very few hair products. You could also just keep your hair down and wear a headband.
You may click to see:->

How to Have and Maintain Beautiful Hair
Natural Hair Loss Remedies

Hair Loss Help and Advice

How You Can Treat Hair Loss

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Healthy Tips

7 Alternative Depression Treatments

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1.Food fixes :-
Dietary changes can alter the brain both chemically and structurally. If you’re feeling blue, take a step toward recovery by ensuring that your diet includes the following:

*Fish oil contains high levels of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid); a deficiency in DHA has been linked to depression. When DHA is plentiful, your mood isn’t the only thing that gets a boost—memory and learning are enhanced as well. Not a fish fan? Essential fatty acids are also found in a variety of seeds, nuts, oils and leafy vegetables.
Antioxidant-rich foods can also serve to bolster mental health. Try to include apricots, broccoli, carrots, pumpkin, spinach, sweet potato, blueberries, kiwi and oranges, among others, in your diet.
*Daily multivitamins are the final step in keeping your brain and body properly regulated. When selecting supplements, look for B vitamins, magnesium, folic acid, selenium, and the amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan. These brain boosters are important for curbing depression and anxiety due to their effects on the mood-regulating neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine.

It is important to note that dietary supplements are exactly that—supplements. They do little good when used in lieu of healthy eating and exercise habits.

2. Herbal antidepressants………
St. John’s wort supplements are perhaps the most well-known herbal remedy for depression. It works by preventing the re-uptake of serotonin and norepinephrine, two brain chemicals that affect mood. A review of research on St. John’s wort, published in the Annals of General Psychiatry in 2008, found it to be as helpful as mainstream antidepressants (though should be avoided by those on blood-thinning medications.)

Produced in the seeds of the African legume shrub Griffonia simplicifolia, 5-hydroxytryptophan, or 5-HTP, is sold as a supplement which may help alleviate depression symptoms. This supplement purportedly works by increasing the brain’s serotonin production, thereby stabilizing mood as well as eating and sleeping patterns. Like most unconventional remedies, the evidence for 5-HTP’s safety and effectiveness is mixed. It’s best absorbed when taken in combination with vitamin B-6.

Extract of Rhodiola rosea root, or SHR-5, is another alternative to mainstream treatment. It is marketed primarily as an energy and mental performance booster, but may also improve mood by reducing stress levels. SHR-5 is a good alternative to St. John’s wort for those taking blood thinners.

Taking more than one antidepressant at a time is dangerous; don’t start an herbal regimen if you’re already medicated.

3. Meditation …………………….
Regular meditation has been shown to lower heart rate and blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, and decrease the amount of stress hormone released by the brain.

There are many different ways to meditate. You can focus for an extended period of time on breathing or mantra repetition, or you can practice “mindfulness,” which involves regarding the thoughts and feelings that come to you as though you were an objective observer. By allowing your thoughts to come and go without judging or reacting to them, they will slowly lose their power over you. Not only will this relieve the stress of worrying, it will also give you a sense of control over how you feel. This is important in alleviating the feelings of hopelessness associated with depression.

It may take practice to keep from mentally straying when engaged in meditative exercises, but if you meditate for as little as 10 minutes a day, you will start reaping its benefits.
4.Touch therapy …. …….
Physical contact is an important element in human communication and connection; we use it to show affection, seek comfort, and believe it or not, to maintain our mental health. Therapeutic massage is based on the concept that a more relaxed body can mean a more relaxed mind. A meta-analysis conducted in association with the Massage Therapy Foundation in 2008 reported that a single massage therapy session can temporarily reduce heart rate and stress hormone levels, as well as promote the release of endorphins. While research on long-term treatment is lacking, there is evidence that it may lower blood pressure.

Reflexology is a more specific form of touch therapy that focuses solely on pressure points in the hands and feet. Its practitioners believe in the connection of these points to different organs in the body, the stimulation of which promotes toxin release and blood flow.

If you don’t have the finances to hire a professional massage therapist, you may be still be able to reap the benefits of touch. Interpersonal contact with family, friends, and partners stimulates the release of oxytocin in the brain. Sometimes referred to as the “trust hormone,” oxytocin enhances feelings of love and closeness between individuals

Depression is not only a mental state—the body will often mirror the distress of the mind in depressed individuals. During a biofeedback session, the treatment-seeker is fitted with electrodes and her physiological activity is monitored. The machine alerts its user when the body shows signs of stress so that conscious efforts can be made to lessen physical tension. Biofeedback may base its feedback on muscle tension, sweat-gland emission, skin temperature, respiration, and/or heart rate. Upon being alerted of the body’s arousal, the user makes conscious efforts to calm herself, thereby returning the body to a state of relaxation.

As the patient gains experience with biofeedback, she becomes more sensitive to her body’s signals, and may gain control over physical reactions that were once subconscious. In treating the physical manifestations of depression, the condition itself can be improved.

Biofeedback may be preferable to other alternative remedies if there is an anxiety component to your depression. A 2008 study by Robert Reiner, Ph.D., of the New York University Medical Center showed reduced anxiety and anger in 24 cognitive-behavioral-therapy patients who carried portable biofeedback devices for a period of three weeks.

6.Acupuncture ……………..
The Chinese practice of acupuncture is intended to unblock the flow of life energy known as qi. Needles are not inserted randomly, but target specific meridians (or qi channels) throughout the body. While some see this as a mystical concept, the hair-thin needles inserted during acupuncture do stimulate important nerves. This stimulation increases the brain’s release of norepinephrine, serotonin and endorphins, thereby boosting mood.

Once inserted, acupuncture needles are typically left in for about 20 to 40 minutes. They can be twisted, heated, or used to transmit small amounts of electricity into the skin to enhance nerve reactivity. This process is not usually painful, but will be felt to a greater or lesser extent depending on your sensitivity and the quality of your practitioner. Some insurance plans now cover acupuncture treatments, which can cost up to $100 per session.

7.Yoga ………….

Regular physical activity is important for maintaining both mental and physical health. Adopting a yoga regimen may be particularly beneficial for those suffering from depression, as the practice is considered by some to be a form of cognitive behavioral therapy. In mastering yoga postures, greater body awareness and self-efficacy is achieved. Concentration and self-control also improve. These tools translate to greater emotional control, which can help yoga practitioners maintain a stable mood despite negative external factors.

A 2007 review of the research on yoga, conducted by Kimberlee Bonura of Florida State University, reported that both short- and long-term practice can positively affect mental health. There is evidence that anxiety and depressed mood improve after just one yoga session, with benefits increasing the longer one continues to practice. Finally, yoga can serve to reduce stress hormone levels and relieve physical pains.

Sources: MSN Health.

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