News on Health & Science

Genes Cause Premature Ejaculation

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Premature ejaculation? Blame it on your gene, for a new study has revealed that the rapidity of ejaculation in men is genetically determined.

According to lead researcher Marcel Waldinger, “This theory contradicts the idea, which has been common for years, that the primary form of premature ejaculation is actually a psychological disorder.

“The results of our study confirm the genetic theory and may contribute to possible gene therapy against premature ejaculation.”

Waldinger and colleagues at Utrecht University have based their findings on an analysis of 89 Dutch men with premature ejaculation, who were also compared with a control group of 92 males, the ‘Journal of Sexual Medicine’ reported.

In the study, the female partners of the subjects used a stopwatch at home to measure the time until ejaculation each time they had intercourse for a month.

In men who suffer from premature ejaculation, the researchers found that the substance serotonin was less active between the nerves in the section of the brain that controls the ejaculation.

Moreover, a gene which had already been discovered, namely 5-HTTLPR, appeared to be responsible for the amount and activity of serotonin, which meant that it controlled the rapidity of ejaculation.

Three types of the gene exist: LL, SL and SS. The study showed that the LL type causes a more rapid ejaculation. On average, men with LL ejaculate twice as quickly as men with SS, and also almost twice as quickly as men with SL.

“This study applies to men who have always ejaculated prematurely from their first sexual contact onwards and not for men who started suffering from this later on in life,” the ‘ Science Daily ‘ quoted Waldinger as saying.

Sources: The Times Of India

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News on Health & Science

Vacation Sex Spices up Love Life

Kiss in Sa PaImage via Wikipedia

Want to pep up your love life? Well, then all you need to do is plan a “vacation” sex with your partner, for it can do wonders for your heart, mind, and soul, according to a new research.


Sex on a holiday allows you to get away from pressures, distractions, worries and responsibilities – basically, any of those libido-killers that affect your love life most days of the year.

While on vacation, you can totally devote yourself to nurturing your sexual needs and desires – and to attending to those of your lover.

This is one of the reasons the vast majority of American marriage counsellors recommend a regular weekend away as the one thing that can help a marriage, especially a struggling one.

Vacation is the best place to get ‘sexperimental’. People love having sex in new places. This is in large part because of the neurotransmitter dopamine. When people have new experiences, dopamine spikes in the brain, triggering lust. And with that, many are willing to try something new and exciting.

In a new, romantic, or exotic place, lovers can rediscover one another. In trying different restaurants or embarking on a variety of nightlife activities, every evening that you’re away feels like a date night, each with its own distinct backdrop.

All of this enhances lovers’ moods, helping them to feel better about one another and more connected.
When you make the time for nothing but loving, that’s hopefully what you’re going to get – and lots of it. Sex will breed the desire for more sex, making both partners feel better about their sex life and the relationship.

This is both for couples already content with their sex life and those hoping their vacation will make for some romance repair.

Sources: The Times Of India

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Health Quaries

Some Health Questions And Answers

Q: I have a paunch. How can I reduce it?….CLICK & SEE

A: Spot reduction of a paunch alone is not possible. You have to attempt all-round weight reduction and toning exercises. This can be done with a judicious combination of diet and exercise. Either alone will work only in the short term.

Men tend to accumulate weight around their middle. It will probably be the first place you gain weight and the last place you lose it. The risk factors associated with a paunch are diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. In men the risk increases once the waist measurement crosses 102 cm.

No surgery
Q: My eight-year-old son has frequent attacks of tonsillitis when the weather changes or if he drinks or eats refrigerated things. The doctor says I should wait and not have them operated. Is that correct?

A: Years ago many children had their tonsils removed as they were considered a useless troublesome organ. Today, we know that the tonsils filter out harmful viruses and bacteria and prevent them from entering the body and causing disease. Surgery is seldom necessary. It is recommended if there are seven or more episodes of tonsillitis in one year, the swollen tonsils interfere with breathing or swallowing, or an abscess develops in the tonsils.

Infection occurs with bacteria and viruses. These are usually spread with close contact. The number of infections increases when the child starts school. The refrigerator probably has little to do with the frequent attacks.

The tonsils tend to decrease in size as the child grows older. Waiting and watching instead of rushing into surgery seems like a sensible option. Your doctor is right.

Safe period
Q: We are a newly married couple and do not want children. My wife dislikes condoms and refuses to take the pill. My friend advised natural family planning and the safe days. I was too embarrassed to find out the details. How do we go about it?

A: First, you have to calculate the length of your wife’s menstrual cycle. This can vary in different women and can be anywhere from 26 to 45 days. The first day of bleeding is taken as day one.

Pregnancy occurs if there is sexual intercourse around the time the egg is released. This is usually 14 days before the next period starts. The safe period is thus seven days before and seven days after menstruation. It is not a very reliable method though.

Some couples practice coitus interruptus. In this method, ejaculation takes place outside the vagina.

Medication and sterility
Q: My wife and I have been trying to have a baby for the last 20 years. She is now nearing 40. She has had two miscarriages in the past. I was given methotrexate on and off for my medical condition of psoariasis. I now think this may be the cause of our problem.

Gonadotoxins are substances that interfere with sperm formation and quality. They may be chemicals, medication (both prescription and non-prescription), tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs. The severity and reversibility of the problem depend on the duration and amount of exposure. Methotrexate is one of the medicines that can do this if taken long term.

Consult a reproductive medicine unit in a hospital near you. They will be able to work with your physician to determine the best course of action.

Memory loss
Q: I am preparing very hard for my exams. My marks used to be very good. Now the more I study the less I remember. My marks are decreasing. All these late nights are making me irritable.

A: Sleep deprivation leads to memory loss, irritability and a decline in reasoning. All the three would work against good academic performance.

Most people need around eight hours of sleep a day. Your brain automatically knows how tired you are. If you are consistently using an alarm clock to wake up, it means that you are forcing your brain to function when it is not ready. This decreases efficiency and impairs memory.

Perhaps your marks will be better if you put in 30 minutes of physical activity a day and also got rid of your alarm clock.

Source:The Telegraph (Kolkata, India)

Ailmemts & Remedies


Leucorrhoea, vaginal discharge is a universal problem of all women. No body escapes from this illness. Female genitals are very much prone to infections since they are moist, more sweaty and covered. The white vaginal discharge with foul smell makes it embarrassing to get into social gatherings and even engage in personal affairs. The affected women need reassurance, prevention of infection and some counselling as they usually have abnormal psychosomatic scores.


Most secretions are regarding life style physiological and warrant no medical interventions. But it is significant if it is blood stained, profuse, foul smelling or with changes in its colour. Usually the normal secretions are slimy and slightly sticky. It is something like nasal secretion. Normally the quantity of vaginal secretions varies throughout the menstrual cycle, peaking at ovulation and also increasing when under emotional stress.

There are two types of Leucorrhoea, physiological and pathological. In physiological Leucorrhoea, the discharge is normal due to excitement or other factors like nervousness. Such a discharge need not be worried about. It is found under following conditions:

*Seen in newborn baby for a week due to maternal oestrogen.
*Seen in girls during puberty due to hormonal changes.
*At the time of ovulation and in early pregnancy.
*During sexual excitement.

General ill health and under nutrition.
Dysfunctional state in genital tract.
Psychological factors.

In addition to infection, some hormonal and metabolical disorders are also responsible for the condition.
Ayurveda considers that leucorrhoea is caused by the vitiation of kapha; it occurs commonly among weak and anaemic women. It can also be due to the inflammation of the womb following childbirth, displacement of the uterus, or gonorrhoea. Among young females, it may be due to threadworms, as the result of general debility combined with lack of cleanliness or infections. Leucorrhoea may also occur during the menstrual periods in young women, due to the thickening of the mucus membrane in the reproductive organs. During the child bearing years from adolescence to the mid-forties, infection may sometimes follow birth of a child due to damage of the cervix during the delivery of the baby.

Leucorrhoea usually shows symptoms in association with other illness. Wide variety of reasons are encountered in its causation. Commonly fungal, parasitic, bacterial and sexually transmitted diseases are the prime causative factors.

The most comon symptoms are:
1.woman complains of a thin, yellow to grey vaginal discharge which is often foamy and has an unpleasant odour.

2. There may be some itching and redness noted around and inside the vagina.

3.Some women and men do not show symptoms at all. It is important that if your partner is treated for Trichomoniasis, you as well get treated.

The discharge is often white. Flow may stiffen the linen or simply leave back a trace of white powder or scales.
In most cases discharge emanates from the uterine cavity or vagina. In catarrhal or idiopathic variety of leucorrhoea the discharge is in mild and liquid form. The discharge from the uterus is often from uterine cavity. In certain ladies leucorrhoea discharge sets in even 8-10 days before anticipated period of menses and stops as soon as menses appear but in others, it may start when menses are over.
In addition to the whitish discharge from the vaginal tract, there is weakness as well as pain in the lumbar region and the calves. A burning sensation may be present along with constipation. There appears to be a direct relationship of this disease with a nervous temperament. The patient develops black patches under the eyes. Late nights precipitate the attack.

A vaginal smear reveals the type of infection. Blood studies are also important to study the serological reactions pertaining to the type of infections.


Treatment is in the form of vaginal tablets and cream. Sometimes tablets are taken by mouth as well. Candidiasis often recurs. It is important to continue treatment and follow all directions even after symptoms disappear.

Even though you have many means to kill fungus, bacteria or parasite, immunity plays important role in their elimination. That is the reason why you cannot find a permanent solution to a particular causation. The body that is more susceptible to infection of the particular pathogen, it invites a Homoeopathic remedy for permanent cure! Even the white discharge cases are treated with homoeopathy medicines. I have attended to a variety of cases with different illnesses. There are many clinical histories something peculiar to find in children. Many girls are prone to get leucorrhoea before puberty.

Homoeopathic prescriptions are based on the nature of the discharge and studying the patient as a separate, whole entity to raise the immunity. Say bye to all your problems!

Homeopathy Remedies and Treatment

Home remedies:
A proper diagnosis of the disease must be made and the cause removed. In addition to the medicine prescribed below, a regular douching of the genital tract with the decoction of the bark of the banyan tree or the fig tree is very helpful. A tablespoon of each of the powders of the barks of the two trees should be boiled in a litre of water till it is reduced to about half. Douching with the lukewarm decoction keeps the vaginal tract healthy and clean.
1. About 12 centigms. of assfoetida (hing) gum fried in ghee mixed with 120 gms of goat milk and a tea spoonful of honey should be given thrice a day for a month.

2. Bark of Asoka is an effective medicine for leucorrhoea.

3.Pessaries or vaginal suppositories made of henna (mehndi) leaves and seeds can be used beneffically.

4.A regular douching of the genital tract with a decoction of the banyan bark and the fig trees is very useful.A tea spoonful of each powder of the bark of the said trees should be boiled in a litre of water till it reduces to half.

5.A decoction made from babul tree should be used as a veginal douche.

6.A decoction of butea (palas) leaves should be used as a veginal douche.

Coriander(dhania) seeds: A home remedy used in this condition is to soak about ten Gms of dry Coriander(dhania) in 100 ml of water overnight, and to drink the water in the early morning. It gives relief in seven to eight days in most cases.


Fenugreek seeds: Fenugreek seeds are valuable in leucorrhoea. They should be taken internally in the form of tea and also used as a douche. As a douche, the solution should be much stronger than tea. Two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds should be put in a litre of cold water and allowed to simmer for half an hour over a low flame. The decoction should then be strained and use as a douche. ls.


Ayurvedic Medicinal Cure
Pushyanug Churna : 5-10 gm twice daily.
Patrangasava : 15-30 ml twice daily after meals with
Chandraprabhavati : 2 pills in the morning and evening with a glass of milk.
Dry Indian Gooseberry(amla) and liquorice(mulethi) in equal quantities, powdered and mixed with thrice the quantity of honey is an effective drug for this disease.
Pradrantak lauh : 1 gm thrice daily. To be taken with honey.

List of Ayurvedic Products Saleable Online
Fried and spicy foods are to be avoided. The patient should be encouraged to chew Betel nut (supari) after meals: it has a curative effect and also prevents the development of the disease.

If you notice discharge from the urethra or vagina, pain while urinating, ulcer on the genitals, consult your doctor.
Since the infection can be transmitted by sharing wash-cloths, towels, bathing suits, underwear or any moist object, be careful!
If you do have more than one sexual partner or unsure whether your partner has more than one partner, it is very important to use condoms.

Other precautions:
Wash genitals everyday
Wear clean underwear every day
Always wash yourself from front to back.
Avoid sprays, deodorants, and strong perfumed soap and bath products.

A cold hip bath taken twice a day for ten minutes at a time, will help relieve congestion in the pelvic region and facilitate quick elimination of morbid matter.

Do not stop treatment when symptoms disappear – the full course of treatment is very important. Abstain from sexual intercourse during treatment in order to avoid irritation of tissues, which are in the process of healing.

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.

Help taken and Miracle of Herbs

Ailmemts & Remedies

Managing Symptoms of Menopause

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The following tips may be beneficial for these common symptoms of menopause:

Hot Flashes:
1.Wear fabrics that breathe, such as cotton. Do not wear silk, polyester and other synthetics that tend to trap body heat.

2.If you feel a hot flash coming on, drink a glass of cold water.

3.If troubled by night sweats, keep a cold facecloth or ice pack by your bed.

4.Instead of pantyhose, wear cotton pants or thigh high stockings.

5.Decrease your intake of caffeine and alcohol.

6.Avoid spicy foods and hot drinks.

7.Avoid tobacco.

8.Try eating and drinking more soy products.

9.Some women claim that taking vitamin E daily helps.
Vaginal Dryness/Urinary Problems
(urinary tract infections, incontinence)

10. Use a vaginal cream or lubricant (avoid petroleum jelly) to help reduce pain from dryness during sexual intercourse.

11.Urinate before and after sexual intercourse to help prevent bladder infections.

12.Drink plenty of fluids and empty your bladder frequently.

13. Try Kegel exercises (tighten and relax the muscles you use to stop urination) daily. They strengthen the vaginal muscles, enhance orgasm, and help prevent incontinence.

Psychological Problems
(anxiety, irritability, depression)

1.Communicate openly with your partner about your symptoms and ask for support.

2.Join or even start a support group specific to menopause or other life changes you are experiencing.

3.Find and share support with colleagues at work who are going through the same thing.
Seek counseling.

4.Medication such as tranquilizers and antidepressants may help.

5.Identify which sources of stress you can eliminate from your life.

1.Write things down.

2.Use appointment books, calendars, post-it notes, alarm clocks and timers.

3.Ask other people for reminders.

Weight Gain:
1.Engage in an aerobic or Yoga exercise at least three times per week for at least 30 minutes per session.

2.Find ways to incorporate more exercise into your daily routine, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

3.Decrease your intake of fat and calories.

Native Remedies has put together a trio of effective, natural remedies proven Menopause and PMS. Each, on its own, has been shown to be highly effective.

Fast Menopause Relief

Herbal Menopause Relief

Homeopathic & Natural relief of Menopause

Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advise or help. It is always best to consult with a Physician about serious health concerns. This information is in no way intended to diagnose or prescribe remedies.
